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The Real Scandal? Republicans Doctored the Benghazi Emails.


Wow, this is slimy as it gets, although sadly not surprising coming from Republicans. As many of us have suspected all along, this whole Benghazi “scandal” has been ginned up by Republicans and their media echo chamber(s). Yet, in the end, as with most things Republican-related, there’s simply “no there there.” Nor, according to Ezra Klein, is there apparently any “there there” – at least with regard to the White House or high-level Obama administration officials – on the AP and IRS “scandals.” So what on earth is going on here? The #1 rated comment on the Ezra Klein story pretty much sums it all up:

The Republican Dream: an Obama scandal.

They are so convinced that Obama is the most corrupt President in US history, well, because he just is, that they know there is a Watergate-sized scandal hiding somewhere. Truth is: this is one of the most scandal free administrations in US history.

Exactly, and one we should all be very proud of. Now, if only the nihilistic Teapublicans would stop with the McCarthyist garbage and allow the adults (aka, the Democrats) to get back to the important business of our great nation.

Cuccinelli Rolls Out Energy “Plan,” And Predictably It’s Horrendous


Ken Cuccinelli just rolled out his energy “plan” (using the word “plan” very loosely), and you could take time examining it if you want. Except that really, all you need to know is where his money comes from: $386,534 from coal mining/processing (including $10,000 from Don Blankenship’s now-defunct Massey Coal and $70,875 from Massey’s successor company, Alpha Natural Resources – for more on these companies, see Laurence Leamer on Coal Baron Donald Blankenship’s Downfall); $263,230 from electric utilities (overwhelmingly nuclear and coal-fired companies like Dominion); $91,160 from natural gas (including $44,750 from Cuccinelli’s buddies at Koch Industries); etc.

Given that torrent of money from the absolute dregs of the U.S. energy industry, combined with the fact that Ken Cuccinelli is a climate science denier (that alone should disqualify him from ever holding public office; not to mention his persecution of climate scientist Michael Mann!), you wouldn’t expect much from him on energy. And you’d be right. This plan is utterly godawful: “reduce excessive regulation” (translated as “let fossil fuel companies run amok, trashing the environment and endangering public health”), “responsibly explore our abundant offshore energy resources” (“drill baby drill!”); “prevent the government from picking winners and losers” (except for the “winners and losers” favored by Cuccinelli, the Koch brothers, the coal and oil companies, etc.); etc. Actually, I do agree with Cuccinelli on one thing: we should “move away from the wasteful and harmful use of ethanol.” Other than that, though…this is not just worthless, but actively and intentionally harmful.

Other than the disastrous environmental and public health consequences (see here for more on that subject) to Cuccinelli’s “never left the 1950s” energy policy, it also would be a disaster economically for Virginia. The fact is, Virginia’s comparative advantages economically speaking are not in fossil fuels, but in energy efficiency, offshore wind power, and advanced R&D into advanced forms of low-carbon/no-carbon energy sources. As Tim Kaine explained a few months ago, even for those (like Ken Cuccinelli) who don’t “believe” in climate science (and 97% of peer-reviewed scientific papers say it’s happening, it’s still common sense to move ahead aggressively with energy efficiency and clean energy. Unless, of course, opponents of clean energy prefer to ensure that our state and our country lose the race for the burgeoning, multi-trillion-dollar, world market for clean energy in the 21st century. That, apparently, is what Ken Cuccinelli prefers, while burning up the planet in the process. As for the rest of us, we’d be literally insane to go along with that.

Video: Tax breaks are simply another form of government spending


Thanks to AFSCME for explaining something that a lot of people in politics and the media don’t seem to understand: “why the spending vs. taxes debate is largely meaningless and how the real runaway spending is not in programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security – but in a tax code that disproportionately benefits corporations and the super rich.” Is this really hard to understand? Only if you have some sort of interest in NOT understanding it. As the video points out, “Imagine what we could do with the $583 billion that we spend every decade on tax breaks for U.S. corporations that keep their profits overseas.” Of course, we could do a great deal with that money to help make our country stronger, but then the super-rich and big corporations might lose some of their precious tax breaks. And they wouldn’t possibly stand for that, now would they?

