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Video: Vindman’s First TV Ad “Prosecution” Highlights Derrick Anderson’s Desire to Ban Abortions and Punish Women


From the Eugene Vindman for Congress (VA07) campaign:

Vindman’s First TV Ad “Prosecution” Highlights Derrick Anderson’s Desire to Ban Abortions and Punish Women

Dale City, VA – Today, the Vindman for Congress Campaign released its first TV ad of the general election, entitled “Prosecution.”

Derrick Anderson celebrated the overturning of Roe V. Wade and now women are facing criminal prosecution and rape victims are being forced to give birth. His MAGA cronies who are funding his campaign will go even further – starting with banning abortion nationwide.

Fortunately, Mr. Anderson has four upcoming Debates and Forums where he can set his record straight and pledge to codify Roe. V. Wade into Federal Law. Mr. Vindman has already challenged him to do so, and time will tell.

This advertisement will start airing today and will be the start of a flight the Vindman campaign will run through election day and will total 7-figures on DC Broadcast and in other markets in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District.

The advertisement and transcript are below:



Narrator: When Roe V. Wade Was Overturned, Derrick Anderson said the Supreme Court got it Right

He’s wrong.

Because now, women face criminal prosecution and life threatening complications. Rape victims forced to give birth.

And the MAGA Extremists backing Anderson have a plan to go further, to ban abortions nationwide, track pregnancies, and limit access to birth control even in Virginia.

On abortion rights, Derrick Anderson couldn’t be more wrong.



Colonel (fmr.) Eugene Vindman, U.S. Army (ret.), was born in Soviet Ukraine. His family arrived as refugees with less than $800 in their pockets and worked hard to achieve the American dream. Vindman joined the U.S. Army after college, serving around the world including a combat tour in Iraq. In 2019, while serving on the White House National Security Council as the senior ethics attorney, he blew the whistle on the infamous phone call in which President Trump attempted to extort Ukraine unless it investigated Joe Biden. Trump’s vengeance cost him his career. Now, Colonel Vindman is running to represent Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, to preserve democracy and advocate for Virginia voters.

House Majority PAC Polling Shows Democrats Poised to Take Back the House – and Possibly Win VA02


From the House Majority PAC; note that it’s basically a toss-up race in VA02 – go Missy Cotter Smasal! (Also, the bigger Harris and Kaine win VA02, the better shot Smasal has – so push for huge Harris and Kaine wins on 11/5!)

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: House Majority PAC
DATE: September 12, 2024
RE: HMP Polling Shows Democrats Poised to Take Back the House 

With less than two months until Election Day and unprecedented chaos coming from House Republicans, battleground and district polling conducted by HMP continues to indicate that Democrats are poised to take back the House in November.

With House Republicans calling on their donors to step up, it is vital that we have the resources we need in this final sprint to Election Day.

Recent district polling conducted by HMP shows, Democratic challengers virtually tied or running ahead of their GOP incumbents:



Democratic Candidate

Republican Candidate



8/8 – 8/13





8/25 – 8/27



Normington Petts


7/16 – 7/21





8/26 – 8/30





7/9 – 7/15





8/20 – 8/25



Impact Research


Additional battleground polling from HMP continues to show that Project 2025 is incredibly unpopular. 

  • About 7-in-10 voters are familiar with the agenda and those who know it view it unfavorably (13% favorable / 57% unfavorable).
  • A majority of voters who are familiar with Project 2025 believe that Trump (68%) and Republicans in Congress (66%) support these ideas and will try to put them in place. 

Messaging on abortion, the economy, and health care raises concerns – especially when incorporating Project 2025. 

  • Our top hits against Republicans highlight that they’re aligned with Project 2025 which would ban all abortions (54% very serious concerns), that Project 2025 would hurt working people (53% very serious concerns), and that Project 2025 would gut healthcare coverage (52% very serious concerns).
  • An ad that emphasizes that Congressional Republicans will be a rubber stamp for Trump and enact Project 2025 also raises concerns (52% very serious concerns).


With Three New Polls Showing Kamala Harris Leading in Virginia by Wide Margins (8, 10, 13 points), FiveThirtyEight Now Has Harris with an 84% Chance of Winning Here


With early voting in Virginia starting in just 9 days (on 9/20), we’ve now gotten three Virginia polls in September – WaPo/Schar School, Morning Consult and VCU. The results of those polls are as follows:

  • WaPo/Schar: “Harris draws support from 50 percent of likely Virginia voters compared to 42 percent choosing the former president and 2 percent supporting third-party candidates.” (Harris + 8 points)
  • Morning Consult: Harris 52%-Trump 42% (Harris +10 points)
  • VCU: Harris 49%-Trump 36% among registered voters (Harris +13 points); Harris 46%-Trump 36% among likely voters (Harris +10 points)

So with those polls factored in, Trump’s now down to just a 16% chance of winning Virginia, per FiveThirtyEight’s model, down from a 20% chance as of September 1. So clearly,we’re headed in the right direction. Also clearly, the Harris-Walz campaign is MASSIVELY outworking/outhustling Trump-Vance here in the Commonwealth, with at least one recent report that Trump’s campaign “has diverted resources away from Minnesota, Virginia and New Hampshire – states Trump was boasting he could win while Joe Biden was the Democratic candidate – to focus instead on a small number of battleground states.” Per that article:

“In Virginia – the site of Vance’s first solo rally after being appointed to the ticket – Trump has not staged a rally for six weeks and the campaign has stopped citing memos claiming it can flip the state. Its apparent slide down the priority list is a far cry from 28 June, when the former president staged a rally in Chesapeake a day after his ultimately race-changing debate with Biden.”

