Home 2022 Elections Youngkin to Campaign for WI-GOV Candidate Whose Position on Abortion Is “exact...

Youngkin to Campaign for WI-GOV Candidate Whose Position on Abortion Is “exact mirror of the 1849 law”; Said “I don’t think [Trump] did anything wrong” on 1/6/21; Encouraged “people to take up ‘pitchforks and torches'”; Denies Climate Science; etc.


Add this guy to the long list of right-wing Republicans (election deniers, climate science deniers, 100% opponents of women’s reproductive freedom, etc.) Glenn Youngkin’s been campaigning for. So now, Tim Michels in Wisconsin will joint the ignominious list, along with Tudor Dixon in Michigan (anti-abortion extremist and election conspiracy theorist, among other things), Paul LePage in Maine (said “the enemy right now…are people of color or people of Hispanic origin” and that no “sane people would want to allow transgender in our primary schools”; called a state legislator a “little son of a bitch, c*cks*cker”; etc.), Heidi Ganahl in Colorado (among other things, “refuses to denounce John Eastman, former CU professor and author of the fraudulent legal memo used to justify the Jan 6 plot, who has been subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 committee and by a grand jury investigating election fraud in Georgia”)Joe Lombardo in Nevada (he’s 100% anti-abortion, anti-“Red Flag Laws,” pro-“Don’t-Say-Gay” laws, anti-immigrant…), Derek Schmidt in Kansaselections conspiracy theorist/anti-abortion-extremist/total nutjob Kari Lake in Arizona; etc.

So who is Tim Michels? See below for the gory details:

  • Michelsopposes abortion and supports the state’s law banning abortion except in cases of the life of the mother.” See below for Michels saying that his position on abortion is “an exact mirror of the 1849 law,” which would ban abortion and jail doctors.” Nuts.
  • “Michels has proposed universal school choice,[6] an expansion of the state’s private school voucher program.[7] Tony Evers vetoed a similar proposal that would have eliminated income caps for the voucher program.[8] Michels has also been critical of the teaching of transgender topics in public K-12 schools and supports a greater emphasis on traditional educational topics.”
  • “Michels said he believed that marriage should be between a man and woman.”
  • Michels said that on January 6, 2021, “I haven’t seen any evidence that Donald Trump said go to the Capitol now and storm it, I don’t think he would have done that; clearly there’s a lot of posturing going on on TV right now, trying to make Donald Trump look bad…I don’t think he did anything wrong.” Yikes.
  • Michels said “that illegally decertifying the 2020 presidential election will be ‘on the table’ if he becomes governor, and wouldn’t say whether he would certify the 2024 election.” Extremely dangerous.
  • On guns, Michels “has opposed a bipartisan package of common sense gun safety reforms that included background checks for those under 21 purchasing guns and made it harder for deadly weapons to fall into the hands of domestic abusers.” Also, “when discussing red flag laws, he said that abusers shouldn’t have their weapons confiscated because an ‘angry ex, ex-spouse makes a complaint…'”
  • On the climate crisis, Michels is abysmal, spewing out this moronic word salad: “you know, there’s a lot of discussion about that. Has the temperature gone up? Temperature has always fluctuated throughout the history of this world. And we can’t just say that it all happened because of man’s actions in the last 100 years.”
  • Michels called forpeople to take up ‘pitchforks and torches’ in reaction to a story that detailed his giving to anti-abortion groups, churches and others — rhetoric that Democrats say amounts to threatening violence.”
  • According to this story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, used “his personal foundation to fund anti-gay and anti-abortion groups.”
  • Michels was, not surprisingly, endorsed by Donald Trump.



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