Home 2020 Elections Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Numbers for VA01, VA02, VA05, VA07, VA10, VA11

Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Numbers for VA01, VA02, VA05, VA07, VA10, VA11


Primaries (June 23) and conventions (June 13 for the VA05 GOP; July 18 for the VA07 GOP) here in Virginia are rapidly approaching, and pre-primary campaign finance numbers are coming in. See below for the latest from competitive/potentially competitive districts and/or districts with Democratic primaries.

According to the FEC and the ProPublica database, here are the top-line numbers for VA01:

  • Democrat Qasim Rashid has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $119,752 and cash on hand of $97,041
  • Democrat Vangie Williams has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $9,100 and cash on hand of $140,775.
  • Republican Rep. Rob Wittman has reported net contributions this period of $43,275 and cash on hand of $520,328.

According to the FEC, here are the top-line numbers for VA02:

  • Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $396,079 and cash on hand of $2,646,510
  • Republican Scott Taylor has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3)  of $123,076 and cash on hand of $261,391
  • Republican Ben Loyola has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $29,295 and cash on hand of $19,869
  • Republican Jarome Bell has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $82,498 and cash on hand of $23,079

According to the FEC, here are the top-line numbers for VA05:

  • Democrat Cameron Webb has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $210,022 and cash on hand of $139,661
  • Democrat Claire Russo has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $156,051 and cash on hand of $201,530
  • Democrat RD Huffstetler has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $87,124 and cash on hand of $286,811
  • Democrat John Lesinski has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $40,484 and cash on hand of $36,078
  • Republican Rep. Denver Riggleman has reported cash on hand (through May 24) of $203,645
  • Republican Bob Good has reported cash on hand (through May 24) of $34,482

According to the FEC, here are the top-line numbers for VA07:

  • Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger has reported net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) of $523,593 and cash on hand of $3,548,585.
  • Republican Nick Freitas hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)
  • Republican John McGuire hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)
  • Republican Tina Ramirez hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)
  • Republican Andrew Knaggs hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)
  • Republican Jason Roberge hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)
  • Republican Pete Greenwald hasn’t reported yet (the GOP convention is set for July 18)

See below for some numbers from VA10, where Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D) has a huge lead in net fundraising this period (April 1-June 3) and cash on hand over her potential Republican opponents…

Finally, in VA11, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D) reports $118,612 in net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) and $3,156,017 cash on hand. His Democratic primary challenger, Zainab Mohsini, reports $9,547 in net contributions this period and $5,325 cash on hand. Republican Manga Anantatmula reports $27,721 in net contributions this period and $23,743 cash on hand.

P.S. Also note, for U.S. Senate, Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Warner reports $575,070 in net contributions this period (April 1-June 3) and $8,695,520 cash on hand. Warner has an enormous lead over Republican Daniel Gade, who reports $173,189 in net contributions this period and $105,328 cash on hand. Republican Thomas Speciale reports $8,281 in net contributions this period and $21,265 cash on hand. Republican Alissa Baldwin reports $602 in net contributions htis period and $536 cash on hand.


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