Also, somewhat anecdotally, it seems like Democrats have a lot more enthusiasm/energy right now in Virginia, as evidenced by large, enthusiastic Democratic turnout at events across Virginia, even in red areas like Buena Vista.

So that’s all good news, of course. But as always, let’s take nothing for granted. Instead, let’s make sure we: a) “run through the tape” and make absolutely sure we do indeed win this thing!; and b) do so by a HUGE margin, which will help downballot races (e.g., replacing Jen Kiggans with Missy Cotter Smasal).

Thursday News: “Trump Brought a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist to a 9/11 Memorial Event”; Karl Rove Says Debate Was “Catastrophic” for “angry and fixated on the past” Trump; “Taylor Swift Drove Nearly 338,000 People to Vote.gov With Kamala Harris Endorsement Post”; “Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, September 12.

CPI Report Shows Biden-Harris Admin is Turning the Page on Inflation While Recent Report From Trump’s Alma Mater Calls Out MAGAnomics Agenda


Good news from the DNC:

NEW: CPI Report Shows Biden-Harris Admin is Turning the Page on Inflation While Recent Report From Trump’s Alma Mater Calls Out MAGAnomics Agenda

During last night’s debate, Harris called out Trump for a new analysis from the Wharton School – his alma mater – estimating that the Trump campaign tax and spending proposals would increase primary deficits by $5.8 trillion over 10 years
Today’s strong CPI report continues to show annual inflation at an over three-year low as the Biden-Harris administration continues to work tirelessly to lower costs, bolster the economy, and turn the page on inflation. Under their leadership, annual inflation is down to 2.5% —  the lowest in more than three years – wages have risen faster than prices 18 months in a row, Americans are seeing gas prices are down almost 60 cents from last year, and nearly 16 million jobs have been created, with 44 months of consecutive job growth.

From taking on corporate greed, Big Pharma, and price gouging to slashing junk fees – the Biden-Harris administration has taken unprecedented action to make life more affordable for hardworking Americans. In stark contrast with Vice President Harris’ robust plans to hold price gougers accountable and lower costs for both families and small businesses, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to push their Project 2025 agenda that would raise costs by nearly $4,000 a year for typical middle-class families and cost America 3.2 million jobs, after Trump left office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover.

Moody’s Analytics projected that Trump’s economic plan would cause inflation to rise, costs to soar, and trigger a recession — and even Trump’s own alma mater, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, issued a report estimating that the Trump campaign tax and spending proposals would increase primary deficits by $5.8 trillion over the next 10 years.

The Biden-Harris administration’s tireless work to to lower inflation and drive down costs for hardworking is paying off for Americans.

Heather Long, Washington Post: “JUST IN: More good news on inflation. The US inflation rate cooled to 2.5% (y/y) in August, the lowest since February 2021. This gives the Fed and everyone else more confidence the inflation battle has been won.

“Lower gas prices, lower electricity costs and lower used car prices helped bring down inflation in August. The monthly price growth was just 0.2% (as expected)

‘Core’ inflation remained at 3.2% —> lowest since April 2021”

Axios: “New CPI report shows another month of cooling inflation”

NEW: During last night’s debate, Trump took the bait after Harris brought up that the Penn-Wharton Budget Model projects Trump’s disastrous MAGAnomics agenda would increase the national deficit by an additional $5.8 trillion over the next 10 years while he gives tax cuts to his ultra-wealthy friends, leaving behind hardworking families.

CNN: “The Penn-Wharton Budget Model, which doesn’t take into account new proposals Trump made last week as well as ending taxes on tips, estimates that his proposals could cause the deficit to increase by an additional $5.8 trillion over the next 10 years…

“Meanwhile, the tax proposals Harris has put forth so far mostly involve imposing higher taxes, which would have a positive impact on the deficit. For instance, she’s endorsed raising the top individual income tax rate to 44.6% and the top long-term capital gains tax rate to 28% versus the current 20%. And on the corporate side, she’s in favor of raising the tax rate to 28%.”

CBS News: “Trump’s plan would result in tax cuts for all, but the results for Americans vastly differ from Harris’ proposal, according to an analysis by the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Under Trump, everyone would receive a tax cut, but the lowest earners — those making under $19,600 — would just see a $320 difference in take-home pay, while under Harris, that same income group would have another $2,355 after taxes. The very highest earners under Trump would receive a tax break of  $376,910, according to the Penn Wharton analysis.”

