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Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: VP Contenders Would Help Trump Rig the Economy for Himself and His Ultra-Wealthy Donors


From the DNC War Room:

Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: VP Contenders Would Help Trump Rig the Economy for Himself and His Ultra-Wealthy Donors

As Donald Trump’s VP contenders trip over themselves to prove they will continue to help him push his failed MAGAnomics agenda, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump’s VP contenders are willing to help him rig the economy for himself and his ultra-rich donors at the expense of hardworking families. But no amount of spin from his desperate MAGA lackeys changes Trump’s failed MAGAnomics record of ballooning the deficit and letting billionaires pay less in taxes than working Americans for the first time in history, and leaving with the worst jobs record since the Great Depression. The American people rejected this extreme and out-of-touch MAGAnomics agenda in 2020, and they’ll reject Trump and whichever MAGA minion ends up as his running mate again in November.”

Donald Trump’s VP contenders support his disastrous MAGAnomics agenda that rigged the economy for the ultra-wealthy and failed hardworking Americans.

Tim Scott: “We make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax cuts permanent.”

Doug Burgum: “I believe in these economic policies, I believe the tax bill is a great thing.”

Marco Rubio: “Overall, the Republican tax-cut bill has been good for Americans. That is why I voted for it.”

Tom Cotton: “Trump’s tax cuts helped deliver the strongest economy in recent history.”

CNBC: “Ben Carson leads prayer for tax cuts at Trump Cabinet meeting”

KOTA: “Republicans are calling President Trump’s tax plan the biggest tax overhaul in history. … Representative Kris[ti] Noem was a big part in pushing this bill.”

Fox Business: “Trump’s tax policies have worked out for all of America: Rep. Byron Donalds

Vivek Ramaswamy on a suggestion to make permanent or expand the Trump tax cuts: “I’d go a little further, Larry, than that, to be honest with you.”

Alabama Political Reporter: “Katie Britt on Monday released a memo with her policy positions … [including] a bill to make permanent the individual tax cuts and extend the expanded standard deduction contained in President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. … a pro-growth tax reform bill reducing business tax rates, repealing the Death Tax, and making the expensing of capital assets permanent. … a bill to repeal the state and local tax deduction.”

Wesley Hunt: “I supported the 2017 Tax Reform bill.”

Trump’s VP contenders are standing by him as he promises his ultra-wealthy backers political favors while begging for campaign cash…

Washington Post: “Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour”

“As he closed his pitch at the Pierre Hotel, Trump explained to the group why it was in their interest to cut large checks. If he was not put back in office, taxes would go up for them under President Biden, who vows to let Trump-era tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations expire at the end of 2025.

“Seconds after promising the tax cuts, Trump made his pitch explicit. ‘So whatever you guys can do, I appreciate it,’ he said.”

Fox News“VP hopefuls dueling for dollars as they show off their fundraising clout for Trump”

“As they audition for the role of Donald Trump’s running mate, potential vice presidential nominees are showing off their ability to help the former president raise much-needed campaign cash. 

“Closed-door fundraisers with top-dollar Republican donors appear to be the latest screen test venue for those vying to land on the GOP ticket alongside Trump, joining a list that includes teaming up with the former president at his rallies and showing up at his criminal trial in New York City in support of Trump.”

Reuters: “Senator J.D. Vance, a potential running mate for Trump who previously lived in San Francisco and worked in venture capital, will attend the event, according to a source familiar with his plans. Vance helped organize the fundraiser and was a point of contact between [David] Sacks and the Trump campaign.”

Axios“Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), a top possible VP pick for former President Trump, has spent the past six months lobbying some of the heaviest hitters in Silicon Valley to back Trump.”

Fox News: “Senator’s fundraising skill could be winning ticket for Trump’s veepstakes”

New York Times: “A financial show of force for [Tim] Scott’s group could lift his chances of being selected by Mr. Trump, who has spoken to advisers at Mar-a-Lago about which potential running mates could help the campaign raise money.”

Politico: “Trump’s vice presidential contenders have been taking aggressive steps to distinguish themselves, such as doing interviews with national news outlets, fundraising for the former president and attending his hush money trial in New York.”

