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Mayor Molly Ward of Hampton endorses Aneesh Chopra for Lt. Governor


(A helpful endorsement for Aneesh Chopra (who I’m supporting), especially since he’s from Northern Virginia and his Democratic opponent, Ralph Northam, is from the Hampton Roads area. – promoted by lowkell)

HAMPTON, VA – Today, Molly Ward, Mayor of the City of Hampton, endorsed Aneesh Chopra for Virginia Lt. Governor. Ward, who is currently serving in her second term as Mayor, praised Chopra’s vision for Virginia’s future.

“Aneesh’s positive vision for Virginia is exactly what we need,” said Ward. “He knows we must turn the page on the politics of the past and work to respect and empower all Virginians. He represents the future of politics in the Commonwealth, where we dedicate ourselves to finding innovative new ways to address our greatest challenges.”

“As a Mayor in the Hampton Roads area, I am confident that Aneesh Chopra will be a Lt. Governor who represents all corners of the Commonwealth,” Ward continued. “His experience working for Governor Kaine and President Obama have prepared him to be an effective leader on day one.”

Upon receiving the endorsement, Chopra said, “I am honored and excited to have the support of Mayor Ward. She has been an incredible leader for Hampton and I am thrilled to work with her to move Virginia forward.”

Ward joins a growing list of Virginia mayors in endorsing Chopra, including most recently Mayor Dwight Jones of Richmond.

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, May 1. Also check out Terry McAuliffe’s first television advertisement of the campaign, “Youngest of Four,” a positive ad which will air statewide starting tomorrow. Go Terry!

*Obama preparing to send arms to Syrian rebels (Time for a no-fly zone as well?)

*Markey takes Massachusetts Democratic Senate primary in rout (We badly need this champion of clean energy and climate action in the U.S. Senate!)

*Senate Democrats Eye Push For Gay Couples’ Protections In Immigration Bill

*Virginia’s deepening scandal (“The troubling questions about the McDonnell-Cuccinelli-Williams affair are mounting. Did the governor and his wife accept unreported gifts from Mr. Williams in return for political favors? Did Mr. Schneider’s role as whistle-blower factor in any way into Mr. Cuccinelli’s pursuit of criminal charges against him? How could Mr. Cuccinelli not have remembered that Mr. Williams paid for his family’s summer vacation last year? Virginians deserve answers.”)

*McAuliffe’s first ad focuses on family, jobs

*Cuccinelli’s test: Winning centrists without losing conservatives (Why would any “centrist” vote for a guy who’s as far right wing as is humanly possible? It makes zero sense.)

*Case of Cailin McDonnell’s wedding involves Cuccinelli, FBI

*Gov. Bob McDonnell denies donor favoritism in Star Scientific case (Yeah, right!!!)

*Ken Cuccinelli Struggling with Makeover in Virginia Governor’s Race (“The Republican nominee is now focusing more on job growth and education reform than railing against abortion and gay marriage.”)

*Lawmakers differ over effectiveness of state’s ethics laws (Anyone who thinks Virginia’s current ethics laws are even close to adequate must be personally benefiting from those laws themselves, because that’s just laughable.)

*McAuliffe proposes state ethics oversight panel

*GOP candidates for lieutenant governor agree on conservative principles (I’m shocked, shocked, that a bunch of far-right wingnuts agreed they’re all…far-right wingnuts!)

*A broader vision on immigration reform (“As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Bob Goodlatte has a chance to be a leader in the search for a bipartisan solution.”)

*Several key Democrats rally behind Dance (“On Tuesday, the leaders of all six party committees in Dance’s district signed a letter of support for the incumbent.”)

*Bat-killing disease hitting Virginia harder than ever (That sucks.)

*Warner, Kaine make push on VA disability claim backlog

*Science, tech jobs dominate region, census says

*Atlanta Braves 8, Washington Nationals 1: Gio Gonzalez struggles in loss (OK guys, April – the cruelest month – is over, time to turn the page!)

Campaign Finance: A Winner for Terry McAuliffe


Nixon going to China has become one of the biggest cliches in politics.  But like many cliches, it reveals a fundamental truth: the power of a politician playing against his own stereotype — and changing history in the process.

