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Wednesday News: Trump’s Disgraceful Behavior at Arlington National Cemetery; After Bonkers SCOTUS Ruling, “Trump Reindicted On Coup Attempt Charges”; “Harris and Walz kick off Georgia bus tour as Democrats’ hopes rise”; “Mark Zuckerberg’s election-season gift to Republicans”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, August 28.

The Civil Service Is Personal to Me – As Is the Threat to It by Donald Trump, Glenn Youngkin and the Republican Party


by Alvina McHale of Arlington

If Donald Trump wins in November, Virginia’s Governor is not concerned in the least about the possibility that hundreds of thousands of Virginians’ federal civil service jobs could be on the chopping block. As we head into the final months before the election, it is particularly striking that there has been no change in the Governor’s position.

I find it disturbing how little he understands or respects government service.

I see the current political reality through the lens of a retired public servant whose career began on Capitol Hill in 1969 and ended with 30-plus years with the U.S. Treasury Department. For decades, I was proud to be a civil servant and represent the interests of the American people. My work colleagues were some of the finest people I ever met.

Some politicians are willing to use federal employees to their advantage. I remember several occasions when a U.S. Vice President toured IRS Service Centers to advertise the production of tax rebate checks. Center Directors and staff planned the tours, worked with Secret Service, explained how their systems worked, and hosted a media event requested by the Vice President’s office. I particularly remember the end of one very long day in Philadelphia when the Vice President and his encourage left the building without thanking anyone.

There was the Republican Senate Finance Committee Chairman who brought hooded IRS employees to the witness table at a hearing in an attempt to trash the agency. Many years later, I was the Treasury representative at Making Home Affordable events across the country. Sadly, it was late in the financial crisis by the time Barack Obama was sworn in as President and too many people had already lost jobs.  Others were trapped in mortgages where homeowners paid interest on loans but not one dime went toward reducing the original mortgage amount. At least we spoke truth to homeowners and helped guide them as to what options they did have.

It is time to face today’s current political realities. Virginia’s Republican Governor and the Republican candidate for President are prepared to risk the financial future of a highly significant number of Virginians, their families, and the economy of the entire Commonwealth. We are not without an exit strategy. All Virginians need to stand up and speak out with their votes in November.

Kaine For Virginia Launches New Series, “Cao’s Cuts,” To Highlight How Hung Cao’s Extreme Plans Would Be Bad For Virginia  


From Sen. Tim Kaine’s reelection campaign – go Kaine!

Kaine For Virginia Launches New Series, “Cao’s Cuts,” To Highlight How Hung Cao’s Extreme Plans Would Be Bad For Virginia  

Richmond, VA — Today, Kaine for Virginia is launching a new series of press releases called “Cao’s Cuts,” highlighting Hung Cao’s out-of-touch, extreme plans if elected to the U.S. Senate. Over the next several weeks, the campaign will call out Hung Cao’s dangerous plans and the ways they could impact Virginians.

In February of 2022, Florida Senator Rick Scott, then serving as the leader of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, rolled out a radical budgetary plan for the GOP. Hung Cao bragged that he was consulted by Rick Scott about the plan and called it “perfect,” even as fellow Republicans lambasted Scott’s disastrous scheme to end Social Security and Medicare and raise taxes on the middle class. But it isn’t just Social Security and Medicare. Cao’s plans on law enforcement, veterans, and hardworking Virginians would be a disaster. If Cao had his way, he could weaken border security; defund law enforcement; jeopardize veterans’ benefits; raise taxes on active-duty servicemembers and disenfranchise veterans; put Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid on the chopping block; raise taxes on Virginia families and small businesses; and give the rich giant tax giveaways.

“Hung Cao is trying to hide his dangerous, extreme plans from Virginia voters,” said Michael Beyer, Communications Director for Senator Kaine’s campaign. “If Cao has his way, Cao’s Cuts could raise taxes on Virginians, strip them of their health care, and end Social Security and Medicare. Our campaign is launching ‘Cao’s Cuts’ so Virginians know that Hung Cao is too extreme for Virginians.”