Reuters“These changes would likely add $3.6 trillion to $6.6 trillion to primary U.S. deficits over 10 years, according to published individual and comprehensive estimates from four budget forecasters reviewed by Reuters: the Penn-Wharton Budget Model, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), the Tax Foundation and Oxford Economics.”

REMINDER: Trump’s economic agenda would jack up prices for hardworking families – costing typical middle-class families nearly $4,000 a year – trigger a recession by mid-2025, and send inflation skyrocketing.

CBS News: “Trump has pledged to end the “inflation nightmare.”  But his policies, which include adding tariffs to all imported goods, would likely fuel inflation and reverse some of the progress of the last two years, some economists say.”

Center for American Progress: “A typical family would, therefore, pay between $2,500 to $3,900 from Trump’s import taxes, depending on the precise tax rate between 10 percent and 20 percent that various countries’ goods could be taxed at.”

Axios“Trump’s inflation bomb: How his second-term plans could make it worse”

Axios“Trump plans would add $5.8 trillion to national debt”

Wall Street Journal“Economists Say Inflation Would Be Worse Under Trump Than Biden”

USA Today“According to a Moody’s study, Trump’s plan would trigger a recession by mid-2025 and an economy that grows an average 1.3% annually during his four-year term vs. 2.1% under Biden. (The latter is in line with average growth in the decade before the pandemic.)”

Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”


The Reviews Are In: Vice President Harris Won the Debate


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign. She really kicked Trump’s pathetic, lying, crazy, demented ass last night, huh??? 😉

The Reviews Are In: Vice President Harris Won the Debate

Tonight, Vice President Harris was optimistic, strong, and presidential as she offered her vision for a New Way Forward for all Americans. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was angry, weak and focused on himself.

You don’t have to take our word for it. Reporters, analysts, and elected officials – right, left, and center – agree: Vice President Harris was the clear winner of tonight’s debate.

Take a look at what they’re saying:

On The Airwaves:

On CNN’s Special Coverage, Chris Wallace: “Kamala Harris pitched a shutout on almost every subject I can think of. She shut down Trump on abortion. She shut Trump down January 6 and democracy. She shut him down on national security. […] [Vice President Harris] made the point that she is the candidate of change, and we need to turn the page from a decade of division and polarization. On substance, I think she pitched a shutout, and I think she did on style as well. I mean, the image of the debate to me is she’s there happy, smiling, expressive, shaking her head in dismay at things Trump was saying. And Trump looked angry, scowling. She was looking directly at the audience. He was looking at the moderators and arguing with them. And something else— Donald Trump looked old tonight.”

On ABC’s Special Coverage, Chris Christie: “She was exquisitely well prepared. She laid traps and he chased every rabbit down every hole instead of talking about the things that he should have been talking about. […] He was — he was not good tonight at all. And what Harris did was what she had to do, which was to prove that she belonged on that stage. She has a voice that wants to try to unite the country and Donald Trump spent more time talking about people eating pets, people at his rallies and whether he had more or less, than he did about the economy and that is a huge fail tonight.”

On Fox News’ Special Coverage, Brit Hume: “Look, make no mistake about it, Trump had a bad night. He rose to the bait repeatedly when she baited him, something I am sure his advisors had begged him not to do. In the first debate, when Biden attacked him, he kept his cool and kept going. In this debate, he rose to the bait. And we heard so many of the old grievances that we’d long thought Trump had learned were not winners politically, and there they all were… She came out of this in pretty good shape… for tonight, at least, this was her night.”

On Fox News’ Special Coverage, Bret Baier: “Vice President Harris was clearly well-prepared, practiced, on the offensive much of the night. Former President Trump did take a lot of the bait she threw out.”

On Fox News’ Special Coverage, Harold Ford Jr.: “[Vice President Harris] conveyed the calm, she conveyed a preparation. […] Finally, she was tenacious on Russia. She had clarity about the future of the country. He was a little too gloomy… and when asked I saw around the table, I’ve never heard Donald Trump not be definitive about a set of plans. He said, ‘I have concepts of a plan.’ Here we are 56 days from an election, you’ve been president before. He’s got to recover from this.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Chris Hayes: “It was by far the best debate performance against Donald Trump ever by anyone.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Rachel Maddow: “I’ve never seen a starker contrast in presentation from two candidates in any debate, in any type of contest, in any political race.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Nicolle Wallace: “She didn’t just prevail in every exchange, she prevailed at the humaning.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Lawrence O’Donnell: “It may very well be the best televised debate performance ever. I can’t think of a better one.”

On CNN’s Special Coverage, Van Jones: “She just whooped him. […] People have wanted to see somebody put this bully in his place. […] She got up there and she put him in his place. She baited him and then she spanked him. She baited him and then she spanked him. And not only did she pass the commander-in-chief test, he failed it. He failed it. […] Kamala Harris did something great for every parent in America, she put the bully in his place.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Joy Reid: “The look that was on Vice President Harris’ face… the look said pity, she looked like she pitied him and kept looking at him like ‘are you okay?’ She finally said I think you are having a hard time connecting with reality. Donald Trump got destroyed in this debate because he can’t control his mind and you don’t want a president of the United States that is not in full control of his mind.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Alex Wagner: “She knew who she was making a case to, and to me it felt like she was making a case to moderates and Republicans. Like over and over again, she was speaking in language that was, I think, welcoming to people that might still be on the fence and even on the most incendiary topics, right? The issues of race and identity, she talked about uniting the country, rather than sort of taking Trump’s bait and talking about, you know, the politics of the personal. […] I was really struck by the kind of, the welcoming and sort of involved nature of her responses.”

