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Hide Your Birth Control: VA GOP about to Nominate Dangerously Extreme Statewide Ticket


From the Democratic Party of Virginia: 

Richmond, VA – Tomorrow Virginia Republicans will gather in Richmond to finalize their statewide ticket for the 2013 elections. 

While the names of the candidates for Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General are yet to be determined, one thing is certain: No matter who runs on a ticket with Ken Cuccinelli, that trio will pose the greatest danger to women’s health care rights Virginia has ever seen. 

“While Virginians worry about jobs, schools and transportation, Republicans are preparing to nominate a ticket led by a man who cares more about outlawing a woman’s right to make her own decisions than he does about Virginia’s economy,” said DPVA Chair Charniele Herring. “From his ‘personhood’ legislation that would have banned the birth control pill to his backdoor abortion ban regulations, Ken Cuccinelli has always put injecting his extreme agenda into decisions women make with their doctors ahead of what’s best for Virginia families.” 

Virginia Delegate Jennifer McClellan continued, “Even before the ballots are counted tomorrow, Virginians can be assured that the Republican nominees for statewide office this year will follow Ken Cuccinelli’s lead and do everything in their power to roll back the clock on women’s health. Some have already tried by voting for the backdoor abortion ban regulations that Cuccinelli bullied through the Board of Health and supporting more than one ‘personhood’ ban on abortion and birth control. 

“Putting Ken Cuccinelli and any of the people vying to run on a ticket with him in a position to impose their extreme agenda on our families is the clearest example we can get of how far out of touch Republicans are with mainstream Virginia.” 

Virginia Senator Barbara Favola said, “By nominating Ken Cuccinelli and any of the candidates for down ballot statewide races, Virginia Republicans are sending women a clear message: ‘We don’t trust you to make your own health care decisions.’ 

“Virginians aren’t looking for a Governor who will ban common forms of birth control like the pill. Nor are they looking for a Lieutenant Governor or Attorney General who will walk in lockstep with Ken Cuccinelli’s extreme anti-women’s health agenda. Mainstream Virginians want leaders who are focused on making their lives better, not on Ken Cuccinelli and his radical allies’ lifelong efforts to outlaw our right to make our own decisions.”


Cuccinelli Cosponsored Personhood Bill in 2007

In February 2007, Sen. Cuccinelli cosponsored legislation introduced by Del. Bob Marshall that would prove that “the right to enjoyment of life” guaranteed by Article 1, § 1 of the Constitution of Virginia applies to “preborn human beings from the moment of fertilization.”  The bill failed in the House. [HB 2797, 2/5/07]


American Congress Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists: Personhood Defined at Moment of Fertilization Would “Deny Women Access To The Full Spectrum Of Preventive Health Care, Including Contraception”

In February 2012, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a statement: “Although the individual wording in these proposed measures varies from state to state, they all attempt to give full legal rights to a fertilized egg by defining “personhood” from the moment of fertilization, before conception (ie, pregnancy/ implantation) has occurred. This would have wide-reaching harmful implications for the practice of medicine and on women's access to contraception, fertility treatments, pregnancy termination, and other essential medical procedures.” [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2/10/12]


American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Under Personhood Law Defined at Moment of Fertilization “Most Effective and Reliable Forms of Contraception such as Oral Contraceptives” Could Be Banned 

In February 2012, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement: “These ‘personhood’ proposals, as acknowledged by proponents, would make condoms, natural family planning, and spermicides the only legally allowed forms of birth control. Thus, some of the most effective and reliable forms of contraception, such as oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other forms of FDA-approved hormonal contraceptives could be banned in states that adopt ‘personhood’ measures.” [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2/10/12]



Hormonal Birth Control Makes It Less Likely For A Fertilized Egg To Attach To The Uterus   
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “hormonal birth control methods work by releasing hormones to prevent ovulation. The cervical mucus thickens, making it hard for a sperm to reach the egg. The endometrium thins, making it less likely that a fertilized egg will attach to it.” [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, June 2012]



Virginians For Life: HB 2797 Would “Dismantle The Tragic Roe V. Wade Decision”