Terry McAuliffe presently faces a problem and an opportunity that both can be solved by his own “trip to China.”  The problem is that his reputation is that of a big-money inside-the-Beltway fundraiser.  By sheer coincidence, the opportunity also involves campaign cash — the Star-gate scandal that is presently eating both Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli alive.  This whole scandal has exposed how weak and ineffective Virginia’s campaign finance laws really are — and how unlikely it is that Republicans will be the ones to change them.  

The solution is one that Terry’s campaign has just begun to hit on — make him the leader who finally brings real campaign finance reform to the Commonwealth.  What better person to lead that charge than one of the great fundraisers in recent political history?  By making this a major campaign issue, Terry can leave his past behind him and embrace a future as the reformist governor that Virginia so desperately needs.  

And this is one of those happy instances where good policy also represents good politics, since every mention of the legal and ethical woes of the current Republican governor and the AG who seeks to replace him only helps make the Democrats’ case.  

I’ve often questioned why more politicians don’t embrace the issue of campaign finance reform.  Perhaps it is because they are listening to pollsters who rarely find the issue cited as one of voters’ major concerns.  But that misses a critical point: knowing that a candidate is a genuine champion for reform gives voters a positive feeling about that candidate — a reputational boost that adds more credibility to the rest of whatever that candidate says and does.  Such a boost would help Terry tremendously right now.  

If the Nixon analogy is too dated for you, try John McCain.  His reputation was damaged in 1989 when he was named one of the “Keating Five”, a group of Senators caught trying too hard to help a Savings & Loan CEO who had given them handsome campaign contributions.  

Once cleared of improprieties, McCain used the incident as a launching pad for what became his very successful push for campaign finance reform — the McCain-Feingold law.  Within a few years, he had changed his reputation from that of a deal-maker to that of a reformer — a title that he rode all the way to a presidential nomination.

Terry, by contrast, has no scandals in his background (contrary to all the baseless bloviation you may hear emanating from tea party circles).  But that doesn’t change the fact that high-dollar fundraising is not a profession that gives most voters a warm and fuzzy feeling.  

The best way to change one’s old image is to simply move forward and leave it behind.  People rightly care less about your past (as long it was clean, as Terry’s has been) and more about our future.  

So, adding to his excellent message about jobs, economic development, energy, education and transportation, it would help to add the unifying goal of a clean government that works for all the people — not just the highest bidders.  Terry made a very smart move recently in responding to the Star-gate scandal by calling for a gift ban.  

I strongly encourage his campaign to expand on that promising start with a more fully fleshed out proposal to finally bring campaign finance reform to a state that desperately needs it.  We’ve let the fat cats run Virginia for way too long.  A campaign to end that situation could excite Virginians in a way that we haven’t seen in a very long time.    

Video: Mark Herring on “Politics Nation” Discusses Growing McDonnell/Cuccinelli Scandal


State Senator Mark Herring comes in at around 5:40 of the video. Here’s an excerpt:

…So, part of the issue is that the facts that the Governor was giving were not very forthcoming, and that the Attorney General who might have otherwise been a position to investigate couldn’t do it because he’s knee-deep in this too. [Attorney General Cuccinelli] didn’t disclose his ownership interest in this company when he should have. So he had to recuse himself from the tax case that he had been handling with the same company for a year or two. And he had an ownership interest in the company that was itself undisclosed. And now, just recently, we learned that the Attorney General had accepted lavish gifts as well – vacations at a lake house – and didn’t disclose it, and we just now learn about it, so that’s why this investigation has to be done.

Man, what a mess. Which is exactly why we need to put someone with the integrity, seriousness, knowledge, and courage or Mark Herring in the Attorney General’s office to clean it up, starting in January 2014.  

Should Fossil Fuel Companies Reimburse Taxpayers for Climate-Change-Related Disaster Spending?


Cross posted from Scaling Green

According to a new report by the Center for American Progress

…the federal government-which means taxpayers-spent $136 billion total from fiscal year 2011 to fiscal year 2013 on disaster relief. This adds up to an average of nearly $400 per household per year.