On MSNBC’s Special Coverage, Former Senator Claire McCaskill: “What the American people watched was her going toe to toe with him and owning him. From the moment she walked out… I think she demonstrated how good she will be going toe to toe with the bad guys in the world because she did a really good job going toe to toe with this guy.”

On CNN’s Special Coverage, Gov. Josh Shapiro: “Kamala Harris wiped out that brain fog and reminded people of the chaos of Donald Trump, reminded them that he ripped away people’s fundamental freedoms, particularly the freedom for millions of women across this country to just make decisions over their own body. She reminded them that, here in Pennsylvania, he wants to take away health care from 1.2 million of my fellow Pennsylvanians. She reminded him that he really has no plan on the economy. And she reminded him just how– reminded people just how nonsensical he is, how divisive he is, how his rhetoric seeks to create others in our society and divide people instead of lifting everybody up. And I thought she made clear she wants to be a president for all Americans, laid out her vision, laid out her plans, and I thought she had a great night.”

On NBC’s Special Coverage, Gov. Gavin Newsom: “He was on the defensive from day one, she won the debate. If the purpose tonight was to win the debate, to show she’s a commander in chief, to show she has character and temperance, to show that she can take on a bully like Donald Trump and put him on the defense, so she can take on the dictators around the rest of the globe and lead this nation. I think she did it. She also did this. She talked about all of us, not just some of us. The best parts of the debate were at the end, when she was talking about the issues of race and talking about moving away from divisiveness and talking down to people, past people, and the fact that we’re all in this together. We’re all better off. We’re all better off. It was a fantastic night.”

On ABC’s Special Coverage, Cedric Richmond: “I think voters deserve to know the candidates that they’re voting for, and I think she did an excellent job tonight, talking about not only her values, but talking about her plan for the American people, and I think that was the big difference tonight. She focused on how do I help Americans dealing with several challenges — the challenges of child care, the challenges of affordable housing, the challenges of rising grocery prices — and I think she addressed all of that, and I think the American people are giving her a fresh look and I think she did an excellent job.”

On ABC’s Special Coverage, Donna Brazile: “I think it was one of the best debate performances I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ve seen a lot and I’ve helped a lot of people prepare for these big moments. She met the moment. She seized the opportunity to tell the American people what she would do during her four years. She commanded the issues and she did not allow the former president to bait her. Instead she led the way forward. She turned the page.”


Adam KinzingerThis is a blowout.  Harris makes Trump look like a joke, which he is

Olivia TroyePerfectly delivered. He was angry. This is who he is and how he behaves…

Frank Luntz: Nevertheless, Kamala trapped Trump into whining about his own problems instead of discussing how he’ll solve America’s problems. He has zero discipline.  #Debate2024

Former RNC Chair Michael Steele: He’s rambling. He’s off topic (and that’s saying something). He’s grimacing. He’s agitated. He’s defensive. He’s frustrated. He still hasn’t looked at her. #PresidentialDebate2024

Bernard GoldbergShe’s talking to moderate undecided voters — and I think it’s working.

Stuart Stevens: If you were a Reagan Republican, there is one choice in this election. Harris is the only pro-American candidate.

Erick Erickson: Trump lost the debate and whining about the moderators doesn’t change it.  He didn’t lose because of their behavior.  He lost because of his own performance while his lips were moving, not theirs.

Anthony Scaramucci: We all saw the stark contrast tonight.  An unhinged wannabe autocrat, and a candidate who cares about the American people and America’s role in the world. Please support the Harris-Walz campaign by contributing here.  The stakes could not be higher     https://secure.kamalaharris.com/a/socal-bvf-2?attr=112923189

Taylor PopielarzOne House Republican who supports Trump texts me this about the debate:  “This could be going a lot better, poor performance so far for our side. Disappointing.”

Will RaglandBrit Hume: “Make no mistake about it. Trump had a bad night.” “This was pretty much her night.”

Tim Miller: Just spoke with Lindsey Graham in the spin room he said the debate team should be fired and Trump was unprepared. “disaster”

Katherine Doyle: A Trump ally watching the debate tonight told @NBCNews that Trump “is angry” and that Harris got under his skin, while a separate fundraiser for Trump simply said: “I changed the channel. Too much to watch.”

Olivia Beavers: Debate reaction from a House Republican: “She has gotten his goat. He is on the border of looking angry.”

Alyssa Farah GriffinAs predicted, Trump begins to meltdown at roughly the 15 minute mark. He is not the candidate he was in ‘16 or ‘20.

Bill ScherKamala Harris won the Afghanistan exchange. I am stunned.

Mike MadridShe looks Presidential. More importantly she looks like a different kind of President. Empathetic. Competent. Capable. Reasonable.

