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Terry McAuliffe Launches Campaign with Stops Across Virginia


Check out one of the following events in the part of Virginia where you live!

**McAuliffe for Governor Campaign Launch**

**Sunday, May 5



Cruise & Celebration Center, 111 Waterside Drive, Norfolk 23510

**Monday, May 6



Virginia Biotechnology Research Park

800 East Leigh Street, Richmond 23219



Piedmont Virginia Community College – Stultz Center, Room #116

501 College Drive Charlottesville 22902



Friendship Industries

801 Friendship Drive, Harrisonburg 22801

**Tuesday, May 7



The Wallace Agency

1921 Power Street, Building 9B1 Roanoke 2401



Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (Atrium)

150 Slayton Avenue, Danville 24540

**Wednesday, May 8



Birthplace of Country Music

Corner of Cumberland Street & Moore Street, Bristol, VA

**Thursday, May 9

Northern Virginia


George Mason University- Arlington Campus

3351 Fairfax Drive, Room # 126 Founders Hall, Arlington 22201

Yet Again, In Spite of Republicans, Economy Continues to Create Jobs


The White House statement is on the “flip.” The bottom line: “While more work remains to be done, today’s employment report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression…The household survey showed that the unemployment rate edged down from 7.6 percent in March to 7.5 percent in April, the lowest rate since December 2008.” Not too bad for that wild-eyed “socialist” in the White House, eh? 🙂 I’d also point out that the stock market is now at record highs. Can you imagine how the economy and the stock market would have been with John McCain and Sarah Palin (or Romney/Ryan, god forbid) in the White House? Shudddder.

By the way, given that the White House is apparently too polite to point it out, the economic progress we’ve made since George W. Bush (aka, “worst president since Hoover”) left office has been an overwhelmingly Democratic effort. To the extent Republicans have had anything to do with it since 2009, it’s been to vote against crucial economic recovery measures, to hold the economy hostage (and seriously jeopardize our country’s credit ratings) to their insane demands on what’s supposed to be (and has been for decades) a routine increase in the debt ceiling, played a huge role in imposing the FUBAR sequester on our country, blocking needed investments in our country’s infrastructure (and, hence, our economic future), slashing the public work force (e.g., teachers, cops, firefighters) at the state levels, and generally pushing for austerity programs when the exact opposite is needed.

Yet despite all the Republican efforts to deny President Obama a second term (yet another Republican #FAIL), the economy continues to recover, thanks to Democratic policies. And, again, no thanks to Republicans, who should all be “rewarded” for their disgraceful behavior by being show to the exits in November 2014.

P.S. Thanks largely to Republicans, since January 2009, “we’ve lost three-quarters of a million public sector jobs” as “austerity is dragging down the economy as a whole.”

Statement on the Employment Situation in April

WASHINGTON, DC – Alan B. Krueger, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, issued the following statement today on the employment situation in April…

While more work remains to be done, today’s employment report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression. It is critical that we remain focused on pursuing policies to speed job creation and expand the middle class, as we continue to dig our way out of the deep hole that was caused by the severe recession that began in December 2007.

Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that private sector businesses added 176,000 jobs last month. Total non-farm payroll employment rose by 165,000 jobs in April. The February and March employment estimates were revised up by a total of 114,000 jobs. The economy has now added private sector jobs every month for 38 straight months, and a total of 6.8 million jobs has been added over that period.  Over 800,000 private sector jobs have been added over the last four months.

The household survey showed that the unemployment rate edged down from 7.6 percent in March to 7.5 percent in April, the lowest rate since December 2008. The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 63.3 percent in April.

Now is not the time for Washington to impose self-inflicted wounds on the economy.  The Administration continues to urge Congress to replace the sequester with balanced deficit reduction, while working to put in place measures to create middle-class jobs, such as by rebuilding our roads and bridges and promoting American manufacturing.  The President will continue to press Congress to act on the measures he called for in his State of the Union address to make America a magnet for good jobs, help workers earn the skills they need to do those jobs, and make sure their hard work leads to a decent living.