Nearly all of this disaster spending was for relief and recovery from these and other smaller natural disasters. Most of these disasters are symptomatic of the man-made climate change resulting from massive amounts of carbon emissions and other pollutants in the atmosphere, which warm the oceans and the Earth. As climate change accelerates, so will federal spending on disaster relief and recovery, which will ultimately be paid for by taxpayers.

The nearly $400 per household spent annually over the past three years could be the beginning of a very costly future as climate-related extreme weather multiplies. This issue brief explores federal spending on disaster relief and offers up recommendations for how we can respond to the potential growth in these expenditures.

So, let’s get this story straight. The fossil fuel companies make enormous profits and receive huge taxpayer subsidies. At the same time, they spew enormous amounts of pollution that fuels climate change and intensifies storm severity and damage. Then, we the taxpayers get to shell out of our wallets to clean up the disasters the fossil fuel companies helped create. Great deal, huh? No, didn’t think so. Instead, how about the fossil fuel companies reimburse taxpayers some or all of the $136 billion spent between 2011 and 2013 on disaster relief? And, going forward, how about the fossil fuel companies pay for the damages their pollution contributes to, especially as long as they continue to wallow at the taxpayer-funded government trough. Deal?

A Dozen Ways Corrupt Rod Blagojevich Was a Better Governor than Corrupt Bob McDonnell


(Given recent developments, I thought this story was worth pushing back up to the top. The question is, which governor was/is more corrupt? I’m leaning towards McDonnell, in part because he actually managed to get $$$ for his corruption. I’m not sure Blago actually pulled that one off. – promoted by lowkell)

True, in some ways (corruption, bribery) Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell is becoming a lot like disgraced (and convicted) former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. But in terms of accomplishments while in office, McDonnell is actually much worse than Blagojevich. Here are a dozen examples of how Blagojevich kicks McDonnell’s butt. Seriously, can you think of anything McDonnell’s accomplished in any of the following areas that even comes close to what Gov. Blagojevich accomplished? I mean, heck, they are/were both totally corrupt, but at least Blagojevich improved things for a lot of people in his state. McDonnell? Well he did…uh…then he…and…uh….

1. “All Kids” Health Care (11/15/05): “Surrounded by elementary students and parents, lawmakers, health care providers and children’s advocates at Nathan Hale School in Chicago, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed the landmark All Kids plan into law, making Illinois the only state in the nation to provide affordable, comprehensive health insurance for every child in the state.”

2. Minimum Wage Increased (11/18/06): “Governor Blagojevich signs groundbreaking legislation to increase minimum wage in Illinois – Nearly 650,000 Illinois workers to benefit as minimum hourly wage increases to $7.50; Wage to reach $8.25 by 2010”

3. Preschool for All (7/25/06): “Gov. Blagojevich signs groundbreaking Preschool for All legislation – Illinois becomes the first state in nation to give all three- and four-year-olds the opportunity to attend preschool”

4. Illinois Warriors Assistance Program (1/29/08): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich was joined today by Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) Tammy Duckworth, Director of the Illinois Healthcare and Family Services Barry Maram, representatives from the Illinois Psychiatric Society, the Brain Injury Association of Illinois, the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, and local veterans to launch the Illinois Warrior Assistance Program.  The Illinois Warrior Assistance Program is a first in the nation program that will screen returning Illinois National Guard members for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while offering TBI screening to all Illinois veterans, and a 24-hour toll-free psychological helpline for veterans suffering from symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”

5. Global Warming (11/15/07): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and the governors of Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin today signed the Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, strengthening his commitment to fight global warming in Illinois and throughout the Midwest.  This historic agreement aims to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in Illinois and across the region.  The Accord will help achieve the goal Gov. Blagojevich announced in February to reduce GHGs in Illinois to 1990 levels by 2020 and to 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.”

6. Clean Energy (2/14/05): “The Governor’s proposed Renewable Portfolio Standard would require electric utilities or other electricity suppliers to provide 2% renewable energy to their Illinois customers by 2006, increasing 1% annually to 8% by 2012.  This requirement would mean that nearly 4,000 megawatts of power be generated by renewable sources by 2012, enough to serve nearly 1,000,000 Illinois households.  At least 75% of renewable energy – or 3,000 megawatts – would be generated by wind power.”