In February 2007, the Petersburg Progress-Index published a letter to the editor from Bob Kline, a member of Virginians for Life. The letter praised the Virginia Life at Conception Act, saying that it “would dismantle the Tragic Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the murder of innocent children on demand.” [Petersburg Progress-Index, letter to the editor, 2/5/07]


Virginians For Life: HB 2797 Would End Planned Parenthood’s “Lucrative And Grisly Trade In Human Flesh”

In February 2007, the Petersburg Progress-Index published a letter to the editor from Bob Kline, a member of Virginians for Life. The letter said: “I believe the 20,000 unborn babies who die every year in Virginia deserve our continued sacrificial efforts. Planned Parenthood fully understands that a Virginia Life at Conception Act can end their lucrative and grisly trade in human flesh.” [Petersburg Progress-Index, letter to the editor, 2/5/07]


Cuccinelli's Bill Similar to Mississippi Personhood Bill that Defined Life As Beginning From Fertilization

In November 2011, the Huffington Post reported: “Mississippi voters Tuesdaydefeated a ballot initiative that would've declared life begins at fertilization, a proposal that supporters sought in the Bible Belt state as a way to prompt a legal challenge to abortion rights nationwide.” [Huffington Post, 11/8/11]


Cuccinelli Pushed for Passage of 2012 Personhood Bill 

In February 2012, the News and Advance reported, “Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Mat Staver, dean of Liberty University's law school, spoke at a rally Wednesday supporting the “personhood” bill making its way through the General Assembly. They urged a crowd on Capitol Square to contact state senators who will soon vote on House Bill 1, passed by the House of Delegateson Tuesday. The measure extends fundamental rights claimed in the Declaration of Independence to unborn children, both Cuccinelli and Staver said. ‘This personhood bill recognizes a scientific reality. Life begins at conception,’ said Cuccinelli, a candidate for governor. ‘Make sure you talk to your senators. Advocate for this issue.’” [News and Advance, 2/16/12]


National Infertility Association: Under Personhood Bill, In-Vitro Fertilization “Will Be Unlawful”

In February 2012, Barbara Collura, executive director of the National Infertility Association issued a press release that said: “Even though assisted conception is currently lawful in Virginia and even mentioned in Virginia Code Section 20-156, HB1 is designed to change that and to make any action that risks a microscopic embryo unlawful.  So, Section 7's supposed exemption for assisted conception is really no protection at all; IVF as practiced to the standard of care will be unlawful.” [RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 2/16/12]


AP: Personhood Bill “Would Effectively Outlaw All Virginia Abortions”In February 2012, the AP reported: “Del. Bob Marshall's House Bill 1 would effectively outlaw all Virginia abortions by declaring that the rights of persons apply from the moment sperm and egg unite.” [AP, 2/15/12]

Cuccinelli Opposed Abortion “Even In Cases Of Rape Or Incest”

In August 2002, the Washington Post reported that Cuccinelli “imbued the campaign with his antiabortion message. Cuccinelli opposes the procedure even in cases of rape or incest.” [Washington Post, 8/7/02]


Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia 

Who the Heck Would Praise Ken Cuccinelli as “One Of The Nation’s Most Innovative Policy Makers?”


UPDATE 10/25/13: I’ve updated this post, given that Ferrara is now leaping to Ken Cuccinelli’s defense. Extremists of a feather flock together…

Earlier today, I ran across an op-ed in Forbes magazine entitled Ken Cuccinelli Emerges As One Of The Nation’s Most Innovative Policy Makers. I was astounded, couldn’t imagine how anyone could write such a thing, as it’s laughably, demonstrably false to the nth degree. In fact, Ken Cuccinelli is an uber-Tea Partier, as well as a tool of polluters and other powerful interests. And, of course, there’s absolutely nothing “innovative” about him, except perhaps the extent to which he’s managed to distract voters from his extremism sufficiently for them to elect him. Now THAT is innovative! LOL

Anyway, I was curious who the author of this bizarre op-ed (Peter Ferrara) was, since the only identification provided on Forbes is the unhelpful, vague line: “I cover public policy, particularly concerning economics.” So, to “Teh Google” we go: who is Peter Ferrara exactly? Here are a few highlights from his Wikipedia entry:

*At age nine, he was “transfixed while watching television as Barry Goldwater stormed the 1964 Republican National Convention.” That was the convention where Goldwater uttered the infamous line, “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice…moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” That was Goldwater’s political philosophy, and it’s Cuccinelli’s as well, nearly 50 years later. Goldwater, by the way, went on to lose in a landslide of epic, historic proportions. We can only hope the same thing happens to Kookinelli this year in Virginia.