Throughout his campaign, Hung Cao has avoided facing voters to answer for his extreme plans. During the primary campaign, Cao skipped a candidate forum in Augusta County and said it would be “ridonkulous” to drive to Abingdon to answer questions from Virginians. Then, Cao skipped out on the traditional first debate of the campaign season, yet again dodging tough questions to hide his out-of-touch positions from Virginians.

SPLIT SCREEN: Democrats’ Unconfined Joy Results in Surging Energy While MAGA GOP Spiral


From the DNC:

SPLIT SCREEN: Democrats’ Unconfined Joy Results in Surging Energy While MAGA GOP Spiral

The 2024 Democratic Convention showcased how Democrats’ strength, unity, and grassroots energy continues to soar to historic heights – and the unconfined joy seen across the country continues to fuel mass mobilization, historic fundraising, and expansive organizing for candidates up and down the ballot.

Time flies when you’re having fun, and Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have spent the past month crisscrossing battleground states to meet voters where they are – from jam-packed arenas in PennsylvaniaNevada, and Arizona to meeting with union workers in Michigan and small business owners in Wisconsin. All this momentum led up to the historic 2024 Democratic National Convention, which received record-breaking viewership across the country and energized the Democratic Party, as polls find Harris now leads Trump in critical battleground states.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is going through it. Former administration members are turning their backs on Trump, and there’s such widespread panickingspiraling, and temper tantruming that even close Trump allies describe this as “the rockiest period of Mr. Trump’s campaign.” Trump appears unable to focus on campaigning, he’s rather spend time picking fights with his own far-right MAGA Republican allies, doubling down on his deeply unpopular Project 2025 agenda which would instate a whopping 20% tariff on all imported goods – which would decimate the economy at the expense of working families, or generating headline after headline making it clear that he and JD Vance will never beat the weirdo allegations.

Democrats are paving the path to victory in November with record-breaking fundraising, robust infrastructure, and a winning platform that gives every American a fair shot. 

  • Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech as the Democratic nominee brought in millions of viewers, peaking at 28.9 millionsignificantly more than RNC viewership.
  • The convention week was the biggest organizing week of the Harris-Walz campaign, with volunteers signing up for nearly 200,000 new shifts.
  • Team Harris-Walz raised $82 million during the convention – with one-third coming from first-time donors. And in just over a month since launch, Team Harris-Walz has raised $540 million – a record for any campaign in history. 
  • Harris now leads Trump in national polls, showing her message is resonating with the nation and American voters are excited to cast their votes for the Democratic nominee this November. The convention reminded Americans that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are fighting for the people, for our freedoms, and for our future — while Donald Trump is only fighting for himself.
  • According to July’s fundraising numbers, the Harris campaign brought in a staggering $204 million compared to Trump’s $48 million.
  • Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz are gaining historic momentum, with many polls showing Harris is leading in key battleground states. Unlike MAGA Republicans’ deeply unpopular Project 2025 agenda, Democrats’ message is resonating.
  • Voters continue to celebrate Tim Walz, with the campaign raising $36 million within the first 24 hours after he was announced as Harris’ pick for VP.
  • A poll released by Financial Times and the University of Michigan finds that voters trust Vice President Kamala Harris more than Donald Trump on the economy.
  • Prominent Republican leaders formed Republicans for Harris,” urging members of their party to support the Harris-Walz ticket over former President Trump.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign and MAGA Republicans are in shambles — from Trump attacking his own donors and Republican allies, to abysmal polling numbers, creepy VP pick JD Vance dragging down the ticket, and the Trump-Vance ticket continuing to alienate hardworking Americans with their out-of-touch and dangerous Project 2025 agenda.


Tuesday News: “Underestimated at Every Turn, Kamala Harris Delivers”; “Trump shared post from N-word-spewing account that claims ‘Hitler was right’ and the Holocaust ‘never happened'”; “Loony” RFK Jr. “says he’s been tapped for Trump’s transition team”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, August 27.

Trump’s Circle of Weirdos Gets Even More Extreme With Endorsement From Tulsi Gabbard


From the DNC War Room:

Trump’s Circle of Weirdos Gets Even More Extreme With Endorsement From Tulsi Gabbard

In response to Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Donald Trump, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump’s MAGA brand is so toxic that he’s resorted to touting support from off-putting extremists like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. Gabbard and Trump have a lot in common – they have both earned the praises of white supremacists and other extremists, celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and campaigned for dangerous election deniers. Rather than focusing on earning the support of hardworking Americans, Trump is more fixated on winning the backing of extremists like Gabbard and RFK Jr. – and they’ll do nothing but weigh down his sinking ship of a campaign.”