…and even asked Big Oil and Gas CEOs to give $1 billion to his campaign and vowed to immediately roll back environmental regulations in exchange.

Washington Post“What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign”

“You all are wealthy enough, [Trump] said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting.

“Giving $1 billion would be a ‘deal,’ Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people. … Trump’s remarkably blunt and transactional pitch reveals how the former president is targeting the oil industry to finance his reelection bid.

“The contrast between the two candidates on climate policy could not be more stark. … Trump has called climate change a ‘hoax,’ and his administration weakened or wiped out more than 125 environmental rules and policies over four years.

“Despite Trump’s huge fundraising ask, oil donors and their allies have yet to donate hundreds of millions to his campaign. They have contributed more than $6.4 million to Trump’s joint fundraising committee in the first three months of this year, according to an analysis by the advocacy group Climate Power.”

The Guardian“Trump promised US oil bosses to scrap climate laws for $1bn donation”

REMINDER: Trump’s MAGAnomics agenda left him with the worst jobs record in modern American history, as jobs were offshored and he ballooned the deficit.

Fortune“Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover”

Washington Post: “President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market in modern U.S. history, as an already-sputtering economic recovery has turned negative.”

The Guardian“Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Bloomberg“The Offshoring of U.S. Jobs Increased on Trump’s Watch”

Washington Post“Trump promised ‘America First’ would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas.”

Washington Post Analysis“One of President Donald Trump’s lesser-known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt. The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office… The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration.”

Politico: “The nation’s fiscal outlook looks ever bleaker, thanks in part to deficit spending during President Donald Trump’s first term, Congress’ nonpartisan budget scorekeeper projected Tuesday.”


Opponents of Proposed Dominion Gas Plant File Appeal with Chesterfield County Board of Zoning Appeals


From Friends of Chesterfield:

Opponents of Proposed Dominion Gas Plant File Appeal with Chesterfield County Board of Zoning Appeals

CHESTERFIELD, VA – Friends of Chesterfield filed an appeal on Monday to the Chesterfield County Board of Zoning Appeals challenging the county’s actions in response to Dominion Energy’s plans to build a 1000-megawatt methane gas plant near Dutch Gap. 

“County leaders have an obligation to listen to our concerns about this dirty gas plant and the impact it will have on our health and our power bills,” said Glen Besa, Chair of Friends of Chesterfield. “Ignoring local residents and pushing this project forward without our input is unacceptable.”

On May 24th, the Chesterfield Deputy County Administrator sent a letter to Dominion Energy certifying the facility is consistent with local ordinances for 500 Coxendale Road in Chesterfield. Dominion’s only public page about the project lists a location one mile north of this address as the official site of the project. In its appeal, Friends of Chesterfield asserts the administrator’s certification is invalid without Board of Supervisors approval and that the certification is based on insufficient information about the plant.

Community opponents have raised serious concerns over the health, financial and environmental risks associated with the project. The plant is expected to generate more than 1,110 tons of toxic air pollutants per year and is likely to raise electric bills for Dominion customers.  

“My family has put up with decades of coal dust and toxic air pollution from Dominion’s old coal plant; we deserve a break,” said Duane Brankley, who lives two miles from the proposed site of the facility and who is a co-appellant in the appeal. “Building a new gas plant will put thousands of families and children at risk of breathing toxic air for another 40 years.” 

Friends of Chesterfield is planning a rally in opposition to the project outside the Board of Supervisors meeting this Wednesday, June 26th at 6 PM at 10001 Iron Bridge Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832. Chesterfield county residents can register to attend the event here.


 Friends of Chesterfield is a community-based group in Chesterfield County dedicated to bringing residents together around the issues that impact our lives. Friends of Chesterfield was formed in 2023 in response to Dominion Energy’s proposed 1000-megawatt methane gas power plant.

Tuesday News: Putin Believes Trump’s “chaos will be the downfall of the US”; “MAGA justices already gave Trump de facto immunity — and disgraced the court”; “Trump’s Debate Prep Is Whining and Making Stuff Up”; Insurrectionist John McGuire the Apparent Winner in VA05


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, June 25.