*”His senior law school thesis evolved into the debut hardcover publication by the libertarian Cato Institute in 1980, Social Security: The Inherent Contradiction.” Ferrara’s big idea back then: privatize Social Security. Ferrara himself called it “the craziest idea in the world,” and he was certainly right about that at least!

*He “founded the Virginia chapter of Club for Growth,” a radical, anti-government group which has “more than 9,000 members, dominated by Wall Street financiers and executives.”

*He “took money from erstwhile lobbyist Jack Abramoff to write op-ed pieces favorable to Abramoff clients.” As if that’s not bad enough, “Ferrara did not disclose which pieces he was paid to write, but Business Week noted that he wrote favorable articles in the Washington Times about the Northern Marianas Islands and the Choctaw Indian tribe, both Abramoff clients.)” That’s about as sleazy as you can get. No wonder he’s supporting the corrupt right wingnut Ken Cuccinelli.

*”In April 2011, Ferrara became senior fellow for entitlement and budget policy at The Heartland Institute.” What is the Heartland Institute? Well, it spreads climate science denial, for one thing, including running “a digital billboard ad campaign in the Chicago area featuring a photo of Ted Kaczynski, (the ‘Unabomber’ whose mail bombs killed three people and injured 23 others), and asking the question, ‘I still believe in global warming, do you?'” Also, “In the 1990s, the Heartland Institute worked with Philip Morris to question the link between secondhand smoke and health risks.” The group is funded by the ExxonMobil, the Koch brothers and other right-wing groups with strong ties to polluters. Yes, the Heartland Institute’s as scum suckingly bad as they come.

*He has advocated for years that we should privatize Social Security.

*He has compared gay marriage to bigamy and polygamy.

*Earlier this year, he wrote an insane article called President Obama’s Plan for A Socialist One Party State.

*He claimed that Failure To Raise The Debt Ceiling Will NOT Bring About Federal Default.

So, that’s the type of person who would praise Ken Cuccinelli as “One Of The Nation’s Most Innovative Policy Makers.” Translation: “If Cuccinelli’s Elected Governor, He’ll Do Our Bidding and Make Us Even Richer than We Already Are – Bwahahahahaha!” Sound good to you?

Mark Herring: “Obenshain and Bell: Extreme Cuccinelli Clones Take Center Stage”


The following press release is from the Mark Herring for AG campaign (image added by me):

(Leesburg) – Tomorrow, the most extreme activists in the Republican Party of Virginia will gather to pick their nominee to replace Ken Cuccinelli as Attorney General. Regardless of the winner, one thing is clear: both Mark Obenshain and Rob Bell would continue to push an extreme agenda.

“Both Mark Obenshain and Rob Bell are out of the mainstream and do not represent the views of an overwhelming majority of Virginians,” said Kevin O’Holleran, campaign manager for Democratic Attorney General candidate State Senator Mark Herring. “These Tea Party Republicans are Cuccinelli clones, ready to continue his efforts to punish women for making their own health care decisions and working to prevent any common sense solutions to prevent gun violence. They are too extreme for Virginia.”

While the Cuccinelli campaign is doing its best to creep away from the Attorney General’s extreme record and disastrous involvement in the Star Scientific scandal, Mark Obenshain and Rob Bell have tried to out-Cuccinelli one another.

During Mark Obenshain’s press conference announcing he was running for Attorney General, he said he believes that the “attorney general’s done a great job.”

In fact, during a recent interview with the conservative blog Virginia Virtucon, Mark Obenshain went as far to say, “I can take the baton from Ken, build on his work, without missing a step.”

