Home 2021 Elections 2021 VA GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Endorsed By Corrupt Bob McDonnell, Who Got...

2021 VA GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Endorsed By Corrupt Bob McDonnell, Who Got “Freedom From Jail – But Not From Disgrace”

As another Cox endorser, George Allen, likes to say, "You can tell a lot about people by the folks they stand with.”


The following endorsement – of 2021 Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Del. Kirk Cox, by former Gov. Bob McDonnell – doesn’t seem like anything you’d want to brag about, given that Bob McDonnell is…well, see the following links. Of course, Cox was also just busy bragging that he was endorsed by former Sen. George Allen, infamous for his racist “macaca” comments. As Allen himself likes to say,  “You can tell a lot about people by the folks they stand with.” You sure can…you sure can.


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