Video: Kaine For Virginia Campaign Launches New Ad, “Extreme,” Highlighting Hung Cao’s Dangerous Position On Reproductive Freedom


From the Tim Kaine for Senate reelection campaign:

Kaine For Virginia Campaign Launches New Digital Ad, “Extreme,” Highlighting Hung Cao’s Dangerous Position On Reproductive Freedom

Narrator: “If you can’t trust women, you’re too extreme for Virginia.”

Richmond, VA – Today, the Kaine for Virginia campaign launched a new digital ad, “Extreme,” highlighting MAGA extremist Hung Cao’s dangerous position on abortion.


The ad focuses on Hung Cao’s position on outlawing abortion. It begins with how Cao was “thrilled” when Roe v. Wade was overturned and Cao’s pledge in a 2022 questionnaire to support a law “to protect innocent life from conception to natural death,” which would mean a nationwide ban on abortion with zero exceptions for rape or incest. Cao has also used extreme language to talk about abortion, comparing women who receive abortions to Nazis.

“If Hung Cao had his way, he would overrule Virginians and support a total abortion ban with zero exceptions for rape and incest,” said Michael Beyer, Communications Director for Kaine for Virginia. “With reproductive freedom on the line in this election, the choice could not be clearer: Tim Kaine trusts women to make their own reproductive health decisions while Hung Cao believes he should make these personal decisions for Virginia women.”

Watch the ad here and view a full transcript below:

  • VO: Where does Hung Cao stand on outlawing abortion?
  • When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Hung Cao said he was “thrilled.”
  • But Cao went even further!
  • He pledged support for a national law that could totally outlaw abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest. No exceptions.
  • While also jeopardizing access to contraception and IVF services.
  • He even compared American women who have abortions to Nazis!
  • Hung Cao — If you can’t trust women, you’re too extreme for Virginia.


REMINDER: Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02), VA07 GOP Nominee Derrick Anderson Both CELEBRATED the Overturning of Roe!


From the DCCC:

REMINDER: Jen Kiggans Celebrated the Overturning of Roe

Two years ago, Jen Kiggans applauded the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and take away a woman’s right to have an abortion.

In the two years since Kiggans cheered for the fall of Roe, her party has worked to further restrict women’s reproductive freedoms.

From working to outlaw abortion medication, voting to allow states to implement abortion bans, to unanimously electing a Speaker who wants to “get the number of abortions to ZERO,” House Republicans have made it clear the Dobbs decision they celebrated was just the first step in their mission to ban abortion nationwide.

Virginia is the last state in the south without an abortion ban. Let’s not forget that Jen Kiggans has called abortion a “shiny object” and derisively claims abortion is “elective surgery,” similar to a “Hollywood nose job.”

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Jen Kiggans can’t hide the reality of her anti-choice extremism. Virignians know that Kiggans celebrated as women across the country had their reproductive freedom ripped away, and voters will hold her accountable for her continued extremism this November.”

REMINDER: Derrick Anderson Celebrated the Overturning of Roe

Two years ago, Derrick Anderson applauded the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and take away a woman’s right to have an abortion.

In the two years since Anderson cheered for the fall of Roe, his party has worked to further restrict women’s reproductive freedoms.

Virginia is the last state in the South without an abortion ban. Let’s not forget that Derrick Anderson supported Yesli Vega, who shamefully implied that rape survivors can’t get pregnant and therefore shouldn’t have abortion rights.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Derrick Anderson can’t hide the reality of his anti-choice extremism. Virignians know that Anderson celebrated as women across the country had their reproductive freedom ripped away, and voters will hold him accountable for his continued extremism this November.”