If that weren’t enough, Obenshain bragged about the old days serving in the State Senate with Ken Cuccinelli. The two right-wing conservatives were seatmates and in 2004 “literally were not allowed to go to Republican caucus meetings” because they were trying to defeat then-Governor Mark Warner’s bipartisan budget reforms.

For his part, Rob Bell praised Cuccinelli in his announcement press conference. Reports from the announcement said he cozied up to Ken Cuccinelli several times and said he would continue to fight Cuccinelli’s ideological battles. Bell said at the press conference, “I hope I would have the same approach…”

Clones of Cuccinelli

But what about Obenshain’s and Bell’s records in the legislature?

We know Ken Cuccinelli had one of the most conservative records as a State Senator and as Attorney General, but what about Obenshain and Bell? Their extreme records include: allowing guns in bars, allowing guns in day care centers, dismantling the one gun a month law and repeatedly voting against closing the gun show loophole.

It only gets worse…

Their records on women’s health care are appalling. Both candidates supported (Obenshain sponsored) the Personhood Amendment which would have inserted government into a woman’s personal decision about contraception.

And they both voted in favor (Rob Bell sponsored the bill) to force women to undergo invasive transvaginal ultrasound procedures.

“After four years of Ken Cuccinelli, Virginians are ready for fundamental change in the office of Attorney General,” Mark Herring stated. “Virginians don’t want another Cuccinelli clone. Instead, we need an Attorney General who will respect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions and work to implement common sense solutions to prevent gun violence.”



Key Votes:

Obenshain on Abortion rights:

-Sponsored “Personhood” Bill with Ken Cuccinelli: (HB2797, 2007)

-Voted for it again: (HB1, 2012)

-Voted for Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill: (HB462, 2012)

Bell on Abortion rights:

-Voted for “Personhood” Bill: (HB1, 2012)

-Sponsor of Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill: (HB462, 2012)

Obenshain on Guns:

-Voted to allow guns in bars: (SB334, 2010)

-Voted to repeal “one hand gun a month” law: (SB323, 2012)

-Voted to allow guns in child day care centers: (SB1364, 2007)

-Voted against closing the gun show loophole: (SB109, 2008)

Bell on Guns:

-Voted to allow guns in bars: (SB334, 2010)

-Voted to repeal “one hand gun a month” law: (SB323, 2012) 

DPVA: “Small group of Tea Party fanatics” Prepare to Nominate “Tea Party fanatics” Tomorrow


From the Democratic Party of Virginia, this sums up very well what’s going to go down in Richmond tomorrow, as a few thousand “Tea Party fanatics” nominates…shocker, three “Tea Party fanatics” to their 2013 ticket. Thrilling, huh?


This Saturday, the Republican Party of Virginia is holding a convention to formally nominate their candidate for Governor.

You have a choice:

    Join a small group of Tea Party fanatics in Richmond to attack climate science, women's health access, and more, or
    Join hundreds of passionate volunteers across the Commonwealth and encourage people to fight back on Election Day.

The same day, we're organizing a statewide Day of Action. Hundreds of Terry supporters like you will encourage your neighbors to pledge to vote this November. Will you volunteer for our Day of Action on Saturday?

Yes, I can participate on Saturday.


I can't volunteer on Saturday, but will in the future!


So, I lied — you do have one other option this Saturday: staying home. But here's why you shouldn't:

Pledging to vote sounds simple — most of us say we're going to vote in every election. But it turns out that when people make a pledge to vote, they're much more likely to actually get to the polls when it counts.

So it's really important you ask your neighbors to make this pledge.

Can we count on you to volunteer this Saturday?

Yes, I can participate on Saturday.


I can't volunteer on Saturday, but will in the future!


We have organizers leading Day of Action canvasses across Virginia — one of them will be near you, so I really hope you'll join in.

See you Saturday,

Michelle Kleppe
Field Director
Democratic Party of Virginia

Donald McEachin: Mark Herring Attacked by GOP for Working to End Gun Violence


Defend Mark! We have to respond. Help Mark fight back against the Tea Party attacks. Contribute now.Friends,

Ken Cuccinelli’s radical clones and their allies are vilifying Mark for his efforts to pass background checks and end gun violence.

