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Is It Fair to Say that Harry Reid Outright Caved on Filibuster Reform?


I’m hatching a political plan that’s based on that supposition, i.e. that Harry Reid had an opportunity to wage a meaningful fight on filibuster reform but caved instead?  

Before I go forward, I would like to make sure my understanding of what happened is correct. Was Reid in a position to make a bold move against the Republicans for their trampling on American tradition with its abuse of the filibuster –requiring 60 votes, not as an emergency measure in special situations, but on ALL things, replacing the principle of majority rule with one of rule by its minority– but instead he shrank from the battle?

So I would appreciate the help of the people here to tell me Whether that characterization of what happened in January is accurate and fair.

Did Harry Reid have a stronger hand to play?  Was he in a position to fight a fight that needed to be fought, and did he instead essentially forfeit instead of fight?

Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia’s 6th District.  He is the author of various books including The Parable of the Tribes:  The Problem of Power in Social Evolution.  

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, April 4. By the way, the Virginia General Assembly finally adjourned at 12:47 am last night. And no, I most certainly did NOT stay up to watch! LOL

*Maryland House passes strict gun-control measure crafted after Newtown massacre (Go Maryland!)

*Anti-Keystone billionaire rattles Democrats (“The former hedge fund trader-turned-philanthropist is bankrolling a far-flung political operation pushing environmental causes and candidates.” Including in Virginia this year, apparently. Good!)

*Cuccinelli challenges Virginia sodomy ruling in teen case (Wow, what a creepy, bizarre freakazoid.)

*Cuccinelli, Blow Jobs & Natural Law

*Virginia’s campaign finance law needs more teeth

*Va. lawmakers adopt governor’s changes to his signature transportation funding bill

*Va. lawmakers OK measure to bar abortion coverage (The Republican war on women’s rights continues unabated.)

*Pete Snyder and his ‘Pig Rig’ launch tour for Lt. Gov campaign (The Post continues its sad decline into “total joke” status. Seriously? They have declining resources, barely cover Virginia politics, and they do yet ANOTHER totally non-substantive piece on Pete Snyder and his idiotic “pig rig” shtick? Also, seriously guys, you’re just going to publish whatever crap a candidate pushes out to you, without using ANY journalistic judgment of what constitutes actual news? #FAIL #FAIL #FAIL)

*McAuliffe open to more road revenue, Cuccinelli hasn’t ruled out repeal

*Virginia lawmakers scale back higher texting fines

*Assembly upholds transportation amendments

*At the Capitol, a salute to a half-century of service

*Prince William County joins chorus calling to cut COG funds over gun stance

*McDonnell’s school takeover amendments rejected

*Light rail plan demands details

*Liberty University board loosens firearms policy

*Gentrification threatens to displace residents in the inner suburbs as well as in the District

*Gonzalez holds Marlins scoreless over six innings, hits second career homer

*D.C. area forecast: Plentiful sunshine with less wind today, rain early Friday

P.S. I can’t believe I’m actually linking to an article by Republican blogger Brian Schoeneman – who we banned for a while here at Blue Virginia, although we unbanned him many months ago – but he did a superb job demolishing the right-wing’s hysteria over the Obamas’ Easter worship service at St. John’s Church, of all things. Credit where credit is due…

Charniele Herring Statement on Transportation Amendments Passing the General Assembly


From DPVA Chair Charniele Herring:

Richmond – Today the General Assembly passed Governor Bob McDonnell’s amendments to the historic transportation compromise.  Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Delegate Charniele Herring released the following statement on its passage:

“I am encouraged that Democrats and Republicans were able to work with Governor McDonnell and pass this historic transportation bill despite Ken Cuccinelli’s multiple attempts to derail it,” said DPVA Chair, Del. Charniele Herring. “This transportation bill isn’t perfect, but it will fund the construction and maintenance we need to reduce gridlock, grow our economy and improve Virginians’ quality of life.