According to the establishment survey, in April employment rose notably in professional and business services (+73,000), bars and restaurants (+37,900), retail trade (+29,300), and health care and social assistance (+26,100).  Construction declined by 6,000 (due to a fall in nonresidential construction employment), after growing for 10 consecutive months and adding 181,000 jobs in that period.

As the Administration stresses every month, the monthly employment and unemployment figures can be volatile, and payroll employment estimates can be subject to substantial revision. Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report and it is informative to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available.

Alan B. Krueger is Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent Headline NRA Convention


(This nutjob also said it wasn’t the “Civil War,” it was the “War of Northern Aggression.” He’ll fit in perfectly at the NRA, no doubt about that! – promoted by lowkell)

Gun fanatics are a key voting block in the Republican party. Without them, Republicans lose almost every election. They are just as important to Exxon, Koch Industries and Monsanto as they are to Colt, Ruger and Smith & Wesson. This well funded, passionate minority has been winning the battles in Congress and they are today launching a war against gun control at the NRA convention in Houston, Texas. We have tip toed around them for too long, trying not to activate them too much. Well guess what? They are all in and we have nothing left to lose but the lives of our children and families if we do nothing. We have been far too polite for too long and the time has come for a full court press to call them out at every opportunity. Gun fanatics are idiots and they are being used to protect the wealthiest few in this country. I hope that all of us are ready to take them on.

New NRA President Fantasizes About “Whipping” Anti-Gun Opponents

Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent Headline NRA Convention – Houston TX


Gun Fanatics to wage “extensive war” against gun control


Art Exhibit “The Gun Show!” in DC Today!


Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, May 3. Also, check out the satirical video, “Cuckoo, cuckoo, Cuccinelli” – very funny, very true!

*Obama can NOT force the GOP to be reasonable. He’s the President, not the A**h*** Whisperer (So true!)

*Politics and Vetting Leave Key U.S. Posts Long Unfilled

*Daily Beast drops Howard Kurtz (“The Daily Beast is dropping Howard Kurtz, the veteran media critic who made headlines this week for his erroneous report about NBA star Jason Collins.”)

*Poll: Mark Warner, Martin O’Malley far behind 2016 Dem presidential race

*Virginia Judge Picks Prosecutor for Governor’s Ex-Chef

*CBS 6 Exclusive: Gov. McDonnell addresses Star Scientific scandal

*McDonnell says he looked at backer’s $15,000 check as daughter’s gift, is undecided on reforms

*Distractions in race for the 85th District

*Republicans step in front of McDonnell’s bulldozer

*Ken Cuccinelli Once Filed An Amendment To Change Virginia’s State Song To The Beatles’ “Taxman”

*Washington Post accused of promoting McAuliffe in Virginia governor’s race

*Roanoke leaders talk to Kaine about online sales tax, Postal Service

*Virginia could be on the hook for $1B in Midtown Tunnel debt

*A raw deal on virtual schools (“Carroll County saw weaknesses in its contract with a virtual school company. Will the state do the same?”)

*Dominion Virginia Power to build its first sun energy installation at ODU (Don’t let this fool you, they are dragging their heels on clean energy, are hostile to net metering and distributed power, etc. In other words, Dominion is still the same backward, fossil-fuel-fired company it’s always been…)

*Caps strike first with win over Rangers (“Washington takes Game 1 of its Eastern Conference quarterfinals with dominant home performance.”)

*Dan Haren’s sharp pitching leads Nats to victory over Braves

Ken Cuccinelli’s Campaign Manager Freaks Out


I don’t know about you, but I just find this email hilarious. Obviously, Ken Cuccinelli’s campaign is freaking out that their guy is being demolished by a scandal of his own making. So what do they do? Of course, lash out at the evil/liberal media, and of course lash out at Terry McAuliffe (largely at his business career, which is ironic considering that Republicans supposedly worship entrepreneurship – guess not!). Anything to distract from the fact that Ken Cuccinelli is not just a right-wing extremist, but corrupt to boot. If I were Cuccinelli campaign manager Dave Rexrode, I’d be freaking out too!