Today’s endorsement from Tulsi Gabbard is nothing new – she’s been cozying up to Donald Trump and his toxic brand of extremism for years.

CNN: “Tulsi Gabbard expected to endorse Trump today at Detroit event”

“The endorsement is not surprising given that Gabbard… has been helping Trump with debate prep ahead of the September 10 face-off with Vice President Kamala Harris.”

2016: Gabbard met with Trump right after he won the 2016 election and was vetted by RNC officials to lead the VA.

2024: Gabbard headlined a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago.

Washington Post: “Former president Donald Trump and top advisers have spoken with former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard about foreign policy and how the Defense Department should be run in a second Trump term.”

Just like Trump, Gabbard’s dangerous extremism has been praised by white supremacists and other extremists.

The Hill: “[David] Duke, who founded a Louisiana branch of the KKK in 1974 and served as the grand wizard of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan until 1979, on Monday appeared to endorse Gabbard, the first Hindu member of Congress. ‘Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. Finally a candidate for President who will really put America First?’ he tweeted, linking to an article about President Trump’s recent proposal to keep troops in Iraq. … Duke also changed his Twitter page banner to a picture of Gabbard, endorsing Gabbard for president. The text reads, ‘Tulsi Gabbard for President. Finally a candidate who will actually put America First rather than Israel First!’”

New York Times“Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, is impressed with [Gabbard’s] political talent. Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist leader, says he could vote for her.”

Jewish Insider“A neo-Nazi website took credit for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s (D-HI) qualification for the first two Democratic primary debates. The Daily Stormer, a notorious white supremacist and antisemitic website, proclaimed in April ‘we did it’ — after the Hawaii congresswoman reached the 65,000 donor threshold needed to participate in the first two debates.”

CNN: “Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is not the enemy of the United States, standing by her opposition to US involvement in that country’s civil war two years after she met personally with the accused war criminal. ‘Assad is not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States,’ Gabbard said Wednesday morning on MSNBC.”

Gabbard“It was a good thing that Trump met with [Kim Jong Un].”

NBC News: “An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016. Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.”

The Intercept:  “But in the days leading up to [Russia’s] attack [on Ukraine], as the state broadcaster worked to tarnish Ukraine and cast American criticism of President Vladimir Putin as hysterical, its producers borrowed heavily from another source: Fox News. At least four times this week, Russian news reports have featured translated clips of Tucker Carlson or his guest Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic U.S. representative.”

Gabbard attacked efforts to investigate January 6 and repeatedly campaigned with notorious election deniers.

2022Gabbard campaigned for prominent election deniers including Kari LakeDon Bolduc, and Blake Masters.

Fox News“Tulsi Gabbard slams the Jan 6 hearings: It’s ‘political interest’”

Gabbard celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and introduced national abortion ban legislation that would criminalize providers.

2020: Gabbard introduced a bill that would ban most abortions at 20 weeks and threaten providers with jail time.

Bill O’Reilly: “Do you support the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, giving authority to the individual states?”

Gabbard: “I do… we are moving in the right direction.”

Gabbard worked closely with her father’s anti-LGBTQ+ organization that worked to pass a measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted conversion therapy.

CNN“Rep. Tulsi Gabbard in the early 2000s touted working for her father’s anti-gay organization, which mobilized to pass a measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted controversial conversion therapy.  … During her run for state legislature in 2002, Gabbard told the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, ‘Working with my father, Mike Gabbard, and others to pass a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage, I learned that real leaders are willing to make personal sacrifices for the common good. I will bring that attitude of public service to the legislature.’ The quote, which CNN’s KFile found during a review of Gabbard’s early career, shows how closely she aligned herself with her father’s mission at the time.”

Gabbard has railed against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and CHIPS and Science Act, landmark legislation that is increasing our competitiveness and delivering for the American people.

Gabbard: “The so-called Infrastructure Bill… is a slush fund/giveaway program for permanent Washington to pay off their big donors and supporters.”