7. Mercury Emissions (1/7/06): “The state of Illinois is taking action to cut mercury emissions from power plants by 90 percent over the next three and a half years. Governor Rod Blagojevich unveiled the proposal Thursday, saying it will reduce toxic mercury emissions faster and more thoroughly than new federal restrictions adopted last spring and will achieve the largest overall amount of mercury reduction of any state in the country.”

8. Embryonic Stem Cell Research (8/28/07): “Governor Blagojevich signs law reaffirming Illinois’ commitment to stem cell research – Legislation permits embryonic stem cell researchers to receive state funds”

9. Public Transit (10/23/08): “Beginning Friday, low-income disabled individuals will be allowed free rides on all regularly scheduled buses and trains that run on fixed-routes throughout the state.  Governor Rod R. Blagojevich welcomed the implementation of the new People with Disabilities Ride Free program for which he signed Senate Bill 1920 in August, which requires transit systems throughout the state to provide free rides to people with disabilities who meet the income requirements of the State’s Circuit Breaker program.”

10. School Safety (8/16/05): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed the School Safety Drill Act that will help keep students, teachers and faculty safer when they’re at school.  House Bill 2693 significantly improves school emergency preparedness by, for the first time, setting clear, minimum requirements and standards for public and private school emergency planning.  The new law also ensures that school officials work more closely with local first responders.”

11. Protecting Children from Sex Offenders (8/14/08): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed five pieces of legislation to increase protections for Illinois children from convicted sex offenders. These new laws provide the public with important information about unaccounted for sex offenders and strengthen barriers keeping sex offenders away from children and their homes, schools and child care facilities.”

12. Small Business (7/20/04): “Building on his pledge to expand business opportunities for small business owners across the state, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed House Bill 4947 – allowing the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) to set aside more contracts and allow more small business companies to participate in the Small Business Set-Aside Program.  Currently, about 3,000 businesses participate in this program, which gives a preference to small businesses competing for state contracts.  With this new law, an additional 3,300 may be eligible to participate in the Set-Aside Program.”

Again, Bob McDonnell accomplished none of these things. For instance, on clean energy and global warming, McDonnell’s been a relentless proponent of fossil fuels (coal, “drill baby drill,” etc.), while doing absolutely NOTHING to help promote clean energy in Virginia. Needless to say, McDonnell – right winger that he is – also hasn’t moved to help workers by raising the minimum wage, to institute preschool for all kids, to encourage public transit (for right wingers, it’s “public” bad, “private” good!), or to promote embryonic stem cell research (his mentor Pat Robertson wouldn’t approve).  In sum, McDonnell’s that wondrous combo of corrupt AND an ideological right-wing nutjob. Blagojevich had the corrupt part, in spades, but at least he didn’t have the latter…

DPVA Cares: Helping Cuccinelli Remember Star Scientific Gifts


From the Democratic Party of Virginia: Ken Cuccinelli is a busy man. Running for Governor full-time, being Attorney General part-time and injecting his personal agenda into places that have nothing to do with his job don’t leave much time in the day for anything else.

To hear him tell it, with a schedule that packed it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he simply forgot nearly $13,000 in gifts from Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams and other interests when the time came to fill out his legally required financial disclosure statements.  That’s why, as a helpful service to Ken Cuccinelli, the Democratic Party of Virginia put together a list of the moments when, were he not so distracted by the pressing demands of life as an ideological crusader, Ken Cuccinelli might have felt the memory of his Star Scientific-funded vacations trying to get into the front of his mind.

Hopefully after considering this list, Cuccinelli will be able to train his brain to remember the gifts he receives from companies that have lawsuits before his office, before he has to go to the trouble of admitting that he broke Virginia law yet again by failing to disclose them.