“Today’s vote should be an important lesson for Virginians as we draw closer to electing our next Governor. While leaders on both sides of the aisle were working together to get results, Ken Cuccinelli tried repeatedly to torpedo the bipartisan compromise from the sidelines. Virginians can’t afford to give Ken Cuccinelli four years as Governor to stand in the way of mainstream solutions that run afoul of his extreme ideological agenda.”

General Assembly Votes to Ban Abortion in Health Care Marketplace


From Planned Parenthood of Virginia:

Richmond–Today, the General Assembly voted to approve the Governor’s amendment to ban abortion coverage in the new health care marketplace. The amendment will prohibit women from purchasing comprehensive health insurance which provides a full range of reproductive health care.

“We are extremely disappointed that the majority of the members of the General Assembly put politics above women’s health when they approved the Governor’s amendment,” said Cianti Stewart-Reid, executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia.

“Most health plans already include coverage for abortion. A woman should be able to make personal decisions about her health care without the interference of politicians, and her health coverage should enable her to take care of her health and well being,” continued Stewart-Reid.

“Now, the women of the Commonwealth will not have access to the  full range of reproductive health services and the promise of the Affordable Care Act, which included historic health care benefits for women,” Stewart-Reid concluded.

Now, the amended bill will be returned to the Governor for his final approval or veto.

UPDATE: I’m told that Sen. Blevins (R) “was supposed to vote no, but he messed it up by accident. That is why Sen. Wagner walked on the second vote.  It would have been 19-20 and defeated.” Ugh.

CCAN mounts a brilliant ad campaign against the fossil fuel Goliath of VA, Dominion VA Power


In what amounts to a brilliant frontal assault on Virginia’s biggest greenhouse gas polluter, Dominion Virginia Power, the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) proved yet again that Virginia’s energy Goliath won’t be able to stomp over Virginia’s future forever.

As the world warms, Dominion Virginia Power seems as committed as ever to continue down its usual path of greenhouse gas intensive energy production. On Monday, Dominion took the steps necessary to “move forward” with its Dominion Cove Point Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) liquefaction project. The price tag on this global warming nightmare is anywhere between $3.4 billion and $3.8 billion, according to an application submitted on Monday to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

In their kind-heartedness, Dominion has chosen to build a ‘relatively environmentally friendly’ energy plant by selecting LNG. The fact remains, however, that LNG adds a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, from the cradle to the grave, to the planet’s atmosphere. **Cough, cough**

CCAN’s latest ad reminds Virginians how ludicrous it is for Dominion Virginia Power to publicly present itself as ‘environmentally friendly’ or in touch with the demands of Virginians for clean energy. If Dominion spent half as much money actually investing in clean energy research and development and construction as it does with public relations activities to give itself an environmentally friendly pat on the back, Virginia would already be well on its way to averting a climate change induced environmental disaster.

Does Dominion have futures stocks in Virginia’s destruction (partly joking)?!

There will be opponents of CCAN’s latest ad, those who will say something along these lines: if not LNG, then what, you environmentalists want your cake and to eat it too. My response is this: continuing to focus and invest in fossil fuel sources of energy will not only contribute to the continuing warming of our planet and the negative consequences that it brings, it will also disincentivize stronger investments in existing renewable energy technologies and forward-thinking energy technologies like hydrogen cells. That is, Dominion is like the couch potato that only gets up after its had a heart attack. Until that time, it will complacently lie around and let the environment surrounding it wither away.

Virginians have to be that heart attack, that spark that wakes Dominion from its fossil fuel stupor. Virginia’s legislators have demonstrated time and again that they are the delivery men and women who deliver the food directly to Dominion instead of making it get up to feed itself.  

Join the Biggest, Most Powerful Electric Slide to Clean Energy!


( – promoted by lowkell)

On Sunday, April 14th, join hundreds calling for clean energy at the largest electric slide rally in Virginia. We’ll tell Dominion Virginia Power and the State Corporation Commission – no more dirty gas plants. It’s time to electric slide toward clean energy!

