Home 2019 Elections Optimism for 2019: Tim Kaine Won 26/40 Virginia State Senate Districts, 61/100...

Optimism for 2019: Tim Kaine Won 26/40 Virginia State Senate Districts, 61/100 House of Delegates Districts


Check out the following graphics, courtesy of VPAP, which show that Tim Kaine won a whopping 26/40 Virginia State Senate districts on Tuesday and also 61/100 Virginia House of Delegates districts. Note that currently, Democrats hold only 19/40 seats in the State Senate and just 49/100 in the House of Delegates. These Kaine vs. Stewart numbers are probably inflated because neo-Confederate Corey was such a debacle, but still, they indicate significant growth potential for Virginia Dems in 2019…and that’s not even considering the results of a new House of Delegates map by the “special master” as part of the “Bethune-Hill” racial gerrymandering case.

As RTD political reporter Graham Moomaw notes, “GOP-held Va. House districts that went for Kaine: HD94 – Yancey – 58.5% HD40 – Hugo – 58.1% HD28 – Thomas – 54.9% HD100 – Bloxom – 54.4% HD27 – Robinson – 54.1% HD84 – Davis – 52.9% HD62 – Ingram – 52.6% HD83 – Stolle – 51.2% HD76 – Chris Jones – 51.1%.” [UPDATE: HD91 – Helsel – 49.7%]  Also, Republican-held State Senate districts that went for Kaine are: SD10 – Sturtevant – 60.4% SD13 – Black – 58.3% SD12 – Dunnavant – 56.5% SD7 – Wagner – 55.6% SD17 – Reeves – 52.2% SD8 – DeSteph – 51.3% SD11 – Chase – 49.6%.

Looks like we now have our top targets for 2019: Republican Delegates Yancey, Hugo, Thomas, Bloxom, Robinson, Davis, Ingram, Stolle, Jones; Republican State Senators Sturtevant, Black, Dunnavant, Wagner, Reeves, DeSteph, Chase. Go git’m! 😉


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