Gabbard: “Corporate welfare chip bill transfers billions from pockets of regular Americans to coffers of giant corps like Intel, Micron Tech, etc. Further proof our country is now of, by, and for the rich and powerful.”

More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney Alumni Endorse VP Harris for President


From the Harris/Walz campaign:

More than 200 Bush, McCain, and Romney Alumni Endorse Vice President Harris for President

Key Points: “More than 200 Republicans who previously worked for either former President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in an open letter Monday obtained exclusively by USA TODAY. […]

“‘We reunite today, joined by new George H.W. Bush alumni, to reinforce our 2020 statements and, for the first time, jointly declare that we’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz this November,’ the letter reads.

“The Harris campaign has worked to highlight its backing from Republicans who oppose Trump, launching a ‘Republicans for Harris’ group this month and featuring Republican speakers at last week’s convention. […]

“Over the weekend, a dozen prominent Republican attorneys who worked for former President Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush endorsed Harris for president. The group included conservative former federal appellate Judge Michael Luttig, who plans to vote for a Democratic president for the first time.”

See below:

USA Today: More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump

[Joey Garrison, 8/26/24]

More than 200 Republicans who previously worked for either former President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in an open letter Monday obtained exclusively by USA TODAY.

The letter from alums of the three Republican presidential nominees prior to former President Donald Trump comes on the heels of a Democratic National Convention last week in Chicago that showcased Republican detractors of the GOP nominee. At least five former aides to former President George H.W. Bush also signed the letter, which has 238 signatures in all.

A similar group of about 150 anti-Trump former staffers of Bush, McCain and Romney pledged support for President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

“We reunite today, joined by new George H.W. Bush alumni, to reinforce our 2020 statements and, for the first time, jointly declare that we’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz this November,” the letter reads. “Of course, we have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That’s to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable.”

(Read the letter here.)

Among those who signed the letter in support of Harris and her running-mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, include: former McCain chiefs of staff Mark Salter and Chris Koch; Joe Donoghue, former legislative director for McCain; Jennifer Lux, press secretary for McCain’s 2008 campaign, and Jean Becker, longtime chief of staff for George H.W. Bush.

Also backing Harris are David Nierenberg, Romney’s 2012 campaign finance chair; David Garman, under secretary of Energy for George W. Bush; and Olivia Troye, a former advisor to both George W. Bush and Vice President Mike Pence. Troye spoke from the stage of the DNC convention last week.

“At home, another four years of Donald Trump’s chaotic leadership, this time focused on advancing the dangerous goals of Project 2025, will hurt real, everyday people and weaken our sacred institutions,” the letter says, […]

“Abroad, democratic movements will be irreparably jeopardized as Trump and his acolyte JD Vance kowtow to dictators like Vladimir Putin while turning their backs on our allies. We can’t let that happen.” […]

Others who signed the letters include: Reed Galen, McCain’s deputy campaign manager and co-founder of the Lincoln Project; Jim Swift, a former Republican operative who is now senior editor of The Bulwark, an anti-Trump news and opinion site; and former McCain campaign strategist Mike Murphy.

Citing 2020 exit polling and other voter data, the group claims it was “moderate Republicans and conservative independents in key swing states” who were pivotal in Biden’s victory that ultimately delivered the presidency to Biden − Americans who “put country far before party,” they write in the letter.

The group called on more moderate Republicans and independents to “take a brave stand once more” and support Harris over Trump in the fall.

The Harris campaign has worked to highlight its backing from Republicans who oppose Trump, launching a “Republicans for Harris” group this month and featuring Republican speakers at last week’s convention.

Republicans who addressed the convention included former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., who served on the House panel that investigated Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election; former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham, former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, Mesa, Ariz. Mayor John Giles; and Troye, who worked as a homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to Pence. Pence has said he won’t endorse Trump for president.

Over the weekend, a dozen prominent Republican attorneys who worked for former President Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush endorsed Harris for president. The group included conservative former federal appellate Judge Michael Luttig, who plans to vote for a Democratic president for the first time.