Video: On Anniversary of Trump Overturning Roe v. Wade, Ashley Judd; Reps. Abigail Spanberger and Jennifer McClellan; VA Sen. Louise Lucas Slam Trump for Attacking Reproductive Freedom, Vow to Reelect Biden-Harris in November


In Richmond a few minutes ago, there was an event to mark the two-year anniversary of Trump’s far-right Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. Speaking at the event were Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04), Virginia Senate President Pro Tempore L. Louise Lucas, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07) and actress/activist Ashley Judd. As the Biden campaign summarized, the speakers “highlight[e]d Trump’s extreme record, including his belief that there should be ‘punishment’ for women who have an abortion, and spotlight his plans to ban abortion nationwide.” And they warned of a second Trump term, which would almost certainly “rip reproductive freedom from women in all 50 states – including Virginia.” Meanwhile, “[i]n stark contrast, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris believe that women’s reproductive health care decisions should be made by them and their doctors, not politicians…[they] will never allow a national abortion ban to become law.”

With that, see below for video of the event, as well as a few highlights, including:

  • Rep. Jennifer McClellan: “Today is a solemn day…the second anniversary of when I became the first generation of my family to lose a constitutional right in my lifetime…when I had to worry if my daughter would have the same peace of mind of knowing that her decisions will determine her fate…today is the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe…I was a month old when Roe was decided. I lived almost my entire childbearing years under the knowledge that the decision of when, how and whether to become a parent would be mine…[Democrats] made Virginia a safe haven for abortion…Virginia is the only state in the South without an abortion ban or extreme restrictions…but that can all go away depending on what happens this November…Now they’re coming after contraception…IFV…The decisions for what to do with your body should be yours…It should not be Donald Trump, Mike Johnson or Glenn Youngkin deciding – it should be you, and we are going to fight back…reelecting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris…take back the House!”
  • Sen. Louise Lucas: “Well you all know why I walk with this cane. I had total knee surgery for keeping my foot up Glenn Youngkin’s ass all session…It is unfortunate that we gather on the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which denied us the right to reproductive health. This is a right that was granted  to us by Roe…on January 22, 1973, which was on my 29th birthday, so this is very significant to me…a landmark decision that once symbolized hope and progress but now serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice… our democracy is under heavy attack…I remember the day Youngkin came into office…Some pundits said that he was going to be the moderate, effective governor…who worked across the aisle…Welp, fast forward to today, three years later, and it’s pretty clear that Gov. Youngkin was just another ineffective MAGA placeholder. I mean, at one point he even thought that he was going to be the next president of the United States. Can you believe that shit? But in all seriousness, over the past several years, we’ve seen Republicans’ true color, from convicted felon nominee Donald Trump, who is running just to stay out of prison to the MAGA House Republicans who couldn’t elect and protect their own Speaker of the House, to Glenn Youngkin who tried time and time again to pass reproductive restrictions…an abortion ban in Virginia – and each time he tried, we said HELL NO! It’s clear that these Republicans don’t care about any of you; they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their rich friends…We cannot afford a Republican-controlled government…Our freedoms are at stake!…It was just several weeks…Gov. Youngkin chose to veto the right to contraception – can you believe that crap?…This coming election…send a message to these MAGA Republicans by electing Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and Democrats up and down the ballot…This election is about freedom vs. tyranny…competency vs. chaos…a good, honest man vs. a vengeful extremist.”
  • Rep. Abigail Spanberger: “We need to be here for…the long haul, where we stand up for our rights…our freedoms…the rights and the freedoms of the kids…I have three daughters…and the reality is…these are attacks on the rights and the freedoms of our fellow citizens and of our future generations… and we must stand up against those attacks…Roe v Wade…[is] no longer [settled law]…[Dobbs led to] rights rolled back…This is not what we the people…want…This November is our chance to…say, this is unacceptable, you cannot attack our freedoms, you cannot roll back our rights…”
  • Ashley Judd: “My story includes abortion. A guy I’d known since I was a kid raped me. And when I became pregnant, I was so grateful that I was able to access a safe and legal abortion, for many reasons, including the fact that in Kentucky and Tennessee, rapists have paternity rights…43 states allow rapists paternity rights – incredible. So you get to coparent with your rapist where abortion is illegal. Welcome to rape culture and patriarchy. Welcome to Donald Trump’s Supreme Court, where he appointed three [justices]…where he has described the overturning of abortion in America as a ‘beautiful thing to watch.’…We know where our polling booths are. And we know exactly for whom we are voting…It is about our very lives…We are the authors and authorities of our family lives – not Donald Trump; he shouldn’t be in charge of anything…I am so looking forward to casting my vote this November for the Biden-Harris ticket, for seeing Roe restored…”

