Home 2019 Elections Republican Extremists Running for Fairfax County Public School Board

Republican Extremists Running for Fairfax County Public School Board

Special guest appearance: George "Felix Macacawitz" Allen!


Fairfax Republicans have really gone hog wild on the extremists for School Board this year. See below for more, starting with my tweet from April 24, followed by George “Felix Macacawitz” Allen’s glowing endorsement of “At-Large” Republican School Board nominee Vinson Xavier Palathingal, followed by a post by Robert Norris Rigby of FCPS Pride about Palathingal’s views on charter schools and private school vouchers.

Then, as an added bonus, our old pal Elizabeth Schultz is kicking off her reelection campaign – check that out, below. For more on Schultz, see  Fairfax NAACP to Far-Right School Board Member: More Police and Guns in Schools Are NOT the AnswerFairfax County School Board Member Pat Hynes: “more evidence of the need to challenge Springfield member Elizabeth Schultz”Far-Right Fairfax County Public School Board Member Supports Guy Who Thinks Women Who Get Abortions Should Be Hanged.Far-Right Fairfax School Board Member: Gun Violence Prevention “Not a Job for Traumatized Children” (Audio)Fairfax Dems Vice Chair Open Letter to Far-Right-Wing Elizabeth SchultzFairfax County School Board Member to Speak at Anti-LGBT Hate Group EventPepe the Frog: Hate Speech Disseminated by Fairfax County Public School Board Member?Latest Tweets by Fairfax Far-Right School Board Member Feature Fidel, Florence Henderson with Laser Beams, etc.

Bottom line: this coming November, we need to vote Democratic, up and down the ballot, both in Fairfax County and across the Commonwealth. The stakes couldn’t be higher in these dangerous times we’re living through…



P.S. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention Laura Drain, who “is concerned that parents have been told that Family Life Education is a factual, preventive program when it is neither.” On Wednesday, Drain said on right-wing radio that she’s against using technology in the schools and that she’s against changing (Confederate) names of schools. And here Drain is interviewing Elizabeth Schultz, talking about how uncomfortable she is with Family Life Education, how “explicit and graphic” it supposedly is, etc.


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