Home 2020 Elections Saturday News: COVID Cases Continue to Surge; Biden Urges Patience, Unity; “What...

Saturday News: COVID Cases Continue to Surge; Biden Urges Patience, Unity; “What the heck are the decision desks doing?”; “The Slow-Motion Humiliation of an Empty Demagogue”; “Republicans are at each other’s throats. Democrats shouldn’t be”


by Lowell

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, November 7.


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Previous articleFar-Right VA State Sen. Amanda Chase (R) Claims “There Is No Connection” Between Her and the “individual believed to be connected to the [PA Convention Center] incident”
Next articleSaturday (11/7) Virginia Data on COVID-19 Finds +2,103 Confirmed/Probable Cases (to 190,873), +86 Hospitalizations (to 13,022), +? Deaths (to 3,704)