Dominion has proposed building another dirty fossil fuel plant, a fracked-fueled gas power plant in Brunswick County, while Virginia continues to slide behind in clean energy and climate protection. In April the VA State Corporation Commission, our state’s energy regulators, will decide if Dominion can build this unnecessary gas plant, or instead require them to invest in safer, more reliable clean energy sources like wind, solar and energy efficiency first. We are holding the largest electric slide rally ever in Virginia to show our support for clean energy!

This one is going to be big. Come have fun. Meet new people. Save your planet!

Who | You, Your Friends, Sierra Club, Volunteers and Our Community Partners

What | Electric Slide to Clean Energy Rally

When | Sunday, April 14th, between 1 – 3 pm

Where | Kanawha Plaza, 7th & Canal Streets in Downtown Richmond, VA

RSVP or Information

Talk About it on Facebook  

Cuccinelli Continues to Promote His Extremist Social Agenda, This Time on Sodomy Ruling


The following statement is from the Democratic Party of Virginia, referencing the Washington Blade story, “Cuccinelli challenges Va. sodomy ruling.” The guy is utterly incorrigible, in addition to several other choice adjectives I can think of.

Even as he attempts to torpedo transportation legislation, fend off broad condemnation over his conflict of interest with Star Scientific, promote a radical book, and run for Governor, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has found time to focus on what matters (to him): His extreme social agenda.

The Washington Blade reported this morning that Cuccinelli has petitioned the 4th Circuit of Appeals to reconsider lasts month’s ruling striking down Virginia’s historically obsolete anti-sodomy law. Cuccinelli should explain why a divisive legal battle on behalf of a discriminatory and unconstitutional law is a proper use of state time and money while his office continues to sit still in its case against his close friends and investment partners at Star Scientific.

Priorities, priorities…

UPDATE: Josh Israel of Think Progress has more. In sum, Cuccinelli’s not just a bigot and a nut, he’s also an incompetent buffoon, whose misguided actions will once again result in a “cost in time and money to Virginia [that] will be huge.” And now this loser wants to be GOVERNOR? Is this a sick joke?

UPDATE #2: Also see Cuccinelli, Blow Jobs & Natural Law:

…Cuccinelli and his cohorts who blocked the amendment in the Legislature now seem to make it clear that they understood the intent of the law was to target gay people specifically. In a just world, people would pay attention to this detail and reject him outright-not because he is a right-wing zealot (though he is), but because whatever his ideology, he has so given into it that his zealotry makes it impossible to just carry out the basic functions of government-such as enforcing the law and prosecuting criminals.

Cuccinelli still won’t say whether he would repeal transportation bill he tried to derail


From the Democratic Party of Virginia, once again so much for Cuccinelli the “straight shooter.”

Richmond, VA – As legislators convene in Richmond today to put the final touches on a historic transportation compromise, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli still won’t tell Virginians whether his repeated attempts to torpedo the legislation mean he would repeal it if given the chance as Governor.

Cuccinelli has been clear about his staunch opposition to the bill that will help end gridlock and grow the economy in Virginia. He tried at least 5 times to derail the bill and has denounced it repeatedly in the press. But despite all of that, he has ducked and dodged multiple questions about whether or not he would repeal the bill he so opposes if he is elected Governor.

“As Virginians sit in traffic across the Commonwealth, Ken Cuccinelli won’t disclose whether a vote for him is a vote to repeal historic funding for transportation construction and maintenance,” said DPVA Executive Director Lauren Harmon.

“The question is simple: If elected, will Ken Cuccinelli put his extreme ideological agenda ahead of what’s best for Virginia and repeal the bipartisan transportation compromise? If he is not enough of a leader to give a simple answer, then leading this Commonwealth should be out of the question.”

Transportation Tax Opponents: Not Ready for Prime Time?


by Paul Goldman

With all due respect for the entire Republican Party ticket, they really aren’t ready for prime time based on their strategy for opposing the transportation tax package. Remember: We write about 200-proof strategy here, we don’t judge the merits, we just judge the strategy. Case in point: the amateurish way opponents of the transportation tax went about their game.