President Joe Biden, VA Dems, Planned Parenthood of VA Statements on Two-Year Anniversary of Trump-Appointed, Far-Right Supreme Court Justices Overturning Roe v Wade


See below for statements by President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party of Virginia and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia on the two-year anniversary of “Donald Trump’s Supreme Court majority overturn[ing] Roe v. Wade and set[ting] back reproductive rights over 50 years.”

WATCH: President Biden Slams Donald Trump for Overturning Roe v. Wade Two Years Ago Today

“Decades of progress shattered just because the last guy got four years in the White House. We know what will happen if he gets another four.”

Today marks two years since Donald Trump’s Supreme Court majority overturned Roe v. Wade and set back reproductive rights over 50 years. To mark the anniversary, President Biden today released a new video calling Donald Trump out for proudly appointing the justices who overturned Roe, putting women’s lives in danger, and promising to go even further if reelected.

This video is part of a campaign-wide organizing push around the Dobbs anniversary, which includes more than 50 events across the country. Just days before the first presidential debate, Team Biden-Harris is reminding voters of the stark contrast between President Biden, who is fighting to restore Roe, and Donald Trump, who continues to proudly brag that he was the one to overturn Roe v. Wade.


JOE BIDEN: Here’s what Donald Trump says about your freedom: “After 50 years of failure with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court justices that Trump handpicked helped overturn Roe v. Wade.

REPORTER 1: Never before has the Court granted and then taken away a widely recognized constitutional right.

REPORTER 2: New laws banning abortion are taking effect.

JOE BIDEN: Decades of progress shattered just because the last guy got four years in the White House.

We know what will happen if he gets another four. For MAGA Republicans, Roe is just the beginning. They’re going to try to ban the right to choose nationwide. They’re coming for IVF and birth control next.

We’re up against extremism.

Send me back to the White House and I’ll fight like hell to restore Roe v. Wade and protect American freedom.


Paid for by Biden for President

DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker shared the following statement on the anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade:

“Two years ago, six justices – three of whom Donald Trump appointed – overturned Roe v. Wade, launching a new war on women’s freedoms. Since that dangerous ruling, 14 states have totally banned access to abortions, and more states now with strict limitations. This is not only about MAGA Republicans hellbent on taking away women’s freedom; this is also about MAGA Republicans denying healthcare to women.

“Virginia is the only state in the South without an abortion ban or restrictions. Thousands of women are forced to travel to our Commonwealth for care because of those bans. This year, Virginia Democrats protected our status as a safe haven by blocking Glenn Youngkin’s extreme anti-abortion agenda. However, that didn’t stop Youngkin from vetoing a bill that would have protected women from extradition who travel from out-of-state to Virginia for abortions.

“As MAGA Republicans promised, they do not just want to take away access to abortions. Overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning. In Virginia, Youngkin vetoed a bill to protect access to birth control. In Congress, Republicans blocked bills to protect access to birth control and IVF treatment. Their deplorable actions speak much louder than words.

“This November, we must reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, keep our majority in the Senate by reelecting Senator Tim Kaine, and take back our majority in the House by electing our Democratic nominees. Defeating Republicans at the ballot box is the only way to ensure the next generations of young women will have more rights than we do right now.”


From Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia:

Virginia’s Crucial Role in the Fight for Reproductive Freedom: Two Years After Devastating Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

Richmond, Va – Today marks the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a ruling that has allowed states across the country to strip away the fundamental right to abortion. Over the past two years, this decision has led to chaos, desperation, and confusion, resulting in devastating experiences for millions of people.

