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Doug Wilder: “I don’t regret” Not Endorsing Creigh Deeds


This is truly pitiful.

Campbell Brown: Governor, I’ve got to ask you, you did refuse to endorse the Democrat who ran against Bob McDonnell last year, do you regret that…?

Doug Wilder: No…I don’t regret that at all, I think that the Bob McDonnell that spoke at the inaugural when he was sworn in is the Bob McDonnell that’s speaking to amend the proclamation that he issued. He’s recognized the mistake. He’s not the Bob McDonnell that was a part of that thesis that Creigh Deeds focused upon.  No, the candidate for the Democrats, in my judgment, did not represent the values that I think most Virginians believed in, and I think that this hiccup, as far as the McDonnell administration, is something that could be and should be cured, I hope that it is.

As much as I’m not a huge Creigh Deeds fan, this is pathetic. Doug Wilder seriously doesn’t regret his failure, when it really mattered, to endorse the Democratic candidate – as flawed as that candidate most certainly was, by pretty much all accounts – over Pat Robertson/George W. Bush disciple Bob McDonnell?  So, what part of McDonnell’s policies does Wilder like, the anti-gay part, the anti-environment part, the slash-education part, the theocratic part, or the corporate welfare part?

P.S. In sharp contrast, State Sen. Henry Marsh said that “this is a pattern of this governor…He says the wrong thing, he sends a signal to his base and then he makes an apology.”  

40 Days Until Sestak-Specter and Halter-Lincoln


{First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate Guru.}

40 days from today – on May 18 – we will see two HUGE primaries for U.S. Senate.  Even though these races aren’t in Virginia, they impact Democrats across the country and, well, the entire country as a whole.

In Pennsylvania, Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak will try to upset Republican-for-decades Arlen Specter.

In Arkansas, Democratic Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter will try to upset corporate lackey Blanche Lincoln.

These two races are tremendously important to defining who and what the Democratic Party is and what we will be fighting for.

If you can volunteer for these candidates (or encourage friends and family in Pennsylvania and Arkansas to do so), that would be amazing.

Of course, if you can help with a contribution to either or both via the Expand the Map! ActBlue page as soon as possible, it will make a big impact.

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Polling shows that both Specter and Lincoln are at risk of – if not likely to – hand these Senate seats over to far-right-wing Republicans. (And, even if these two retain the seats, that’s not much better on many key issues.)

Congressman Sestak and Lieutenant Governor Halter winning these primaries are critical to keeping these seats in truly Democratic hands. Your support can help make that happen!  Please hop over to the Expand the Map! ActBlue page right away to make a contribution – an investment in the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party to pull out an old expression – and show your support.

Thanks SO much for any support you can provide. 40 Days.

Nuclear Arms Pact Signed, Faux News Heads Explode


As CBS reports, “President Obama signs a major pact with Russian President Medvedev, cutting the number of nuclear weapons by a third.” Most of us are thrilled about this, I’m fairly certain. But not the boys and girls over at Faux “News” (“unfair and unbalanced”)!  For instance, check out this post, aptly titled, “Teh Stupidz! It Burnz!” Apparently, the right-wingnuts at Faux think we’re all DOOOOOOOMED!!!! because President Obama and President Medvedev have just signed a New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. So, what’s so horrible in this treaty to make us all DOOOOOOOMED? As nuclear expert Page van der Linden points out, absolutely nothing. For instance:

MYTH: President Obama does not have the support of top military brass on his nuclear weapons plans.

Not true. I’ll just point you to comments from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen and the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Cartwright upon the release of the Nuclear Posture Review. That other important (former military) guy, Secretary of Defense Gates, also has good things to say about the Nuclear Posture Review as well as the New START treaty.

As Page van der Linden, aka “Plutonium Page,” notes, the lying isn’t just laughable, “but it’s also sinister, because people start to believe it.” Of course, that never stopped Faux and the rest of the right-wing noise machine before. Fortunately, there are smart people out there like Page van der Linden, who earned her nickname “working with the nuclear waste at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington State,” to set the record straight.

P.S. My own expertise on nuclear weapons is limited to graduate-level work on U.S. National Security Policy at GWU. I also have a modest degree of experience on nuclear power from my 17 years at the US Energy Information Administration.

Why Can’t Cuccinelli Talk About Global Warming Without Lying?


You really have to wonder — if Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s legal case against climate action is really as watertight as he claims, why can’t he talk about it without lying repeatedly?

In an interview with the Roanoke Free Press, Cuccinelli repeats an old Republican lie about the results of an MIT study on the costs of clean energy & climate legislation. Strangely, Cuccinelli repeats the lie even though the MIT professor behind the study asked Republicans to stop lying about his research over a year ago.