Jon FavreauExtremely powerful answer on abortion from Kamala Harris. Wow.

David Axelrod: That whole abortion sequence was kind of a knockout [for] @KamalaHarris.  No good answers for Donald Trump.

Susan Glasser: Harris’ answer on abortion is the best debate answer I’ve ever seen her give

Tom Bonier: The VP’s answer to this abortion question is one of the most powerful moments I’ve seen in a presidential debate.

Heidi PrzybylaTrump not answering whether he will veto a national abortion ban. That’s a headline.

Adrian Carrasquillo: Harris very strong on abortion with vivid and visceral imagery of horrible situations that can happen to women now post-Dobbs. She found her stride there

Hugo LowellTrump sounds like he’s on defense on abortion — Harris gave a tough common-sense argument, Trump has to deflect to say she’s lying, and then didn’t give a firm answer on whether he would veto a national abortion ban

John Bresnahan: […] Harris is clearly rattling Trump here

Chris HayesReal roller coaster of a train of thought on that last one on student loans from Trump.

Greg SargentTrump is on the defensive. Lying about Project 2025 and dissembling about 2020.

Jon RalstonHarris seems to be having a good time, Trump went from low energy to angry Trump.

Janet Johnson: She’s rattling him.

Patrick GaspardVP Harris is speaking about the future with details and contrasts. Right out of the gate. She’s sharing her actual policy plans. Donald Trump is mired in the distant past. He’s reverted to ad hominem attacks. And denying his obvious connections to Project 2025.

Rachel Bade: Man, Kamala killing it — and knows it. smiling, looking at trump, etc. Trump looks v angry. won’t look at her at all.

Jen PsakiFell into the trap on the rally size…who would have thought it (everyone given he is obsessed)

Dan Pfieffer: There is an hour to go, but Kamala Harrris is systematically eviscerating Trump

Abby Phillip: So far, this debate has been characterized by Kamala Harris dropping a lot of bait and Trump eagerly picking it up and rhetorically wandering around the room.

Jake Lahut: oh, Trump’s mad fr fr now

Jim Sciutto: A greatest hits of debunked Trump claims.

Matt Fuller: So was his strategy to just yell through this?

Christina ReynoldsDonald Trump was fired by 81 million people. … And clearly he’s having a hard time processing that. Kamala Harris, continuing to win the debate.

Sarah Matthews: @KamalaHarris is delivering a masterclass in throwing Trump off his game by baiting him with topics that trigger him (crowd size, Republican endorsements, etc.). She’s crushing this debate and he seems to be completely rattled.

Greg Sargent: Really critical that one of the last things voters will hear tonight is Harris’ plans to help small businesses, a child tax credit, and assistance for first-time homebuyers

Eriq GardnerI see a lot of conservatives complaining about ABC, which I guess says something about who is perceived as losing the debate

Mychael Schnell: 👀Debate reax from a House Republican who backs Trump: “I’m just sad.”

“She knew exactly where to cut to get under his skin. Just overall disappointing that he isn’t being more composed like the first debate. The road just got very narrow. “This is not good,” they told @thehill

Pete ButtigiegAll night he talked about himself and about her. She, by contrast, talked about you. Because that’s who she works for.

Governor Roy CooperWe just watched Donald Trump come slowly unraveled. He was angry and incoherent. Kamala Harris was focused and presidential. He defended dictators. She defended democracy. He ranted while she laid out clear plans for lower costs, more freedom and a new way forward. – RC

Governor JB PritzkerLie after lie, Donald Trump is flailing his way through this debate.

Governor Wes MooreTonight @KamalaHarris  showed that she is the leader we need. A leader who can prosecute the case against Donald Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda and puts American families, service, and country above self. The choice could not be more clear. We are not going back.

Governor Maura Healey:

✅Grow our economy

✅Lower costs for the middle class

✅Protect women’s access to health care

This debate made clear: Kamala Harris cares about you, Donald Trump cares about himself.

We aren’t going back. Now let’s win this thing


Senator Elizabeth Warren: Trump has spent his career looking out for himself & other billionaires. VP Harris has devoted herself to public service—fighting for justice, for working people who’ve been cheated, & for basic freedoms like abortion rights. Tonight, the American people will see that contrast.

Senator Ed MarkeyNo surprise: Trump lies.

Senator Mark KellyJust listen to this guy. He shouldn’t be commander in chief again. And he doesn’t have to be: let’s turn the page and move this country forward with  @KamalaHarris.

Senator Tina Smith: This debate is a live look at a flailing, dangerous man. That’s why 81 million Americans fired him.

Senator Tim KaineTonight’s debate made it very clear @KamalaHarris is ready to stand up and fight for the rights and freedoms of the American people—and that Donald Trump is unfit to be President for the most important office in the land.

Senator Amy Klobuchar: Instead of focusing on herself after Trump’s comments on her race, Harris goes big: Americans do not want a leader who is trying to get Americans to constantly point fingers at each other. What unites us is so much bigger than what divides us.

Senator Alex PadillaIncoherent rambling about people eating pets. Complaining about crowd sizes. Incessant lying. Nothing about how this man conducts himself is fitting for a President.