Video: Pope Francis Condemns Basically Everything the GOP Believes on Economics, Government


During an address to foreign ambassadors to the Vatican, Pope Francis had VERY strong words regarding capitalism having created a “tyranny,” and about the need for countries to “impose more control over their economies and not allow ‘absolute autonomy, in order to provide ‘for the common good’.” Pope Francis added that “while the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, that of the majority is crumbling,” and that “the worship of the golden calf of old has found a new and heartless image in the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy which is faceless and lacking any truly human goal.”  He declared, “I encourage the financial experts and the political leaders of your countries to consider the words of St John Chrysostom ‘Not to share one’s goods with the poor is to rob them.‘”

In sum, Pope Francis just condemned pretty much everything Republicans – aka, the “I’ve got mine so screw you!” party – believe in when it comes to the economy, while endorsing pretty much everything progressives believe in on economic fairness and social justice. Now, of course progressives don’t agree with the Pope on issues related to sexuality and women’s rights, but when it comes to economics, I’d say we’re all singing from the same sheets of music. As for Roman Catholics like Ken Cuccinelli, apparently he disagrees with the Pope – and with the teachings of Jesus Christ, as well – on caring for the poor, the stranger, the naked and the hungry. I’m not sure what Cuccinelli bases that on, exactly, because it certainly couldn’t be clearer in the Gospels.

By the way, while we’re on the subject of Ken Cuccinelli disagreeing with his own church on fundamental issues of his faith, how about environmental protection, which Pope Benedict – the “green Pope” – made an important part of his papacy? It appears that Pope Francis is following in Benedict’s tradition on “lov[ing] and car[ing] for creation.” In stark contrast, Ken Cuccinelli comes from the “drill baby drill,” slash-and-burn, Koch brothers wing of the Republican Party. That’s his right, of course, but yet again, Cuccinelli is directly opposing the leadership of the highest leaders of the Roman Catholic church. I’m not sure how Cuccinelli reconciles that, but of course this is a guy who talks to his toy elephant, dabbles in “birtherism,” and who believes the government uses Social Security numbers to “track” us, so why expect him to start making any sense now?

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Endorses Terry McAuliffe for Governor



Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Endorses 
Terry McAuliffe for Governor

 Rally at Virginia GOP Convention Saturday“Keep Ken Out” Campaign Educates Voters About What’s At Stake for Women’s Health

RICHMOND — Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia today announced its endorsement of Terry McAuliffe for Virginia Governor.

“The stakes could not be higher for women in Virginia this election. That is why on behalf of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia and the women and families that depend on Planned Parenthood for affordable, quality health care, I’m proud to announce our endorsement of Terry McAuliffe for governor. Terry McAuliffe will be a champion for women’s health and economic security in the commonwealth and we look forward to supporting him throughout the campaign,” said Dr. Laura Meyers, board chair of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia. “Ken Cuccinelli’s career has been focused on denying Virginia women access to preventive health care.  Our PAC is  committed to educating voters on Ken Cuccinelli’s record and the disastrous results for women’s health in the commonwealth, if he is elected governor.”

If we learned anything from the 2012 election, it’s that women are sick and tired of politicians like Ken Cuccinelli who want to insert themselves into women’s personal, private medical decisions. Ken Cuccinelli is bad for women’s health and economic security and keeping him out of the Virginia governor’s mansion is one of our top priorities,” said Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Planned Parenthood Votes  and  Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC have been leading the charge to educate voters about what’s at stake for women’s health in advance of the November election. The campaign is called “Keep Ken Out” and you can learn more here: www.keepkenout.org.

Building on their successful 2012 electoral work in Virginia, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC plan to educate and mobilize thousands of voters about Ken Cuccinelli’s dangerous agenda for women’s health and economic security – highlighting that he is a leading opponent of the Affordable Care Act’s no co-pay birth control benefit, and a staunch opponent of safe and legal abortion.  

You can view a view a comparison of the candidates here: http://keepkenout.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/KKO_Comp_051413_vF.pdf

Below are some of the most recent “Keep Ken Out” campaign highlights.