Ken Cuccinelli could have remembered the thousands in Star Scientific gifts he failed to disclose:

  • When he filed his Statement of Economic Interest, supposedly informing Virginians who gave him gifts for the previous year.
  • When he bought Star Scientific stock just before the company sued the Commonwealth over unpaid taxes.
  • While looking back through photo slides of all the fun he had at Jonnie Williams’ Smith Mountain Lake House on Thanksgiving 2010.
  • When he filed yet another Statement of Economic Interest, once again supposedly giving Virginians a window into the gifts he received that year.
  • When Star Scientific filed suit against Virginia over unpaid taxes and Cuccinelli’s office took the case, even though Cuccinelli owned stock in the company.
  • When he bought more Star Scientific stock even as he was representing taxpayers in a case against the company which, coincidentally, was going nowhere.
  • When he sold his first issue of Star Scientific stock at the highest share price the stock reached all of 2012.
  • When he thought back to the day he got a little too much sun at the lake house Jonnie Williams let him use for free for Summer vacation in 2012.
  • While enjoying his daily dose of Anatabloc from the $6,700 stash of it Jonnie Williams gave him that he somehow forgot to disclose to Virginians.
  • When he got caught sitting on the Star Scientific case despite his personal financial stake in the company and had to recuse himself under public pressure.
  • When Governor Bob McDonnell became embroiled in controversy over gifts that Jonnie Williams gave him over the past several years.

Despite this long list of opportunities to remember the thousands of dollars in gifts that Jonnie Williams and others gave him, Ken Cuccinelli just couldn’t quite recall them when Virginia law required him to disclose them to taxpayers. Hopefully, after examining this helpful list, he won’t be so forgetful the next time companies in which he has a personal and financial stake gift him gifts even as Virginians are trusting him to pursue a lawsuit against them.

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, April 30. Obviously, the top story BY FAR is FBI looking into relationship between McDonnells, donor by the Washington Post’s Rosalind S. Helderman and Jerry Markon. I hope all the organizations giving out journalistic awards are paying attention to Helderman’s work on this unfolding, multi-pronged corruption scandal, because she’s doing a superb job digging into it (and possibly bringing down both Bob McDonnell (Virginia’s Rod Blagojevich, apparently) and Ken Cuccinelli in the process). THAT is what journalism’s supposed to be all about!

*The story behind Jason Collins’ story: The interview (Courageous; let’s hope this will lead to a lot more honesty and openness in sports!)

*More backlash against Senators on gun vote (Good!)

*Ex-chef alleged wrongdoing by McDonnells to FBI

*Va. governor’s former chef alleges conflict of interest in seeking dismissal of charges (“A former chef at the Virginia governor’s mansion asked a judge Monday to dismiss embezzlement charges against him, arguing that state Attorney General Ken T. Cuccinelli II has a series of conflicts of interest that have tainted the proceedings.”)

*Chef wants indictment tossed, cites Cuccinelli conflict, McDonnell ‘wrongdoing’

*Va. Dems, liberal PAC target Cuccinelli over gift disclosure (“Ken Cuccinelli’s foes are hammering the Republican gubernatorial candidate over his delayed disclosure of nearly $13,000 in personal gifts spanning four years but only revealed late last week.”)

*Tea Party, conservative PAC pick Obenshain, Stewart (The LAST thing this state needs is more Tea Party extremists in its government. These endorsements really say it all about what’s at stake this year in Virginia!)

*The forgotten summer vacation (“Attorney general and Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli is stretching the limits of credulity with his latest explanation for amending his annual economic disclosure reports.”)

*Hair shirts and good intentions (“Cuccinelli says he forgot to disclose big-ticket gifts but promises amnesia won’t cancel proposed ethics reforms.”)

*Herring wants to take ideology out of AG’s office (Which is why we need to put Mark Herring INTO the AG’s office!)

*Soft-spoken Virginian holds sway on immigration

*Supreme Court rules Va.’s FOIA law doesn’t extend to nonresidents

*Democrats say Cuccinelli took advantage of Virginia’s lax ethics laws (Cuccinelli’s and McDonnell’s scandals demonstrate why we need MORE sunshine on our elected officials’ behavior, not LESS sunshine!)

*Democrats say Cuccinelli took advantage of Virginia’s lax ethics laws

*Bolling defends McAuliffe over GreenTech’s Mississippi move

*Forum  for foolishness (“Most candidates to succeed Putney have no clue what the job entails.”)

*Sniping persists in contentious Va. Beach House race

*Third Republican enters Va. Senate special election

*Republican lawmakers line up against Bob McDonnell’s ‘outer Beltway’

*Nationals still can’t solve Braves

Is Bob McDonnell Turning Into Virginia’s Version of Rod Blagojevich?