Example: The media, sometimes on their own, sometimes with the help of the governor, have used their bully pulpit to sell the public on various “facts” such as the following two examples:

1. “When the roads aren’t maintained, they [cost you big]…By one estimate, the typical motorist in Richmond pays an extra $343 per year on car repairs [and lower MPG] …because the roads are in such bad shape. If you drive 10,000 miles per year…[that’s their marker for a typical motorist]  that’s the equivalent of an 85-cent-per-gallon hike in the gasoline tax.” They call this a “hidden tax.”

2. “Every year, Virginians have been paying a hidden transportation tax…failure to approve new transportation funding, and the resulting congestion, cost every motorist in Northern Virginia $1,400 a year; every driver in Virginia Beach $877 a year; and every commuter in Richmond $581 a year.” (source)

To repeat: These are quotes, either from the governor’s tax supporters or from the governor himself. Transportation tax opponents never refuted them.

But think about them for a moment. If you do about 5 minutes worth of checking checking on how many cars go about 10,000 miles a year in Virginia – go to the DMV website then go to USDOT and get to the highway folks – it is conservative to use about 4 million vehicles as your base number calculation. The Richmond area has about 1/8 of the state’s population. If you add 343 + 581, this gives you 924. There is some overlap in these two numbers based on the claims above but not much since Richmond doesn’t have the kind of congestion as Tidewater and NOVA.

So let’s use the number $700, surely conservative. 1/8 of 4 million = 500,000. Multiply that by $700 and you get, according to the guv and his media backers, a savings of $350 million EVERY YEAR to Richmond area motorists. But you say: Is the typical motorist really always a commuter as in the governor’s claim? Surely most of them are, that’s how people get to work, that’s how they get 10,000 miles on their car. There is roughly 1 car per person in Virginia, about 1.4 vehicles per holder of a DMV driver’s license.

But okay, we will discount the $350 million figure down to $300 million. Happy now? Remember, this is only based on half the vehicles in the area on a rough basis.  So, according to His Excellency and his media posses, Richmonders are getting a great bargain. For what he says is somewhere between $20-$30 extra taxes per typical motorist per year, his tax plan is going to save them $570 a year in constant dollars. NOT BAD.

You say: Gee, why isn’t he selling this as the biggest tax cut in state history. After all, he says the $600 a year they are paying extra now due to the roads ($300 million in savings/500,000 typical motorists) as really a hidden transportation tax. My response: Yes, why not if it is true?

Now let’s run the numbers for NOVA but a different way. According to His Excellency and posse, the average commuter is paying $1,400 a year due to congestion. Now, let’s add in the $343 for car repairs and MPG loss as in Richmond since this should be less in NOVA, since the congestion is worse. But you say: Come on Paul, there could be some double counting. My response: Okay, I get that, let’s cut the 343 TO 170, that seems fair right?

So, we will use $1,570 in savings according to the governor and his posse. Sounds GREAT for just paying what he says would be maybe $70 per typical motorist in higher taxes. The govenror and posses claim they will save the typical NOVA commuter at least $1,500 A YEAR, that’s even better than Jim Gilmore’s “No More Car Tax” scam.

But let’s think further: According to the governor and his supporters, they used the 10,000 miles for a typical motorist in Richmond. Statistically, we can use that for NOVA, it is fair for analysis purposes based on DMV and USDOT stats. Let’s assume the typical motorist has a car getting 20 MPG. That’s 500 gallons a year. At $3.60 average a gallon, that is $1,800 a year to operate the car.

If you go to the DMV website, you can find all kinds of hints on how to save money on operating your car by making sure your tires are inflated, etc, things that don’t cost money. SO: It costs $1,800 for gas. You deduct the net $1,500 in savings from the new taxes, you got to deduct a $200 minimum for all the free DMV tips. So you are down to 100 bucks to run your car thanks to the governor and his posse. Hell with the Saudis and Big Oil right? A hundred bucks? Mark Warner pays more for that for a tie!

Plus: What about the gas discounts from the grocery cards, the savings on certain days like Senator Saslaw’s gas places offer? Heck: If you do it right, THE GOVERNOR AND HIS POSSE ARE GIVING YOU A FREE CAR FOR LIFE. This is like…huge for hybrid and electric car owners: and they didn’t even want to pay a few more bucks for a registration fee. What greedy SOBs; the governor is saving them huge, and they force the guy to eat crow. Really!