It’s a smear campaign right out of Cuccinelli’s playbook. The GOP contenders are rushing to the extreme right in preparation for their state convention on Saturday.

They are going to come out of that Tea Party rally full of venom and ready to attack. Mark needs to be ready. We’re building a rapid response fund – it’ll take $20,000 by Saturday to fight back in force.

Click here to rush $5 to help Mark respond to attacks by the Cuccinelli wing of the GOP.

With less than a month before Election Day, your support is more crucial than ever. Mark needs you – and he needs you now.

Click here to donate to our rapid response fund – defend Mark from Republican attacks.

Thank you for everything. Together, we can do this.

Sen. Donald McEachin

ProgressVA Releases 2013 RPV Convention Guide, Limited Women’s Health Edition


From ProgressVA:

Guide highlights candidates' opposition to women's reproductive health and access

ProgressVA today released their 2013 GOP Convention Guide, Limited Women's Health Edition. The guide details the records of candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General on women's reproductive rights and access to health care. As the guide demonstrates, no matter who is nominated on Saturday, they will form a ticket with a long history of attempts to ban abortion and limit women's access to reproductive care. 

The guide also highlights Attorney General Cuccinelli's record with tongue-in-cheek “advertisements”, including a PSA for gift disclosure and a prison care package for those who heed Cuccinelli's call to “go to jail” to fight back against affordable birth control. The guide logo features an elephant standing between a woman and her doctor and the motto “Sic Semper Mulieres”, which translates roughly to “Thus Always To Women.”

“While the guide is humorous, there's nothing funny about a right-wing agenda intent on limiting women's access to reproductive health care, from birth control to abortion,” said ProgressVA Executive Director Anna Scholl. “Virginians have been adamant: we oppose extreme attempts by politicians to interfere in decisions that should be between a woman, her physician, and her faith leader. Until they stop the attacks, we'll keep exposing their records.”

Some of the extreme policies supported by Cuccinelli and a range of Lt. Governor and Attorney General candidates include:

  • “Personhood” legislation that would criminalize some forms of birth control 
  • TRAP restrictions that impose medically unnecessary building requirements on women's health centers in an attempt to ban abortion by shutting down clinics
  • Invasive, transvaginal ultrasounds before a woman can obtain an abortion
  • Funding cuts to Planned Parenthood's cancer screenings and preventative health care services

The 2013 GOP Convention Guide, Limited Women's Health Edition is available on ProgressVA's website. 

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, May 17.


*The scandals are falling apart

*IRS, AP, Libya scandals are a trifecta with little payout

*The real lesson of Dr. Gosnell (“The Philadelphia doctor’s clinic is a sign of what is to come if legitimate and  safe abortions become inaccessible.”)

*Spreading stain of political gifts (“The steady stream of uncomfortable revelations tying Gov. Bob McDonnell ever closer to a controversial political donor have all but ensured federal authorities will investigate the relationship for most, if not all, of what’s left of the governor’s term.”)

*Cuccinelli stumps for coal, offshore energy, critics pick at abortion, taxes

*GOP attorney general hopefuls tout law backgrounds

*Police Report Surfaces of Corey Stewart Campaign Manager (“Read the police report and it is hard to understand how anyone who wants to be Attorney General would participate in helping this person escape any charges.”)

*Polling the polls for the governor’s race (The challenge is figuring out who will show up in November. That’s not easy, to put it mildly, and why they pay pollsters the big bucks. Heh.)

*Ken Cuccinelli blazing own path in Virginia gubernatorial campaign (Glad to see the excellent reporter David Sherfinski covering the Virginia governor’s race, at least for one day!)

*Style may trump substance in GOP vote for Virginia lieutenant governor (“Quentin Kidd, a political-science professor at Christopher Newport University, said Mr. Snyder, Mr. Lingamfelter and Mr. Stewart are three to watch, and such demographic calculus about ticket-balancing isn’t likely to come into play.”)