Paid for by Harris for President

Monday News: “The Middle East may have backed off from the brink of a regional war – for now”; “They Served With Trump and Saw the Crazy. They Should Endorse Harris.”; “Trump suggests he might skip ABC debate with Harris”; “The DNC Gave Kamala Harris a Major Boost”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, August 26.

Glenn Youngkin Appears as Special Guest at Fundraiser for MAGA Extremist Mark Robinson


Has anyone/everyone who falsely claimed in 2021 – and some even in 2022 and 2023! – that Glenn Youngkin was actually a “moderate,” non-Trumpist Republican resigned yet? Been fired? Because it was obvious then, if you were paying any attention at all, that Youngkin was no moderate. And it’s GLARINGLY obvious now that he’s campaigned for the likes of Kari Lake (who Youngkin called “AWESOME!”)/Yesli Vega (who thinks it’s harder to get pregnant from rape)/Hung Cao (bonkers in every way)/John McGuire (who was in the pro-Trump mob outside the US Capitol on 1/6/21)/etc., endorsed Donald Trump for president (after Trump tried to stage a violent insurrectionist just down the road from Virginia at the US Capitol, with then-Gov. Ralph Northam even sending Virginia National Guard troops to protect our democracy), etc.

Need even MORE evidence? How about this, from the Democratic Party of Virginia? Youngkin campaigning for THIS GUY??? Crazy!

Glenn Youngkin Appears as Special Guest at Fundraiser for MAGA Extremist Mark Robinson

Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin continues to support and promote extreme MAGA candidates, this time, traveling to Raleigh to go to a fundraiser for North Carolina GOP nominee for governor Mark Robinson. 

  • Mark Robinson supports a total ban on abortion with no exceptions, stating he wants to sign a bill that says “you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.” He even told women that abortion “is about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”
  • Robinson wants to defund public education, saying he would reject public education funds in North Carolina, calling teachers “wicked people,” and encouraging parents to push their kids out of public schools.
  • Robinson has spewed dangerous anti semitic conspiracy theories, attacked kids who survived school shootings and even called for violence, saying “some folks need killing.”

Robinson is just one of many extreme MAGA candidates Youngkin has publicly endorsed as he continues to cozy up to Donald Trump. In July, Youngkin spoke at a rally for Donald Trump in Chesapeake, where Trump spewed false rhetoric about immigrants and called for the people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 to be released from prison. In May, Youngkin campaigned for New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte, who voted for a federal abortion ban and to  restrict access to birth control and IVF. And just this month, Youngkin refused to remove a board member at George Mason University who authored the Project 2025 chapter to defund the Department of Education. 

“After pushing for an abortion ban and getting rejected by voters, Youngkin continues to show he’s no moderate by campaigning for the most extreme candidates in the entire county this year,” DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker said. “Voters in North Carolina saw Virginians’ buyers’ remorse in 2023 when they flipped the state legislature blue to block Youngkin’s extreme agenda – but they won’t be making that same mistake by letting Mark Robinson in the Executive Mansion to begin with.”

FACT: JD Vance Wants to Help Trump Ban Abortion Nationwide – With or Without Congress


From the DNC War Room:

FACT: JD Vance Wants to Help Trump Ban Abortion Nationwide – With or Without Congress

In response to JD Vance lying about the Trump-Vance ticket’s Project 2025 agenda to ban abortion nationwide, DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement: 

“JD Vance will lie about anything if it helps Donald Trump get back into office and enact their Project 2025 plans to ban abortion nationwide – with or without Congress. Just like Trump, Vance owns his consistent anti-choice record and their extreme Project 2025 agenda that would use the 151-year old Comstock Act to rip away women’s freedoms across the country. Let’s be clear: no matter how they try to cover for their dangerous MAGA agenda, the Trump-Vance ticket stands for less freedom while Vice President Harris and Governor Walz have pledged to defend our fundamental rights.”

Vance tried to claim Trump would veto a national abortion ban…

Kristen Welker, NBC News: “[Trump] would veto a federal abortion ban?”

Vance: “I think he would.”