Plus there is more. If you look on the VA Tax Dept. website, you can find that the total Sales/Use Tax collected from the state part of this tax is about $3.2 billion. Some of that is, of course, from out-of-state folks. The governor says 10%. Okay, let’s use $3 billion even. Now, how much of these taxes are paid by typical motoring commuters who are about to save all this money thanks to the GUV and friends? We assumed about half of the cars would qualify but there are two drivers in many. So let’s assume we are talking about 70% of these taxes being paid by the soon to be very happy typical motorists getting all the savings as the governor gets rid of those hidden taxes.

0.7 x 3.0 = $2.1 billion they are paying to the state for the state’s part of the tax.  Plus: Just to be fair, let’s also add in the new 0.3 percentage point increase, which is technically a transportation thing, but we want to be fair. These same calculations would say the motorists are going to contribute $300 million more. That’s $2.4 billion they are paying to Uncle Sugar – I mean Uncle Bob – and his posse.

BUT: Uncle Bob and company say they are going to save you….$2.4 billion!!! That’s right: Remember, we found $300 million in savings in the aggregate for Richmond. Tidewater and NOVA commuting costs are way higher according to the guv and his posses. They make up about 2/3 of the rest of the state in this analysis. Rural costs will be lower than Richmond on congestion, but not repair and a lot of those mountain and other roads are in bad shape too.

Bottom line: Let’s use the Richmond number – $300 million – for the entire rest of the state, which would be roughly the remaining 7/8 of the state given that I was using a 1 million people area for my Richmond analysis.  That is to say: $300 x 8 = $2.4 billion in savings to all the Virginia motoring public of commuters who will benefit from the tax hikes the most.

THAT’S A WASH! Meaning: From now on, we get our roads for free! relative to the state part of the sales tax. Whatever we may pay in this sales tax we get back in savings on operating our cars everywhere in the Commonwealth. Who said there isn’t a free lunch, or a free ride or free superhighways anywhere in Virginia? I ask you: Why take mass transit, it costs money, when you can driver for free, in terms of the state part of the sales tax?

And remember: If you implement all cost savings suggested by DMV or car driving gurus, DMV, you actually MAKE MONEY DRIVING according to Uncle Bob and posse again relative to the sales tax the are raising at the state level. Those savings can be you a ride on the NASCAR circuit. What’s not to like? What is Cuccinelli, Ben Cline, my partner Joe Morrissey, the whole Republican ticket most likely, the entire conservative movement apparently, you go down the list of people who are against having millions of Virginians drive for free….

In fact, since they already owe the $2.4 billion in terms of the state portion of the sales and use tax, they are again getting $2.4 billion in savings for just $300 million in more taxes. In fact, I think this is only fair: We should all agree to take all those savings and agree to give it to a fund to build the multi-billion dollar “Road To Nowhere” the governor is forcing on Southside against the advice of his own experts. It is hugely costly and totally unjustified according to the same experts he cites in support of his tax plan.

Come on: It is only one year of savings, let’s build a monument to Bob the Builder. He deserves it according to these figures, unrefuted.

What was he thinking anyway, free booze, free oil rigs: a free ride, that’s the American dream since the Model-T. Heck with his nickel cut on gas tax, that’s going to Big Oil anyway, it is too small a number to trace.

For a little more on the sales tax, I get a free ride for life! The same for my spouse, my children, even the losing candidate for GUV, LG and AG gets it: same for Bill Bolling.

You mean we could have been doing this under Wilder and Warner and Kaine?

Free commuting in NOVA!  

I personally apologize to everyone. Uncle Bob has shown a way to look at numbers that…well…

Sorry Doug and Mark and Tim…never saw it.

Warner said his tax plan would also actual be a big savings.

Really: It is wonder we Virginians have to pay anything by now!

“No More Rent!” should be the campaigh slogan this year. “No More Downpayment.”