Dear Friend,

Last night, while I was grabbing dinner with my wife and kids, my home phone rang. Like many of you, I've been receiving daily calls from the Lt. Governor and Attorney General campaigns, and expected another survey.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Instead, it was The Washington Post calling to conduct a survey about Virginia's upcoming gubernatorial race.

Normally, a poll starts off by asking if anyone in the household works for a campaign or news organization, but they didn't ask, so I answered the survey.

They asked some of the standard poll questions like approval of President Barack Obama, how is the national economy doing, how is the state economy doing, what is my top issue, etc.

They started asking questions about what each candidate stands for and whether or not I was satisfied with my choice of candidates, and even tossed in a 3-way ballot test question.

They asked about the sequester, if anyone in my family had been affected by it and how gun control would impact my vote.

But then, they starting asking about gifts, disclosures, and if I had been paying attention to recent news reports about this issue.

This is the point in the call where it became pretty clear what The Washington Post's agenda was with this poll.

Over the past few months, The Washington Post has launched numerous misleading and false editorials attacking Ken Cuccinelli.

They are basically taking the Democrats talking points and turning them into editorials.

This poll is nothing more than The Washington Post's next attempt to attack Ken and prop up Terry McAuliffe.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's failures as Chairman of Greentech.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's company, Greentech, and its failure to pay property taxes that are used to fund local schools.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's false claim of having created 100,000 jobs.

I didn't hear any questions about Greentech's parent company being incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, a tax shelter country.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's refusal to release his tax returns despite The Washington Post's repeated attacks on Mitt Romney on the exact same issue.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry falsely blaming the Commonwealth for not bidding on his company, or Terry’s shameless attempt to deny that he did.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's inability to name a single cabinet secretary.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry grabbing fistfuls of cash from union bosses who want to see Virginia's right-to-work laws weakened.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's plan of running for Governor in Florida or New York, before settling on Virginia.

I didn't hear any questions about Terry's lifetime of being a Washington insider who used his political connections to enrich himself.

Friends, The Washington Post is likely going to publish this poll this weekend and they are going to try and use it to attack Ken and promote Terry.

I need your help to fight back. Terry McAuliffe appears to have The Washington Post in his back pocket.

We have our first television advertisement running statewide, click here to see it, but we need to break through the biased and unfair actions of Washington, D.C.’s largest newspaper.

You can support our efforts by sharing our ad with your friends and family, so they can get to know the real Ken Cuccinelli.


– Dave

(P.S. Click here to send our ad to your friends and family. Thanks again.


Judge: Cuccinelli’s Conflict of Interest Prevents Him from Doing His Job


The following statement is from the Terry McAuliffe for Governor campaign, regarding this breaking news (“Judge rules Cuccinelli can withdraw from chef’s case”). Meanwhile, Cuccinelli himself remains in hiding somewhere, terrified of showing his face or opening his (big) mouth. Of course, given the insane stuff Cuccinelli routinely spews, it might not be a bad idea to keep him in hiding for the entire campaign.

Just a few minutes ago, a judge ruled that Ken Cuccinelli’s conflict of interest prevents him from doing his job.  Unfortunately, the Attorney General was apparently too busy to attend his own hearing.  Other than a Friday night news dump where video and audio were banned, Cuccinelli has consistently avoided making himself available to the press and the public.

Meanwhile, Terry McAuliffe conducted six open-press events across the Commonwealth just this week. He’s been hearing about ideas for workforce development from community college officials and answering questions from reporters.