Leader Hakeem JeffriesDonald Trump is old, tired and falling apart mentally. This guy is not fit to hold office.

Congresswoman Veronica EscobarKamala Harris wants to give middle class families tax cuts so they can live out the America Dream. Donald Trump wants to continue his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and his rich friends.

Congresswoman Norma Torres@KamalaHarris just laid out her plan for an economy that works for everyone: cutting costs for families, lowering housing prices, and tax cuts for 100M+ Americans. Meanwhile, Trump’s tax breaks for the wealthy and tariffs will hurt working families. The contrast is clear.

Congressman Robert GarciaDonald Trump was angry, incoherent, and could not contain his anger. He showed us who he is: an unhinged and sad man with no real plan for the future. We are not going back.

Congressman Jim Clyburn: Less than 10 minutes into the debate and Trump has already lied about his knowledge of Project 2025. The American people know the truth

Congresswoman Jennifer McClellanTrump is unhinged.

Congressman Adriano Espaillat: This side-by-side makes the choice crystal clear: Kamala Harris is the only way forward. #Debate2024

Congressman Diana DeGetteDonald Trump’s constant lies highlight that he’s not the leader we deserve.

Congresswoman Sylvia R. GarciaDonald Trump has no regrets about January 6th, the greatest attack on our democracy—an attack that he caused and put me and my colleagues in danger. We can’t forget, and we won’t let it happen again. #Debate2024

Congressman Jim McGovernAnd if you listen to @KamalaHarris, you’ll hear VP Harris talking about delivering for the middle class and restoring freedoms for all Americans. The choice is clear!

Congressman Ro KhannaHarris clearly won the debate. She came across as future oriented and Presidential.

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt RochesterTonight, @KamalaHarris showed us exactly who she is: Madam President. We are not going back.

Governor Gretchen WhitmerTonight, we saw a serious leader who will work day in and day out to make your lives better take on a man who leads with revenge and chaos. The choice is clear. If you’re in, make a donation now, and let’s elect @KamalaHarris to be our next President.

Congressman Jimmy Gomez.@KamalaHarris just dismantled Donald Trump point by point and delivered a new way forward for America – one that will lower costs, give everyone an opportunity to buy a home, and help small business owners. #Debatenight #DebatePresidencial2024

State Rep. Malcolm KenyattaVice President Harris did something that was very hard, so incredibly well. She consistently talked about her vision for the future, while powerfully calling out Trump’s lies, confusion, and misrepresentations. Tonight was a tour-de-force.

Mayor Regina RomeroThe difference is clear between candidates. On national television we have a rambling felon who does not understand how pregnancy works & an experienced prosecutor, Senator & now Vice President who trusts women to make choices over their own bodies. #HarrisWalz2024  #Debate2024

Mayor Andre Dickens: VP Harris @VP is putting on a master class on baiting and beating a narcissist.  He’s now talking about rallies, dogs, and his books. Trump is cooked.


Paid for by Harris for President


Everyone Is Saying: Donald Trump Lost It

Tonight on the debate stage, Donald Trump showed the American people just how unhinged he is – in his own words.

Vice President Harris called him out on abortion, and it was downhill from there.

He rambled and yelled.

He appeared visibly “angry, disorganized and frazzled.

He couldn’t lay out a single solution for the American people, because the only plan Trump has is his Project 2025 agenda to raise costs on the middle class and take America backwards.

Republicans are already calling the debate a “disaster” for Trump.

In case you missed it, key moments from tonight:

  • Trump again refused to acknowledge he lost the 2020 election
  • Trump wouldn’t say he wants Ukraine to beat Russia
  • Trump refused to say whether he would veto a national abortion ban
  • Trump yelled false conspiracy theories people eating pets
  • Analysts pondered whether he was rattled by the Vice President’s handshake
  • Reporters noted Trump seemed unable to even make eye contact with the Vice President.
  • Vice President Harris told Donald Trump world leaders are “laughing at” him and that “they say you’re a disgrace.”
  • Vice President Harris told Trump that Putin “would eat you for lunch”
  • Trump was called out for trying to divide the American people
  • Trump flailed when asked about his plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and said he had “the concept” of a plan and not an actual plan.

The internet (already) has thoughts:


Paid for by Harris for President

Wednesday News: “Debate Disaster: Trump’s Seething, Unhinged, Incoherent Onstage Meltdown”; ” Conservative Pundits Declare Kamala Harris Winner Of Debate”; Harris “stayed human when Trump went feral”; Trump Mixes Up Virginia, WEST Virginia


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, September 11.

Trump Sends Out the “Ultra-MAGA” Clown Car to the Spin Room; “Undeniably Trump-Driven” Project 2025 Agenda


From the DNC:

Hi all –

Donald Trump is leaving the spin to a wildly out-of-touch sideshow of election deniers, “ultra-MAGA” extremists, and far-right conspiracy theorists who are toxic to the battleground voters who will decide this election.