*Convention gives Virginia GOP chance to unite behind Ken Cuccinelli (Well, the tiny number of hard-core right wingnuts who will attend the convention, anyway…)

*Kaine launches new website

*Thompson gets nod from Daily Kos (I’m all for booting Dance, although I’m surprised a national blog would get involved in this relatively obscure Virginia primary when there are so many more important races to focus on…)

*In race to be his successor, Cuccinelli casts long shadow (More important races to focus on like THIS one!)

*Climate change and Virginia’s fisheries (Climate change is a serious and growing threat to Virginia; we need to take action NOW, not make it worse through head-in-the-sand policies like Ken Cuccinelli’s!)

*Va. launching adoption campaign today

*Advocates worry about end of affordable housing in Alexandria

*New tolls loom large over future road projects like third crossing

*Nice day ahead, but gloom looms

Strasburg strong in his San Diego homecoming, Nationals win 6-2 (Phew!)

FOUND: Explicated text of Cuccinelli Energy [Entropy] Policy


( – promoted by lowkell)

Actual text [with a little reading between the lines [that is, brackets] from yours truly – [Publius]:

*  Reduce excessive regulation [by that job-killing EPA] so that more [fossilized] energy resources can be explored [fracked!] and developed [mountaintops are for the birds!] and more high-paying jobs can be created [in coal & gas executive offices];

*  Prevent excessive energy taxes [like those highway maintenance taxes at the gas pump and those silly county coal severance taxes for education] that could destroy [black lung-generating] jobs, cost consumers, and restrict [plundering] development of the Commonwealth’s natural resources;

*  Fight for Virginia’s [Gawd-given] right   to [employ the 2nd Amendment to] responsibly explore our abundant offshore [oil & gas] energy resources, and streamline [the elimination of] related regulations so quality jobs [stripping the top off of mountains] can be created in the immediate term; [but it’s always too early and too costly to develop off-shore wind, which won’t work anyway;]

*  Reform or eliminate failed [good for nothing] clean energy programs, such as the Renewable Portfolio Standard bonuses, in order to harness [fossilized] private-sector innovation and prevent [someone other than ME…uh, I mean] the government from picking winners and losers;

*  Protect the environment,  [(don’t worry Alpha – just kidding, lol)] while [actually eliminating uh…I mean] balancing this protection with the critical need to increase energy [and sagging coal] production, improve and modernize energy technology, and bolster job creation; [we really need more fossil fuel jobs since jobs in renewable energy far-outstrip fossilized energy job growth;]

*  Remove barriers to the timely installation and modernization of critical [new highway lane] infrastructure [but no public money for rail or transit–no, No, NO!]

*  Require Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality to consider and report on positive indirect effects of proposals, such as making Virginia more competitive for job creation, reducing congestion, improving power consumption efficiency, and increasing the ability of Virginians to afford higher standards of living [yes, encourage shopping instead of messing with that old useless environmental quality–what spoil sports!!!];

*  Oppose federal overreach in the energy and environment sphere, such as the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) [-talk about spoil sports! Yes, my favorite whipping boy!] effort to treat water like [it can be polluted, uh, I mean] a pollutant;

*  Balance conservation with taxpayer costs in government programs such as fleet modernization and LEED certification of government buildings;[conservation, life-cycle costs? what liberal baloney–“da, da, da, da live for today;”]

*  Support development of a wide range of alternative and clean power options including [but quietly NEVER implementing any of the following, except this first one – nucular – just to show that we believe there’s a role for government bailing out energy – I mean justly rewarding winners], nuclear, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, without relying on government subsidies [like we provide nucular, coal, oil & gas–they got there first, so they already are the winners], and encourage research in clean coal technology [which pay Alpha to work on…and on. Come on – clap your hands if you believe in clean coal!]

Video: Corrupt Del. David Ramadan Doubles Down on His Lame Excuses


So, not only is Del. David Ramadan Extreme, Egregious, Yet Somehow Holding Down an Obama District, he’s also doubling down on his corrupt actions regarding his nondisclosure of a $4,000 trip to Taiwan that was paid for by the Taiwanese government. Get this guy OUTTA HERE; vote John Bell!

P.S. Ramadan’s trip mate, Del. Kathy Byron, says it’s ok to disclose gifts on Facebook.