Ken Cuccinelli has created a consistent pattern during this campaign: hiding from the press and refusing to answer basic questions about his growing ethics scandal and his extremist effort to shut down women’s health centers in Virginia. In fact, the only public statements Cuccinelli has made are attacking a ban on gifts to elected officials and attacking an independent Virginia ethics commission.

P.S. Gotta love this part of the Post story: “instead of appointing Prince William Commonwealth’s Attorney Paul Ebert – as Cuccinelli’s office had recommended – she asked Norfolk prosecutor Greg Underwood (D) to pick up the case.” LOL

Unacceptable Behavior


Just when you thought you'd seen it all.  I happened upon an article on The Raw Story today entitled, "Man angry over Boston bombings breaks jaw of ‘f*cking Muslim’ Iraq war veteran".  The mere title of the article turned my stomach.    

Long story short, Ed Dahlberg, president of Emerald Aviation behaved poorly (this is an understatement) during a cab ride that ended with him allegedly breaking the cab driver’s jaw.  He had been picked up by cab from the Country Club of Fairfax at 2 AM last Friday, apparently after having been drinking.

This kind of behavior should never be tolerated – whether under the influence or not.  If his conduct alone wasn’t enough to make you ill, the target of his poor behavior was a Somali-born muslim who served in the Iraq War in the United States Army.

Mr. Dahlberg’s shenanigans have raised the online exposure of Emerald Aviation.  In the past two days, the Yelp! page for Emerald Aviation has received 8 unfiltered and 10 filtered reviews – all negative.  The Google Review Page for Emerald Aviation has also increased from two reviews in the past two years to three additional (all negative) reviews over the past week.

Dahlberg has been charged with misdemeanor assault instead of a felony hate crime.  Does the punishment fit the crime?  The Washington Post Article can be found here.  

“Politics in the Park” with Statewide Democratic Straw Poll on May 12


This looks like a lot of fun, and of course it’s a chance to vote in the straw poll (for Mark Herring, of course). Check it out!

Video: What Else is Ken Cuccinelli Hiding?


From American Bridge, which continues to do excellent work in exposing the corrupt stench of Ken Kookinelli.

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, May 2. Also check out the video of LG candidate Aneesh Chopra’s speech last night at the Arlington County Democratic Committee monthly meeting.

*Back to the future on carbon dioxide (“Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are approaching 400 parts per million, according to readings at the Mauna Loa Observatory.”)

*Three additional people arrested in Boston Marathon bombings

*Bob McDonnell Is Never Going to Be Presiden (Nope, he’s toast, and he richly deserves it for incompetence and corruption!)

*No path to citizenship in next House immigration bills (“Activists march to Va. Republican headquarters”)

*Judge to consider motions in politically charged case against former Va Executive Mansion chef

*Chef expected to attend motions hearing today

*Sunshine in the Information Age (“The U.S. Supreme Court says Virginia can refuse public documents to out-of-state residents, but lawmakers can ensure access for all.”)

*Abortion political ad skirts the truth (“Women’s clinics where abortions are performed were as safe as any medical office before new regulations.”)

*Roanoke leaders talk to Kaine about online sales tax, Postal Service

*McAuliffe releases his first ad in Va. race for governor

*Va. Republicans: GreenTech findings dispel McAuliffe job ‘myth’ (What, that Terry’s trying to get another business off the ground? Trying to be an entrepreneur? Trying to “build that?” Yeah, how horrible!)

*Obama answers Va. senator’s prayer plea

*Tolls on hold: Midtown Tunnel deal is unconstitutional, judge says

*Sen. Rand Paul backs Stearns in Va. Senate contest (Extremists of a feather flock together…)

*Stop fighting for a bad deal (“A Portsmouth Circuit Court judge’s ruling Wednesday slapping down the contract negotiated between Gov. Bob McDonnell’s administration and Elizabeth River Crossings LLC provided a clear opportunity for the state to get things right.”)

*Harper’s injury believed not serious; Nationals finally notch win over Braves