·         Leading into this weekend’s Virginia Republican Convention, Planned Parenthood Action Fund is running a series of Web ads where Ken Cuccinelli pops up in places where no politician belongs, including the doctor’s office and the bedroom. In one ad, the female narrator warns voters that Cuccinelli is “trying to put himself in the middle of our most personal decisions.”  The ads are targeting Virginia women and you can view them  here:  http://youtu.be/DZ6tKc3hOSI; and here: http://keepkenout.org/cuccinelli-ads/

·         On Saturday, Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC supporters will rally at the Virginia Republican Convention in Richmond where Pillamina, a human-sized birth control pill pack  will join supporters and volunteers to amplify the message that Ken Cuccinelli is wrong for women’s health and wrong for Virginia.

·         Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC is also running organizational meetings across the state to recruit and train our supporters to volunteer for the Keep Ken Out campaign. We know that the more women learn about Cuccinelli – the less likely they are to vote for him.


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Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia (PPAV) is a statewide 501(c)(4) advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve and broaden reproductive health care through legislation, public education, electoral activity and litigation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PPAV works to ensure that individuals and families have the freedom, information, and ability to make their own informed reproductive decisions.

Paid for by Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC.
Authorized by Terry McAuliffe, candidate for governor.


Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, May 16. Also check out “A Conversation With Climate Scientist Michael Mann” – the guy’s a true hero, persecuted by our climate-science-denying freakazoid of an Attorney General, defended by people like Sen. Mark Herring (who Mann endorsed for AG the other day).

*The false god of ‘narrative’ (“Scandalmania is distorting our discussion of three different issues, sweeping them into one big narrative – everything is a ‘narrative’ these days – about the beleaguered second-term presidency of Barack Obama. What’s being buried under a story line?”)

*Administration releases e-mails detailing agencies’ debate on Benghazi (“White House did not interfere in exchange between CIA and State Department, messages indicate.” So much for THAT “scandal”. Whatever.)

*U.S. Senate confirms ex-Va. official to head Medicare, Medicaid agencies (Congratulations!)

*How New York Times, NPR And Wall Street Journal Print Fossil Fuel Talking Points Without Full Disclosure (Inexcusable.)

*White House Revives ‘Media Shield’ Bill To Protect Journalists

*Burying Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Virginia (“…a handful of public officials and private citizens in Virginia deserve credit for ending the circus, both by providing a burial spot for Mr. Tsarnaev in a small Muslim cemetery north of Richmond and by tempering their public comments on an issue that could easily have become inflamed”)

*Virginia AG hires law firm for McDonnell in chef case (“Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has further removed himself from the embezzlement case of Gov. Bob McDonnell’s former chef by assigning a team of private attorneys to represent McDonnell in the matter.”)

*GOP race for lieutenant governor is wide open (“‘With seven candidates seeking that office, it’s totally unpredictable. It should be a spectacle,’ said Bolling, who won’t be there to witness it Saturday.”)

*Cuccinelli’s Party (“But while the goal is to give voice to a diverse electorate, the gathering represents a growing divide within the state party”)

*McAuliffe: Cuccinelli Has ‘Idealogical Agenda’ (Yes, the Patch spelled “ideological” wrong.)

*EDITORIAL: Tea Party takeover (“Conservatives likely to sweep Republican nominations in Virginia”)

*Planned Parenthood group to rally at Va. GOP convention

*Va. Dems’ robocall hits Cuccinelli on abortion

*Bolling forms ‘mainstream’ Republican political action committee

*Gun rights group endorses Obenshain for AG

*Tea party groups squabbling (“Stewart ‘endorsement’ raises concern about record, candidacy”)

*Wilson Bridge trail a big step for bike commuting in Washington area

*Ex-lobbyist for governor says former girlfriend hit and bit him

*Region to get nearly $1 billion for transportation projects (“The Richmond region will receive nearly $1 billion for highway and rail improvements over the next six years under the state’s new transportation funding package.”)

*Frank Wolf joins opposition to North-South highway through Loudoun, Prince William (Good for Frank Wolf for once!)

