Home Ralph Northam And Yet ANOTHER New Poll of Virginia, This Time by Quinnipiac University:...

And Yet ANOTHER New Poll of Virginia, This Time by Quinnipiac University: Voters Don’t Believe Anyone Should be Impeached or That Northam’s a Racist

By nearly 2:1 margin, Virginia voters support third-trimester abortion if mother's health at risk


Compare and contrast the IPSOS/UVA poll to this new poll by Quinnipiac University:

  • 48 percent of Virginia voters say Gov. Ralph Northam should not resign, as 42 percent say he should step down”
  • “Voters are divided 36–36 percent on whether Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax should resign, but say 54–24 percent he should not be impeached
  • “Attorney General Mark Herring should not resign, Virginia voters say 54–22 percent, and say 63–16 percent he should not be impeached
  • “Virginia voters give Gov. Northam a negative 39–44 percent approval rating, down from a positive 49–25 percent approval in a June 26, 2018 Quinnipiac University poll. There is a wide racial gap as black voters approve 49–24 percent, while white voters disapprove 50–36 percent.”
  • Black voters say 56–31 percent that Northam should not resign, with white voters split 46–46 percent.”
  • Dems approve of Northam 59%-25%.
  • Northam is not a racist, Virginia voters say 62–21 percent, with little difference between black and white voters”
  • Only 12 percent of Virginia voters believe Lt. Gov. Fairfax’s denial of accusations of sexual assault, while 37 percent believe his two accusers, with 51 percent undecided” (41% of Dems believe Tyson and Watson, 18% of Dems believe Fairfax)
  • Fairfax gets a negative 11–36 percent favorability rating” (Dems 15%-29%, Rs 5%-47%)
  • Virginia voters disapprove 59–36 percent of the job President Donald Trump is doing.”
  • “Voters approve 55–35 percent of the job U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine is doing and approve 51 – 31 percent of the job U.S. Sen. Mark Warner is doing.”
  • “Virginia voters agree 66–27 percent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and support 58–31 percent abortion in the third trimester if a doctor determines the mother’s health is at risk.”
  • 81% of Dems think prejudice against black people is a serious problem in Virginia vs. only 35% of Republicans.

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