Home Redistricting The Predictable – and Predicted – VA Redistricting Commission Debacle in Graphics

The Predictable – and Predicted – VA Redistricting Commission Debacle in Graphics

"On 15 procedural and rule votes so far, Republican members have been more unified than Democrats."


See below for the Virginia Redistricting Commission fiasco, in graphics, courtesy of VPAP. A few key takeaways include:

  • “A consensus that Virginia’s new Redistricting Commission must achieve to adopt new legislative maps mostly has eluded the 16-member panel in a series of policy and procedural votes.” In other words, depending on how one looks at it, the commission’s either NOT working as intended or working *exactly* as intended. Depending on how cynical one is, perhaps?
  • “On 15 procedural and rule votes so far, Republican members have been more unified than Democrats.” So basically, Republicans are in lockstep, while Democrats – as is their wont – are…not so much.
  • The graphic on citizen member independence is fascinating, as it shows that three Democratic appointees – James Abrenio, Brandon Hutchins and Greta Harris – broke ranks with their party’s legislative members 5 or 6 times so far, while the four Republican citizen members are overwhelmingly in lockstep with the legislators who put them on the commission.
  • As for “the eight legislative members, only two (both Democrats) have broken with their party so far on votes determining rules and procedures.” Sen. George Barker, who was a huge proponent of this commission and who is heavily responsible for the gerrymandered maps we got the last time around, broke with his party on several votes (e.g., “Should delegate-members help draw Senate maps and vice versa; “Approve complete draft of redistricting criteria; “Allow incumbent addresses to be considered when drawing maps”; “Issue three RFPs to hire counsel: GOP, Democratic, nonpartisan”) to side with Republicans…and with a worse, more partisan, more gerrymandered process.


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