If you double the income tax rate, and do a little this and that, I think this is possible.

Like we say at 200-proof: This is how campaign strategy is done. There are always a way to explain your position to get folks listening to agree with you even if they actually don’t. Humor is the best way to disarm everyone. These numbers just prove the point: What’s that book, “Lies, Damn lies, and statistics.”

The governor smartly seized on some made up numbers, his supporters did too, and used them to run over the opposition. Uncle Bob ain’t raising taxes, he is cutting them! He is saving you and me and the Virginian behind the tree $Billions!

GUV, I apologize: I didn’t realize it, really I didn’t, an honest mathematical thing, forget all those degrees, the online calculators, maybe I need some of that supplement Star Scientific is selling, can you get a case cheap? First, they had no addictive tobacco. Now they can fix mental loss due to aging. I will need that or I will lose my license and then lose my free ride.

Uncle Bob has been looking out for me. First  cheaper booze, no more ABC store government run stuff. I didn’t appreciate that. Then free roads due to off-shore oil royalities. I didn’t appreciate that.

Then No Tax roads, built by toll roads every ten feet on the North Carolina border. But I didn’t appreciate that either.

But finally: I get it. More equals less: I pay more taxes, I get 8X the savings, a free ride for life.

Governor, are you also throwing in free 100000 miles maintanence too, I don’t want to sound unappreciative, but this would help.

This is 200-proof politics: You seize the initiative and keep pumping out whatever it takes to hold your offensive line.

“At Uncle Bob’s, You Drive Free, for Life!” He should have been in the used car business. Or maybe he is.  

Whatever the polls, I repeat: Terry’s campaign is ready for prime time, The whole GOP ticket is not. They don’t even do their basic research.

If the actual campaign matters, this is not going to be even close.

With the New Jersey Gov race already a done deal, 200 proof may have to close down the bar early this year.  

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, April 3.

*Conspiracy Theory Poll Results (There are a lot of seriously f***ed up/insane people in this country. For instance, 58% of Republicans say global warming is a “hoax,” and 22% of Romney voters think Barack Obama is the “anti-Christ.” Cuckoo on both counts.)

*Early Look At 2016 GOP Field Shows 5-Way Horse Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; New Jersey’s Christie Has Just 14%

*Morning Joe poll: 60 percent of Americans want stricter gun laws (“87 percent of Americans support background checks for private gun sales and sales at gun shows, and 59 percent favor legislation that would ban the sale of assault weapons.”)

*UN approval of arms trade treaty sets up Obama, Senate showdown (In a sane country, one where our elected officials didn’t quiver in fear of the  NRA, this would be a no brainer.)

*‘Illegal immigrant’ no more (This is long, long, loooong past due!)

*Schapiro: Big money causes big problems for Bob McDonnell (“The cozy relationship between Star Scientific and McDonnell is not an isolated example, especially of the headaches such entanglements have caused him.”)

*The obvious need for an ethics panel (“The tangled web connecting a fledgling biomedical company to Gov. Bob McDonnell and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is the kind of complex political and financial arrangement that erodes the public’s trust in its elected leaders.”)

*Virginia transportation plans expected to survive veto session

*Abortion fight to highlight reconvened GA session

*A politician’s friend in need (“Most of all, we do not know if the governor and attorney general have done anything wrong in their dealings with a struggling friend. We only know that we don’t like how it looks and want to learn more. We will withhold judgment until then.”)

*Amendments and vetoes the Virginia General Assembly will consider on Wednesday.

*McAuliffe officially becomes Democratic nominee for Virginia governor

*Del. Lacey Putney’s seat has 4th GOP aspirant

*LG candidate Snyder pledges no robocalls (Why not, Snyder’s slimeball sugar daddy “Ending Spending” won’t pay for them?)

*Virginia Beach receives private proposal to extend the Tide

*Nearly 80 fires later, Virginia police ‘confident’ serial arsonists in custody

*Fairfax County launches search for police chief

*Dumler recall: Supe has (another) day in court

*Arlington County Board will keep higher child care standards in effect

*Ovechkin leads Caps past Hurricanes