What’s the difference between Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, now “serving a 14-year sentence in federal prison following conviction for corruption including the soliciting of bribes for political appointments?” Well, so far at least, Bob McDonnell hasn’t been arrested by federal agents and put on trial for bribery and corruption. But based on this Washington Post front-page story, that might just be a matter of time at this point.

FBI agents are conducting interviews about the relationship between Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, his wife, Maureen, and a major campaign donor who paid for the food at the wedding of the governor’s daughter, according to four people familiar with the questioning.

The agents have been asking associates of the McDonnells about gifts provided to the family by Star Scientific chief executive Jonnie R. Williams Sr. and actions the Republican governor and his wife have taken that may have boosted the company, the people said.

Among the topics being explored, they said, is the $15,000 catering bill that Williams paid for the 2011 wedding of McDonnell’s daughter at Virginia’s historic Executive Mansion. But questions have extended to other, previously undisclosed gifts from Williams to Maureen McDonnell as well, they said.

Great stuff, huh? Gotta love these moralistic , holier-than-thou Teapublicans. Also, so much for Bob McDonnell’s hopes of ever being President, Vice President, Senator, dog catcher, etc. 🙂

By the way, I think it’s well worth noting that, to date, the one and ONLY Virginia elected official (or candidate for statewide office) to call for a federal investigation into both Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli (who has his own sleazy connections to Jonnie Williams and Star Scientific) for corruption has been State Senator and Attorney General candidate Mark Herring. On April 11, Sen. Herring said that it’s time for a “federal investigation into the relationship between Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and the company Star Scientific and its Chief Executive Officer Jonnie R. Williams Sr.” In making that call, Mark Herring demonstrated several of the key traits we should want in an Attorney General: integrity, forcefulness, strict adherence to (and respect for) the rule of law, and a zero tolerance policy for corruption of any kind in our state government.

Sadly, Virginia’s current Attorney General not only hasn’t been on top of this situation, in fact he’s been caught up in it himself! (note: for the history of Cuccinelli’s corruption, not just with Jonnie Williams/Star Scientific but going back to Bobby Thompson and the “U.S. Navy Vets” scandal, click here and also see Steve Shannon’s letter here.) I’d also note that, instead of spending his time doing what an AG’s supposed to be doing, Cuccinelli instead has run around wasting Virginia taxpayer money on his wild goose chases – persecuting a leading climate scientist, getting his ill-conceived lawsuits thrown out of court, bullying the state health board to shut down women’s health clinics, and pushing his far-right-wing Tea Party ideological agenda on a wide range of issues. This November, it’s vitally urgent that we replace this guy (if he’s not in jail himself by then) with Mark Herring, a man with the utmost integrity and talent for the job.  

American Bridge Launches GiftsForKen.com

American Bridge Launches GiftsForKen.com
New website details gifts Cuccinelli “forgot” to disclose

WASHINGTON — This past week has been one Ken Cuccinelli would like to forget. But unfortunately for him, what he actually forgot was $13,000 in previously undisclosed gifts from Star Scientific CEO Jonnie R. Williams.

After finally admitting that his office had a conflict of interest in the prosecution of Star Scientific, the matter grew even more complicated for Cuccinelli when it came to light that he failed to disclose thousands of dollars in gifts from the embattled CEO.

In order to help the attorney general, and the people of Virginia, remember the many generous gifts he has received from Williams, American Bridge 21st Century has created a new tumblr, GiftsForKen.com. Here, one can find details about the gifts Cuccinelli received from Williams and Star Scientific, including:


  • Two vacations at Williams’ lake house, valued collectively at $4,500.
  •  A trip to New York City.
  • $6,711 in food supplements.

“With Ken Cuccinelli running full time for a new job his ability to perform his current one continues to suffer,” said American Bridge president Rodell Mollineau. “While every politician forgets something every now and again is it asking too much for the Attorney General of Virginia to remember the basic principles of ethics and obeying the law?”

When confronted about the failure to initially disclose the gifts, Cuccinelli responded, “What can I tell you?” Considered in contrast with Terry McAuliffe’s proposal to ban gifts for Virginia elected officials, Virginia voters deserve a better answer than “I forgot.”