Jamie Lockhart, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia said, “Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court’s devastating decision to overturn Roe v. Wade unleashed a cascade of abortion bans across the country, including in nearly all of Virginia’s neighboring states. Virginia continues to be a key abortion access state as millions across the south now face limited or no options where they live. Politicians disconnected from the needs of the people are relentlessly working to ban or restrict sexual and reproductive health care in Virginia and across the nation. Despite what they said when Roe was overturned, anti-abortion extremists were not satisfied with overturning Roe.

Abortion is on the ballot again this year, next year, and every year until we secure our right to reproductive freedom. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia is committed to ensuring Virginia enshrines protections for abortion, contraception and other reproductive health care into our constitution.”


Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia (PPAV) is a statewide advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve and broaden access to reproductive health care through legislation, public education, electoral activity and litigation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PPAV works to ensure that individuals and families have the freedom, information, and ability to make their own informed reproductive choices.

Monday News: Michael Mann Says Trump Win Would Be “Game Over” for Climate; “Conservative-backed group…creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans”; “Trump Made ‘Nazi Ovens’ Joke Around Jewish Execs”; “Trump freewheels towards debate as Biden rehearses at Camp David”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, June 24.

Video: On “This Week,” Former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA10) Says It’s Not “Relevant” Who Trump Picks for VP, “because whoever it is, is going to just…be….saying whatever Donald Trump wants”


When former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA10) was actually in the U.S. House, she voted 97.8% of the time with Trump and was known as a hard-edged Republican partisan. Since leaving Congress in January 2019, however, Comstock has morphed into a strongly anti-Trump, anti-MAGA, pro-democracy voice, along with others like former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05), and regardless of what I thought about her pre-2019, at this point I’ll take any allies we can get in the pro-democracy, anti-fascism camp.

So anyway, this morning, Comstock was on ABC’s “This Week,” and she really nailed it about the upcoming debate, as well as about Trump’s VP pick. See below for video and a few highlights from what she had to say.

  • I think what Biden needs to do is he should just ignore Trump and his antics and talk directly to those swing voters and Republicans who aren’t going to support Trump and calmly talk to them, first about his record and the bipartisan success that he has, but also, you know, what he wants to do for the future, but he also needs to tell the American people that, you know, Trump is a convicted felon, that he’s somebody who has been adjudicated of sexual assault, but also what he wants to do to women’s health and all the concerns there that he’s talked about.  He also needs to tell them that he wants to pardon January 6th violent offenders, those people who beat, you know, the Capitol policemen on January 6th, that this is somebody who asked his own vice president… Trump wants to pardon the January 6th violent offenders, that this is someone who asked his own vice president to violate his constitutional oath, which is why his own vice president isn’t supporting him as well as many of Trump’s own Cabinet members, including people like his longest-serving chief of staff, John Kelly, who has said he, you know, the — the whole suckers and losers thing.”
  • “…nobody has really talked — these — these independents and the people who don’t — who are still thinking about it, those are the people, the 6 percent in the six states who are the late deciders, they are — they swing to more center-left. They are women. And they are the people we know who don’t like to support a convicted felon, who are very concerned about democracy, about the state of…And he has made inroads with them, and they are very concerned that people don’t support — in his own administration, those type of people who know he is a danger to democracy and that he won’t support our allies. Last night he was saying he won’t stand with our NATO allies.”
  • I don’t know that it’s relevant [who Trump picks for VP] because whoever it is, is going to just, you know, be whatever — saying whatever Donald Trump wants. So, this is all about Trump because it’s a me, me, me, Trump, you know, electorate. The base — the Trump base is always going to accept what he says. The election is going to be about those swing voters, and what they care about in that small group of states, as Frank Luntz was pointing out. So those people care about health care, not just — not just abortion health care, but about, you know, Trump has said he wants to repeal Obamacare health care. Again, without a replacement. He has not come up with any type of plans except, you know, things like tariffs on everything which we know would raise taxes by 10 percent or more. So he doesn’t have a plan and he’s at these rallies, he’s just talking about things, you know…”

Sunday News: “Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America”; Unhinged, Psychopathic Trump “spreads violent rhetoric, suggesting migrants should fight for sport”; Sen. Warnock, Gov. Beshear Fire Up VA Dems


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, June 23.