Home 2019 Elections Audio: Jerry Falwell, Jr. on the “Unscrupulous” NY Times, COVID-19 as a...

Audio: Jerry Falwell, Jr. on the “Unscrupulous” NY Times, COVID-19 as a “Hoax,” Liberals Using COVID-19 to “Expand Socialism,” the “Worst Excuse for a Governor” in Virginia History

Also, the only people in Lynchburg wearing masks are at "the liberal grocery story"


More lunacy and extremism from Liberty “University” President Jerry Falwell, Jr., who went on Trumpster Radio (“The John Fredericks Show” – check out the audio, below) earlier today to share his, uh, insights. For instance:

  • On the NY Times: “Sean Hannity was talking yesterday about how…the only thing that he fears is that..I think he said something like, if you know they’re failing financially but now that there’s a shortage of toilet paper, their sales might go up. And I think he’s right about that…We were the victims simply because we were the conservative university…we had to take out warrants for [the NY Times and Pro Publica reporters’] arrest. And so…what does that tell you about the media? I mean, they’ve gone to a new level of…just complete uscrupulous behavior, and… we’re not gonna stand by and let it go on; we’re about to file a civil action against them.”
  • On COVID-19 being a “hoax”: “The Washington Times yesterday had…an op-ed that this was the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, because the numbers now…are showing that the percentage of fatalities are much less than the common flu. And I don’t know if those numbers are right…I’m sure the numbers that the mainstream media are putting out are wrong about the number of deaths, I think they’re counting everybody who died of old age and heart attacks and whatever, but I don’t know that for a fact, but I just think somewhere in between there’s the truth and I think the truth is it’s much closer to the common flu.”
  • On liberals using COVID-19 to “expand socialism,” etc: “And it’s shut down our economy. I think they they found a way to grow government and to expand socialism and to restrict individual liberties and god help us if they if they ever use this again. Trump has walked in a tightrope – if he goes either direction too far, he’s going to get excoriated; well he’s already been excoriated. But he’s walking a tightrope. And so I understand that he can’t be as strident as I am about about his view on this thing…”
  • On people (not) wearing masks in Lynchburg, except at the “liberal grocery store”: “You know i haven’t changed anything I do. You don’t see people wearing masks around Lynchburg, Virginia…except at the liberal grocery store…it’s like the liberals think they’re going to live forever. I don’t know, maybe they’re afraid of what’s going to happen to them when they die, i don’t know.”
  • On hoping AG Bill Barr saves us by suing the states: “It’s getting to a point of no return…if the attorney general doesn’t act quickly.”
  • On his feelings towards Gov. Northam: “Our governor has targeted Liberty University…his new budget eliminates tuition assistance grants for in-state students for any student who wants to study online…It was of course aimed at us because we’re the biggest, but what he doesn’t understand is that’s a drop in the bucket to us. We’re going to give that same aid to those students and all it’s going to do is take students away from three or four little struggling colleges who depend on online students to survive. All those students are going to end up coming to Liberty and the governor’s going to get the blame for putting him out of business, and I’m going to relish in the fact that he…attacks us and he gets the blame for putting these little colleges that… are liberal for the most part out of business. And so, you know, we’re not going to take it lying down. We’re going to fight the governor.”
  • But wait, he’s got even MORE thoughts about Gov. Northam: “Just yesterday, we got word that he’s tried to find a way to…open up all the aviation schools, but he asked his aide, how can we do it without letting Liberty open up? And so he’s gonna wish he had never tangled with me, because I’m gonna come back at him in ways that he has no idea what we can do to him. And he’s just the worst excuse for a governor that any state’s ever had. I’m embarrassed that…my family’s lived here since the 1600s and I’m so embarrassed that somebody like him who wants to get rid of gun rights, who wants to kill babies after they’re born, I’m just so embarrassed that I’m not going to say the word on the radio, but I’m just…embarrassed that he’s our governor…They hate that we’re successful.”

Great stuff, eh? BTW, if you’re a masochist who can’t get enough of Jerry Falwell, Jr., see:


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