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Video: New Ad By Pete Snyder Demonstrates Yet Again That Virginia Republicans Have an Inexhaustible Supply of Crazy

Ad has Gov. "Little Ralphie" Northam firing a missile at Santa and his reindeer. WTF?


The following ad, or whatever the hell it is, from possible (likely?) 2021 Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Pete Snyder’s PAC (“Disruptor PAC”) demonstrates yet again that Virginia Republicans have an inexhaustible supply of crazy in their party. I mean, what even is this?!?

In sum: Gov. Northam – who Snyder, acting like he’s back in 7th grade, calls “Little Ralphie Northam” – fires a missile at Santa Claus as he and the reindeer enter Virginia airspace? For violating COVID-19 curfew, presumably? Hilarious, eh? Clever, too! Not. Then, the ad segues to a ridiculous attack on “everything politicians threw our way” in 2020, apparently referring to efforts by Gov. Northam to slow the deadly pandemic. And finally, the ad looks forward to 2021, with a vaccine and “the election of a new Virginia governor.” Which is a stunning revelation, of course, for everyone who didn’t realize that Virginia always elects a new governor every four years, since we have an idiotic one-term-in-a-row limit.

So anyway, yeah, it doesn’t look like the 2021 Virginia GOP gubernatorial field is going to be showing any signs of improved intelligence or sanity levels anytime soon. Let’s all just make our New Year’s resolutions now, to elect a *Democrat* as governor next November, and certainly not anyone who would put together an ad like this! LOL

P.S. For more on Snyder, see Pete Snyder FINALLY Tells Us What His “Big Ideas” Are…; Audio: Dick Saslaw Calls Pete Snyder “Some Nutjob” with Zero Knowledge of Virginia; Pete Snyder: “it’s actually better to be uninsured than to be on Medicaid.”; Flashback (10/26): Delusional VA Republican Pete Snyder on Romney’s, Allen’s “Major Momentum”; etc.


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