Home 2024 Elections Video: The Buena Vista Labor Day Speech By Virginia LG Winsome Sears...

Video: The Buena Vista Labor Day Speech By Virginia LG Winsome Sears Has to Be Seen to Be Believed. WTF???

Sears: "Four years later, they're removing body parts from our children and calling it freedom"


This lie-filled, wildly-over-the-top speech (see video and transcript, below) by right-wing-Republican Virginia LG Winsome Sears at the Buena Vista Labor Day event yesterday really just has to be seen to be believed (and even then, you might not believe it! LOL), because it’s almost impossible to even describe it in words. For an excellent summary, though, see Jade Harris’ writeup at Daily Kos:

“Lt. Governor Winsome Sears was next to take the stage, and what followed was approximately ten minutes of some of the most awkward tryhard performance art I’ve ever had the misfortune to witness. If she was auditioning for a comedy in the vein of 19th century minstrel shows, she would have nailed the part. I knew we were in for a show when she screamed “Good morning BWAYNA Vista” and when the audience groaned (as they should), she repeated her mistake even louder.

Devoid of any class, reason, or respect for her office, Lt. Governor Sears launched into a tirade of one liners and squeals so loud she nearly caused the speaker system to malfunction. As we laughed at her little show, she repeatedly kept throwing her arms to the wind and gyrating as she gave her best telenovela impression of Kamala’s iconic “I’m speaking” line. Finally, in a sorry attempt to repeat her 2021 lie (bestie needs to get some new material), she claimed that the Democrats told her to “go back to Jamaica” and that the entire city of Buena Vista was racist for telling a Black woman to get off the stage. As I stood in the very front, a Black woman standing side by side with another Black woman, looking Lt. Gov Sears and the Republicans in the eye as she claimed that WE were the racist ones for telling her to stop lying for once in her life, I found myself feeling a deep and profound sadness for her. It was an absolute caricature of a political speech, and I wish Winsome Sears all the best in her quest to gain some self respect without making a spectacle of herself.”

And remember, Sears is quite possibly going to be the Virginia GOP’s nominee for GOVERNOR next year.  Yikes. With that, check out the video and transcript of Sears’ wild-lie-filled tirade…

“[BOOO.] Four years later, they’re removing body parts from our children and calling it freedom. Four years later the border is wide open and criminals are coming across and they’re calling it freedom. Four years later, we’re paying more in food and they call it freedom. Freedom, my friends, ain’t free because people have died when they pulled us out of Afghanistan. Marines. And you call it freedom? I’m telling you what take down that weird sign cuz y’all are the ones who are weird. That’s not freedom! [BOOOO.]

Freedom is not free! And I’m not playing around, because we have to win, because nobody knows who’s in charge in the White House right now. [BOOOO.] And that’s a national security issue. Let me – wait a minute, did I hear somebody say go back to Jamaica where you came from? I just want to be sure. I just want to be sure. Because I understand that y’all are the tolerant people. So I want to know. I just want to be sure. Because the vice president’s father was from Jamaica.

Folks, we got to win in November. I want to vote for the person other nations are afraid of…Donald Trump he didn’t start no wars. I am speaking! I am speaking! I am speaking! USA USA USA USA! USA USA USA! We’re going to win in November. We’re going to win in November! We have to win! We got to keep the White House! We’re going to win! God bless you! God bless you! And God bless America!

And one more thing. One more thing. They’re telling a Black woman to get off the stage. They’re telling a Black woman to get off the stage. The Democrats are telling a Black woman to get off the stage. Why didn’t you tell that to Kamala Harris? Why didn’t you tell that to Kamala Harris? The Democrats are telling a Black woman to get off the stage. It was the Republican Party who nominated me, a Black woman, to be lieutenant governor of Virginia. And it was the Republican party that voted for me, the first female Black immigrant Marine lieutenant governor of Virginia. God Bless America.”


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