Home Dominion Power Audio: At VPAP Event, Utterly Corrupt Del. Terry Kilgore (R-Dominion/Coal Industry) Jokes...

Audio: At VPAP Event, Utterly Corrupt Del. Terry Kilgore (R-Dominion/Coal Industry) Jokes About His Corruption, Attacks Michael Bills and Mocks Tom Perriello

Kilgore also jokes about racist yearbook photos.


Everything about the following audio clips epitomizes the slimy, corrupt “Virginia Way,” and the incestuous little world in Richmond – (e.g., at the corporate-funded Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP)’s annual dinner) that finds it all HIlarious. Except there’s nothing funny about this crap whatsoever…unless you’re someone like Dominion CEO Tom Farrell, who’s laughing all the way to the bank, I guess. As for the rest of Virginians, we’re all completely screwed by this system of “legalized corruption.” The fact that anyone finds this crap funny is very, very revealing – and NOT in a good way!

Del.Terry Kilgore (R-Dominion/Coal Industry): “Of course, Dominion isn’t the heavyweight donor in state politics anymore; that honor now goes to Michael Bills of Charlottesville. He’s VERY transparent. If you promise to do exactly what he says, he’ll give you money. And I know he couldn’t be here unfortunately today with us. He’s currently got Tom Perriello on his front lawn, dressed up like a human wind turbine, singing ‘I’m a little tea pot’.” So funny! Not.

Del. Terry Kilgore (R-Dominion/Coal Industry): “This past year has been unlike anything I’ve ever seen in Virginia politics. Who would have thought an old yearbook would come back and haunt elected officials like this. Although I will admit the first thing I did when I heard about all this was check my old yearbooks from Gate City High School and UVA Wise to make sure there wasn’t anything embarrassing in there and thank god I’ve got a twin.” Ha. Ha. Ha.

Former Del. Dave Albo (R): “Before someone of my friends blew it for everybody, used to be able go to dinners at Ruth’s Chris, we’d do some NASCAR, some Redskin games. Then that all changed, we couldn’t take any gifts. But I’m here to tell you I’m no longer a delegate – I can accept gifts! I repeat, I CAN accept gifts. Now don’t all come at once, because I can only eat at Ruth’s Chris a couple times a week.”


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