*Steger’s  legacy (“Through triumph and tragedy, Charles Steger kept Tech  pointed toward excellence.”)

*Va. Beach elementary schools phase out letter grades

*Nationals miss chance to catch Braves for first, fall 3-1 to Greinke, Dodgers

2 Days Before VA GOP Convention, It’s McAuliffe 43%-Cuccinelli 38%


With Virginia Tea Partiers and hard-right-wing Republicans set to formally nominate the most right-wing ticket in our state’s history on Saturday, a brand new poll from Quinnipiac University (note: according to Nate Silver, Quinnipiac was more accurate than both PPP and the Washington Post polls in 2012) shows Terry McAuliffe opening up a 5-point lead over Ken Cuccinelli.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe has opened up a slight 43 – 38 percent lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the race to become Virginia’s next governor, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.


The McAuliffe-Cuccinelli race has been a tossup since Quinnipiac University began surveying the contest late last year, with a March 27 survey showing Cuccinelli at 40 percent to McAuliffe’s 38 percent, a statistical tie.

So, that’s a 7-point improvement for Terry McAuliffe since March 27 in the Q-Poll. Of course, this is going to be a long, hard-fought, most likely very negative race, but it’s encouraging to see McAuliffe opening up a lead over Cuccinelli, however small. Hopefully, once Virginians really start to focus on how extremist the Tea Party…er, “Republican” ticket will be, they’ll flock in droves to the mainstream/moderate Democratic ticket. Stay tuned…

P.S. In other news, the Q-Poll shows Hillary Clinton absolutely romping in Virginia if she’s the 2016 Democratic nominee, by 13 points over Marco Rubio and by 10 points over Paul Ryan. No wonder why Republicans are pounding away on their Benghazi non-“scandal.” They are terrified of Hillary Clinton and another 8 years of Republicans shut out of the White House. So sad – boo hoo. 🙁

Rally in Richmond on Saturday to “Keep Ken Out”


For more information and background on this rally at the Richmond Coliseum Saturday morning (as Ken Cuccinelli accepts the Teapublican nomination for governor of Virginia), see here.

The Main Truth of Our Times


[My Benghazi piece, where it appears on opednews.com, elicited a comment that brought forth from me the following brief statement of what I am all about as a political actor in America today. Here’s what I wrote:]

Lots of things are true. But there’s one over-riding truth that we ought not let the clutter of the myriad little truths obscure. Here’s a quick statement of that over-riding, most vital truth:

A sick and broken spirit — a force more destructive and dishonest than anything ever seen at center stage of American politics– has seized hold of the Republican Party. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has proved blind and spineless in its failure to face up to this sick and broken spirit in order to protect everything that is good and sacred in America. This combination has wreaked serious damage on this nation –and indeed on the world– over the past more-than-a-decade.

I know that not everyone sees this. But it is my conviction that it is not only true but is the central truth about what is the greatest crisis to ever face this nation, with the possible exception of the crisis over slavery in the middle of the 19th century.

My conviction is not an off-the-top of my head thing. I’ve been elaborating and documenting this idea for almost nine years now, as well as providing    a highly developed theoretical structure –the fruit of more than forty years’ labor– on how such forces and patterns operate in cultural systems through time.

I get the impression, [commenter], that you’ll want to dismiss what I’ve here asserted. Free country. Still. For now.

David Ramadan Caught Hiding Thousands in Gifts from Foreign Government


Today, news broke that Del. David Ramadan joins Ken Cuccinelli as yet another law maker caught hiding special gifts they have received because of their position as elected officials.

Lynchburg’s News and Advance reported today that David Ramadan failed to disclose an all expense paid trip funded by the Taiwanese government he took in July of 2012 as required by the commonwealth. Other lawmakers on the trip reported the gift at a value of $4000.

“David Ramadan needs to come clean and explain why he’s hiding special gifts he’s received from foreign governments,” Retired Air Force Major John Bell, Ramadan’s Democratic challenger said. “In the wake of the Star Scientific scandal this is becoming a disturbing trend. What other gifts is he keeping secret? Virginians need to know we can trust our leaders.”