How much would a bill like the American Clean Energy & Security Act that passed the House last year cost the average family? According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, about a postage stamp a day — $175 a year. And low-income families would actually save $40 a year thanks to energy rebates. Pretty cheap for a bill that would create 1.7 million new jobs & curb the worst effects of global warming.

Showing that he must get his climate news from Rush Limbaugh, Cuccinelli also cites illegally hacked climate scientist emails as proof the Environmental Protection Agency should throw out decades of scientific research. Does Cuccinelli know the Associated Press had a team of 5 reporters comb through every word of those emails & found “none of the emails” changed the fact that “global warming is man-made and a threat“? Or is he happy to keep ignoring reality & instead live in a science-denying bubble?

McDonnell Plagiarizes Palin’s “Christian Heritage Week” Proclamation


As NLS reports, Bob McDonnell issued a Christian Heritage Week proclamation back in March. I was looking for examples of such proclamations by governors in other states, and one that stood out was by none other than then-Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. I guess it’s not surprising that Bob McDonnell and Sarah Palin would be ideologically simpatico. Still, what jumped out for me was not just that these two proclamations were somewhat similar in tone or message, but that they are essentially identical!

Thus, they both contain the same quotes, in the same exact order, by: Benjamin Franklin (“It is impossible to build an empire…”), George Washington, (“animated alone by the pure spirit of Christianity…”), Thomas Jefferson (“Can the liberties of a nation be secure…”), James Madison (“the diffusion of the light of Christianity in our nation”), Patrick Henry (“Righteousness alone can exalt a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people”), and George Mason (“That it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance…”). McDonnell’s proclamation then concludes by essentially copying Palin’s language.

Palin’s proclamation: “Many truly great men and women of America, giants in the structuring of American history, were Christians of caliber and integrity who did not hesitate to express their faith.”)  

McDonnell’s proclamation: “…many other truly great men and women of America, giants in the structuring of American history, were statesmen of the highest calibre and integrity who did not hesitate to express their religious convictions, principles and faith.”

That’s right, my fellow Virginians, our governor can’t even come up with his own talking points but needs to plagiarize Sarah Palin’s.  Sadly, McDonnell doesn’t just plagiarize Palin’s words, he also copies her extremist ideology. And that’s the real problem here.

UPDATE: Another “Christan Heritage Week” proclamation is in Michigan, but it’s totally different in content and tone.

UPDATE #2: Apparently, McDonnell’s proclamation is one of a series of these things, including Palin’s in 2008, pushed by America’s Christian Heritage Week, which “Argues that the United States should be recognized as a Christian nation.”  Is that even worse than if McDonnell had purely plagiarized from Palin?

Bob McDonnell Apologizes, Admits “Mistake” on Confederate History Month Proclamation


NBC 12 political reporter Ryan Nobles tweets the breaking news:

Now McDonnell: “The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and..I apologize to any..Virginian who has been offended.”

BREAKING: Bob McDonnell has issued revised proclamation on Confederate History Month that includes slavery. Calls ommission a “‘mistake”. Mo adds, “I wonder what Romney, Pawlenty, Palin and other 2012 GOPers think of their buddy Bob McDonnell’s Confederate proclamation.”

Incredible national attention given to McDonnell Confederate month flap. What impact could it have on his nat’l political future?

This comes after Tim Kaine said, “the ommission of slavery from the McDonnell proclamation: ‘offends millions of Americans of all races.'” McDonnell’s retreat also follows the story going national, Sheila Johnson condemning him, and Terry McAuliffe saying he’s “disappointed that Governor McDonnell has decided to focus on this divisive issue.”

UPDATE: Mo Elleithee tweets, “Amazing how quickly this killed his ‘rising star’ buzz.”

UPDATE #2: Here’s McDonnell’s statement, which finally gets it right after relentless pounding for the past couple days. Again, better late than never?

The proclamation issued by this Office designating April as Confederate History Month contained a major omission. The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed. The abomination of slavery divided our nation, deprived people of their God-given inalienable rights, and led to the Civil War. Slavery was an evil, vicious and inhumane practice which degraded human beings to property, and it has left a stain on the soul of this state and nation. In 2007, the Virginia General Assembly approved a formal statement of “profound regret” for the Commonwealth’s history of slavery, which was the right thing to do.

the rest of the statement is after the “flip”

When I signed the Proclamation designating February as Black History Month, and as I look out my window at the Virginia Civil Rights Memorial, I am reminded that, even 150 years later, Virginia’s past is inextricably part of our present. The Confederate History Month proclamation issued was solely intended to promote the study of our history, encourage tourism in our state in advance of the 150th Anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, and recognize Virginia’s unique role in the story of America. The Virginia General Assembly unanimously approved the establishment of a Sesquicentennial American Civil War Commission to prepare for and commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the War, in order to promote history and create recognition programs and activities.