…but the Trump-Vance ticket’s Project 2025 plan would ban abortion nationwide without Congress…

Forbes“JD Vance And Project 2025 Want To Use This 19th Century Law To Ban Abortion—Without Congress”

Washington Post“Vance urged DOJ to enforce Comstock Act, crack down on abortion pills”

NBC News“Trump signals openness to banning abortion pill”

New Republic“On January 20, 2025, conservatives plan to resurrect a 150-year-old defunct law to ban abortion across the nation. This is not a secret plan—far from it. It’s part of the 180-Day Playbook produced by Project 2025, detailing priorities for an incoming conservative president on day one…

“The playbook says the president should enforce a 150-year-old law, the Comstock Act, which right-wing groups see as a way to ban abortion nationally because it outlaws the use of the mail for the purposes of sending or receiving any object that could be used for an abortion.”

…and both Vance and Trump have repeatedly expressed support for a national abortion ban.

CNN“JD Vance said in 2022 he ‘would like abortion to be illegal nationally’”

“JD Vance said he ‘certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally’ and was ‘sympathetic’ to the view that a national ban was necessary to stop women from traveling across states to obtain an abortion.”

Manu Raju, CNN: “J.D. Vance, the Ohio GOP senator, says Republicans need to shift their approach on abortion and begin to embrace federal legislation … ‘We can’t give into the idea that the federal Congress has no role in this matter,’ he told us.”

Associated Press: “Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy”

Rolling Stone“Trump Wants to Ban Abortion Nationwide: Report”

New York Times: “Trump Privately Expresses Support for a 16-Week Abortion Ban”

Rolling Stone: “Trump Floats National Abortion Ban After Claiming He’s ‘On the Side of Women’”

Trump“There of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important.” 

Trump on if he would sign a six-week national abortion ban: “I’m looking at all options.”

Trump: “We’ll pick something that’s going to be very, very good for pro-life… I’m going to be in there pushing.”

REMINDER: Vance’s anti-choice record includes attacking exceptions for rape and incest, comparing abortion to slavery, voting against codifying IVF access nationwide, and more.

Washington Post: “Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance argues against need for rape and incest exceptions in abortion laws”

Daily Beast“J.D. Vance suggested he would support prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape and incest—and dismissed those catalysts as ‘inconvenient.’”

Vice: “JD Vance Compared Abortion to Slavery”

The Hill: “[Vance] campaigned against Ohio’s 2023 ballot measure that guaranteed the right to abortion, and previously said he’d vote for a nationwide abortion ban at 15 weeks. 

“During his campaign for Senate, Vance applauded the overturning of Roe v. Wade and supported Texas’s ban on abortion, which does not allow exceptions other than cases where the mother’s life is at risk.  

“‘Two wrongs don’t make a right,’ he said in 2021 when asked whether abortion laws should allow for exceptions for rape and incest.” 

NBC News: “Senate Republicans block Democratic bill codifying Roe v. Wade abortion protections”

“Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked legislation led by Democrats to revive the protections of Roe v. Wade in the wake of the Supreme Court eliminating the nationwide right to abortion.”

Republicans who voted against include: JD Vance.

The Hill“Senate Republicans block legislation to codify IVF access”

Republicans who voted against include: JD Vance.

Trump and Vance’s anti-choice Project 2025 agenda to rip away reproductive freedoms is wildly unpopular.

Semafor“New polling shared exclusively with Semafor shows Democrats’ attacks on JD Vance’s views on abortion, divorce and ‘childless cat ladies’ are sticking with voters…

“…A 2021 interview with Spectrum News in which [Vance] defended a Texas abortion law’s lack of exceptions for rape and incest by suggesting pregnancies from such circumstances are ‘inconvenient.’ Sixty-two percent of voters said they were ‘bothered’ Vance used the word ‘inconvenient’ to describe pregnancies that stem from rape and incest with 50% reporting ‘it bothers me a lot.’”

USA Today“Americans overwhelmingly oppose the next goal of many anti-abortion activists, to enact a federal law banning abortion nationwide. By 80%-14%, those surveyed opposed that idea, including 65% of Republicans and 83% of independents.”

Axios“Record share of U.S. voters back abortion rights and will vote on it: Gallup”

NBC News: “Abortion rights have won in every election since Roe v. Wade was overturned”

Axios: “There’s widespread support for letting women obtain drugs for medication abortion from their doctor or a clinic, with 72% supporting — including half of Republicans.”