Here’s a look at Trump’s spinners tonight:

JD Vance:

Robert F. Kennedy:

  • Repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks
  • Admitted he would sign a national abortion ban and has decades of accounts of serial adultery and reckless behavior around women
  • Said that there is no vaccine that is safe and effective, helping to cause one of the deadliest measles outbreaks in recent history

Lara Trump:

  • Notorious election denier and self-described “ultra-MAGA” extremist
  • Refuses to unequivocally commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election
  • Downplayed January 6, suggesting the problem was too much “focus” on the violent attack against our democracy

Michael Whatley:

  • Top election denier in North Carolina picked as RNC Chair for his election lies
  • Refused to condemn a state House GOP candidate with ties to a neo-Nazi organization
  • Anti-choice extremist who celebrated the overturning of Roe and called North Carolina Republicans’ extreme abortion ban “responsible” and “mainstream”

Byron Donalds:

  • Suggested that Black Americans were better off under Jim Crow and then tripled down on his absurd claims
  • Attacked our democracy and pushed baseless election-denying conspiracy theories while refusing to accept the results of the next election
  • Co-sponsored a national abortion ban that threatens IVF access and has praised cruel bans with no exceptions for rape or incest

Kristi Noem:

  • Anti-choice extremist who has defended her state’s near-total abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, and has threatened to throw pharmacists in jail for providing or even procuring pills that aid in medication abortions
  • Still refuses to acknowledge Trump’s role in inciting a violent mob to attack the Capitol on January 6
  • Had a ruff time in the Trump Veepstakes after her bizarre lies and scandals came to light

Matt Gaetz:

  • Ultra-MAGA creep and extreme election denier hellbent on whitewashing the violence of January 6
  • Showed up at Trump’s trial to make explicit references to Trump’s infamous call to the Proud Boys before they violently attacked the Capitol on January 6
  • Trump’s MAGA minion in Congress who plunged the House GOP in disarray over petty political games

Tulsi Gabbard:

  • Dangerous extremist who has been praised by white supremacists and other far-right cranks while cozying up to Trump for years
  • Attacked efforts to investigate January 6 and repeatedly campaigned with notorious election deniers
  • Celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and introduced national abortion ban legislation that would criminalize providers

Vivek Ramaswamy:

  • Out-of-touch extremist who has repeatedly pushed dangerous conspiracy theories from January 6 to September 11
  • Supports banning abortion before many women know they’re pregnant and wants to rip away reproductive freedoms
  • Extreme climate denier who said actions to address climate change are a “hoax”
  • Supported Trump’s efforts to tank the toughest bipartisan border deal in decades while pushing to end birthright citizenship and deport children born in America.

The fact that this group of crooks, cranks, and far-right creeps is the best Trump can offer to shill for him tonight says everything about Trump’s out of touch campaign – and it’s a sad display of just how much Trump and his campaign are failing to talk to the voters he needs in November.

Alex Floyd
Rapid Response Director
Democratic National Committee


Hi all –

Tonight on the debate stage, Donald Trump is going to try to hide from what voters already know: that his extreme and wildly unpopular Project 2025 agenda is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation” – and if given the chance, he and his Project 2025-backed VP pick JD Vance will enact their horrifying vision starting on Day One.

Here are the facts about Donald Trump’s clear ties to Project 2025:

And it’s no surprise why Trump is going all-out trying to hide his clear-cut connections to Project 2025. This extreme agenda is full of wildly out-of-touch and toxic policy proposals that drive away voters, such as:

  • Banning abortion nationwide with or without Congress.
  • Threatening access to IVF and contraception.
  • Gutting checks and balances to give Trump unprecedented power over our lives while undermining our democracy.
  • Tax giveaways to the billionaires and tax hikes on the middle class.
  • Ending the Department of Education and ripping away funds from public schools.
  • Rolling back student loan debt relief for those who need it most.

Bottom Line: No matter what lies Trump tries to tell on stage tonight, there’s no hiding from the fact that his Project 2025 agenda was written for him by his extreme, close allies – but voters can stop him from ever getting the chance to enact it this November.


Alex Floyd
Rapid Response Director
Democratic National Committee

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Highlights Dangers of Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda in Virginia


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Highlights Dangers of Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda in Virginia

Yesterday, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham traveled to Northern Virginia to highlight the stark contrast between Vice President Harris’ vision for a New Way Forward and Trump’s Project 2025 agenda, which would ban abortion nationwide, restrict our freedoms, and raise prices for Virginia families. Lujan Grisham also highlighted how Trump’s Project 2025 would make life harder and more expensive for families in Virginia and across the country.

At a Latinos con Harris event in Woodbridge with legislative Virginia Latino Caucus Co-Chair Delegate Alfonso Lopez, Governor Lujan Grisham said:

“Trump has said unequivocally: this is a revenge campaign. He wants to punish everyday working Americans who expect fairness. He will vilify you. He builds this agenda of anger, fear and hate, he does, in fact, seek to divide America. […] Project 2025 reads like the screenplay of the best horror film ever made, and we have to explain to voters, he means it. He’s ready for it. He will implement these policies. Anyone that would rip a baby from the arms of his or her mother at the border is capable of any number of unspeakable acts.”