As Virginians we carry with us both the burdens and the blessings of our history. Virginia history undeniably includes the fact that we were the Capitol of the Confederacy, the site of more battlefields than any other state, and the home of the signing of the peace agreement at Appomattox. Our history is perhaps best encapsulated in a fact I noted in my Inaugural Address in January: The state that served as the Capitol of the Confederacy was also the first in the nation to elect an African-American governor, my friend, L. Douglas Wilder. America’s history has been written in Virginia. We cannot avoid our past; instead we must demand that it be discussed with civility and responsibility. During the commemoration of the Civil War over the next four years, I intend to lead an effort to promote greater understanding and harmony in our state among our citizens.”

In addition the Governor announced that the following language will be added to the Proclamation:

WHEREAS, it is important for all Virginians to understand that the institution of slavery led to this war and was an evil and inhumane practice that deprived people of their God-given inalienable rights and all Virginians are thankful for its permanent eradication from our borders, and the study of this time period should reflect upon and learn from this painful part of our history…

Sheila Johnson Condemns Bob McDonnell


Does this statement by BET billionaire Sheila Johnson,  a “Democrat” who nonetheless endorsed Bob McDonnell over Creigh Deeds last year, fall into the “better late than never” category or the “now she tells us” category?

I must condemn Governor McDonnell’s Proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month,’ and its insensitive disregard of Virginia’s complicated and painful history, the remnants of which many Virginians still wrestle with today. The complete omission of slavery from an official government document, which purports to be a call for Virginians to ‘understand’ and ‘study’ their history, is both academically flawed and personally offensive. If Virginians are to celebrate their ‘shared history,’ as this proclamation suggests, then the whole truth of this history must be recognized and not evaded.

Over on Facebook former Deeds strategist Mo Elleithee writes, “Note to Doug Wilder and Sheila Johnson: We all saw this coming last year. Where were you?” and “Glad to see this outrage from Sheila Johnson. Ironic, though, given her lack of remorse over her own offensive remarks last year.” Actually, I don’t think it’s “ironic” so much as it’s “too little too late.” But thanks anyway, Ms. Johson, now that McDonnell is busy ruining Virginia!

Ed Show: Is political violence stoked by the right-wing media?


Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th, VA) comes on around 9 minutes in. Check it out, he does a superb job!

A Few Words About Tanzania


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Kigoma, Tanzania.

Actually, we never even made it to Kigoma. Precision Air, one of only two airlines that flies to the remote region, had just suspended all flights for the next several weeks and the other airline was all booked.

No worries, we headed to Zanzibar instead….

Everywhere you look in Zanzibar there’s a bounty of fresh vegetables, fruit, and spices. One of the “Spice Islands”-a group of islands that supplied cloves, coriander, nutmeg, pepper, vanilla, and others to Europe in the 17th Century, Zanzibar still grows those spices in much the same way they were then-organically, without the use of chemical pesticides and artificial fertilizers, in response to consumer demand.

Later in our trip, back in Dar es Salaam, we met with Pancras Ngalason, Executive Director of Jane Goodall Center (JGI) in Tanzania, who explained how the Institute has evolved since it began in the 1970s as a center to research and protect wild chimpanzee populations in what is now, thanks to their efforts, Gombe National Park. In the early 1990s JGI realized that if it didn’t start addressing the needs of the communities surrounding the park, their efforts to conserve wildlife wouldn’t work. It was at that time, says Ngalason, that we “thought beyond planting trees” and more about community-based conservation.

JGI started working with communities to develop government mandated land use plans, helping them develop soil erosion prevention practices, agroforestry, and production of value-added products, such as coffee and palm oil. They like to say that their products are “Good for All”-good for farmers by providing income, good for the environment by protecting natural resources, and good for the consumer by providing a healthy product.

In Arusha, Tanzania, we met with the World Vegetable Center where researchers and farmers are working together to improve crop diversity, nutrition, and livelihoods through vegetables.”None of the staple crops,” says Dr. Abdou Tenkouano, the World Vegetable Center’s Regional Director for Africa, speaking of historically popular crops used to combat hunger like rice, wheat, maize, and cassava, “would be palatable without vegetables.” And vegetables, he says, “are less risk prone” than staple crops that stay in the field for longer periods of time. Additionally, according to the Center’s website, vegetable production generates more income on and off the farm than most other agricultural enterprises.

Though their air travel leaves something to be desired, like many places in Africa, Tanzania is a country rich in fresh vegetables, fruit, and innovations that help nourish people and the planet.

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