Home Education Far-Right Fairfax School Board Member: Gun Violence Prevention “Not a Job for...

Far-Right Fairfax School Board Member: Gun Violence Prevention “Not a Job for Traumatized Children” (Audio)


Far-right Fairfax County School Board member Elizabeth Schultz strikes again, this time on WMAL (right-wing talk radio) this morning. See below for two audio snippets from her interview, in which (of course) she called for more guns in schools as the main answer post-Parkland. Schultz also had brilliant things to say like:

  • “This [gun violence prevention] is not a job for traumatized children.”
  • “An armed presence [in schools]…has to be part of a threat deterrent.”
  • “Our children are vulnerable because we’ve placed them in targeted locations where we say there are no guns except for the perpetrators.”

P.S. For more classics from Schultz, who absolutely must be defeated next year, see FCDC Chair Sue Langley: School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz (R) “has gone on a Trump style, unhinged social media rant”Audio: EW Jackson Talks to Anti-#LGBT Fairfax County School Board Member Elizabeth SchultzFar-Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Recommends Video by Rabid Bigot, Extremist,Video: Heated Debate Over Transgender Rights in Fairfax County Public SchoolsAudio: “Only voice of reason on the Fairfax County School Board” Goes Nuts Over Transgender DirectiveJust When You Thought Fairfax County School Board Member, Anti-LGBT Extremist Elizabeth Schultz Couldn’t Get Any Crazier,  Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Tweets Out False Popular Vote Count; etc.



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