At a Women for Harris-Walz event in Sterling, Governor Lujan Grisham said:

“The fact that Republicans don’t want women to have primary care should be the deciding issue in this election. And if every woman votes in this election for their reproductive freedoms and fundamental access to health care, we win. […] The stakes, as you all know, could not be higher. We’re demonstrating in both our states that women need us. Their families need us.”

Latinos con Harris event in Woodbridge with Virginia Latino Caucus Co-Chair Delegate Alfonso Lopez, Governor Lujan Grisham

Women for Harris-Walz event in Sterling with State Sen. Jennifer Boysko


Paid for by Harris for President

NEW: JD Vance “Would Have Asked The States” For Fake Electors’ Votes Instead of Certifying the 2020 Election


From the DNC War Room. And yes, JD Vance is an extremist, fanatic, authoritarian, fascist, etc.

NEW: JD Vance “Would Have Asked The States” For Fake Electors’ Votes Instead of Certifying the 2020 Election

In response to JD Vance saying he “would have asked the states” to submit slates of fake electors in 2020, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“Donald Trump picked JD Vance as his running mate because he knows that Vance will do what his last vice president wouldn’t – undermine our democracy and help him try to overturn election results. Now, Vance is making it clear: instead of certifying the 2020 election, Vance ‘would have asked the states’ to send slates of fake electors and throw our election into chaos to help Trump stay in power. Vance is clearly laying out the stakes of this election for our democracy and our basic freedoms, and showing voters that if given the chance, he’ll try to replace the rule of law with the rule of Trump.”

NEW: When asked if he would have certified the last election, Vance instead said he “would have asked the states” to send him slates of fake electors.

Jason Calacanis: “Would you have certified the [last result of the election]?”

Vance: “Again, I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors and let the country have the debate about what actually matters and what kind of an election that we have.” 

Calacanis: “You wouldn’t have certified, to be clear?”

Vance: “I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors, that’s what I would have done.”

Reminder: Vance is an extreme election denier who won’t commit to accepting this November’s election results.

HuffPost“[Vance] said he would accept a Biden win only if he considered the election to be legitimate. … Vance’s comments illustrate a new tactic by Republican lawmakers, who are now placing conditions on accepting election results.”

Kristen Welker, NBC: “Well, here we are, about a week before the Republican convention. Before I let you go, can you say unequivocally, unequivocally, here and now, that you will accept the results of the 2024 election no matter what they are?”

Vance: “So long as it’s a free and fair election, Kristen, of course, we will. We will use constitutional processes to challenge issues if we think there are issues, but if it’s a free and fair election, we will do what the constitution requires, we will respect the results and I expect those results are gonna be to reelect Donald Trump.”

Welker: “It was a free and fair election in 2020, Donald Trump took his concerns to court, he lost in court, but he still has not conceded. Do you understand that when you refuse to commit unequivocally, that feeds into people’s concerns, skepticism about the nation’s electoral process?”

Vance: “Well, Kristen, I don’t agree with that, actually. I think that feeding into people’s concerns about our electoral process is that one half of America’s political segment, they won’t support legislation that makes it harder for illegal aliens to vote, they won’t support universal voter I.D. in our elections, even though you have to present I.D. to do almost anything in this country. I think taking people’s concerns seriously about election fraud is the way to reinforce security and confidence in our elections.”

New York Times: “J.D. Vance Says He Would Accept the Election Results, With a Caveat”

Vances echoes Trump’s baseless lies about the 2020 election and attempts to whitewash the violent January 6 insurrection.

Vance“I think the entire post-2020 thing would have gone a lot better if there had actually been an effort to provide alternative slates of electors, and to force us to have that debate. I think it would’ve been a much better thing for the country. … [Trump] was trying to take a constitutional process to its natural conclusion.

“I think it would’ve been extraordinarily disappointing to a whole host of people that I care a lot about if Trump had just taken it [and conceded the 2020 election before January 6].”

Vance“No real Republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming [Trump for January 6].”

ABC News“JD Vance says [he] wouldn’t have certified 2020 race until states submitted pro-Trump electors”

New York Times: “[Vance] has said that, unlike Vice President Mike Pence in 2020, he would have helped Mr. Trump overturn the results, by accepting Trump electors that had not been elected by voters.”

The Hill“JD Vance says he is ‘skeptical’ Pence’s life was in danger on Jan. 6”

Politico“[Vance] downplayed the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, when Pence was forced to evacuate the building as rioters called for his hanging.”

Vance: “If you go back to what I thought in 2016, another thing that was going on, Sean, is I bought into the media’s lies and distortions. I bought into this idea that somehow he was gonna be so different, a terrible threat to democracy. It was a joke.”

And Vance has no problem with Trump using the government to go after his political opponents.

Kristen Welker, NBC: “Senator, if former President Trump were to win, if you were to be his vice president, would you support him appointing a special prosecutor to go after his political enemies, the Bidens?”


Vance: “Donald Trump is talking about appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Biden for wrongdoing.


“I think what Donald Trump is simply saying is we ought to investigate the prior administration.”