Home 2020 Elections Video: Former Rep. Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R) Announces for US Senate Against...

Video: Former Rep. Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R) Announces for US Senate Against Sen. Mark Warner (D)…On Where Else But the Odious “Fox and Friends”


BREAKING: Former Rep. Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R) announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate against Sen. Mark Warner (D) a few minutes ago, where else but on the odious “Fox and Friends” (whose a**es he profusely kissed, calling them “fantastic and patriots” – barf).  Check out the video, below.

According to Taylor, he’s supposedly been hearing a “hunger” for his candidacy in “grocery stores and gas stations and beaches” around Virginia.  Uh huh, riiiight. In fact, just last November, VA-02 voters booted Taylor’s sorry behind out of the U.S. House of Representatives, replacing him with the infinitely better Elaine Luria (D), after two years of Taylor accomplishing absolutely nothing in Congress, and also after the #Petitiongate scandal, which you can get more background about, below the video. Enjoy?

P.S. Of course, given Sen. Warner’s narrow victory in 2014 – a horrible year for Democrats across the country, nothing at all like what 2020 is going to be – we should never take anything for granted, so let’s all make sure that Taylor – or whoever else Virginia Republicans nominate (Barbara Comstock perhaps?) is *crushed* by Sen. Warner in November 2020!

For more background on the “Petitiongate” scandal, see:

Great stuff, eh?

UPDATE: Statement from DPVA…

Shamed Cheater (Fraud/Forgery) Scott Taylor launches yet another political campaign

Despite losing his Congressional seat amidst embarrassing signature forgery scandal, 98% Trump-voting Scott Taylor announces 8th campaign since 2008

RICHMOND, VA – Scott Taylor lost his Congressional seat after his team was caught in what a Judge described as an “out and out fraud” – the forgery of hundreds of petition signatures, including those of at least four dead people. He may still be under criminal investigation by Virginia authorities for said fraud and forgery. He didn’t get the Ambassadorship he begged Donald Trump for.

Yes…cheating, forging, lyingTrump-loving, chronic political candidate Scott Taylor is running for the United States Senate. This marks Taylor’s eigth campaign since 2008.

“We will be keeping a close eye on Scott Taylor’s ballot petition signatures for possible fraud and forgery based on his recent history and the ongoing criminal investigation being conducted by the Roanoke City Commonwealth’s Attorney into his 2018 campaign,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Communications Director Jake Rubenstein.

Rubenstein added,  “We will also be making sure Virginians know that he’ll vote with Donald Trump, not with them. After his House seat and the ambassadorship he really wanted, Scott Taylor is seeking a seat in the United States Senate, where his partisan, ethically-challenged style will only lead to more gridlock, instead of solving the problems that matter to Virginia.”

Here is a brief primer on a Republican statewide candidate whose flaws will fit right in with fellow perennial candidate, 2018 U.S. Senate candidate Corey Stewart.

  • Taylor is out of step with Virginians: Voted with Trump 97.8% of the time last Congress, even when it was not in the best interest of Virginia. He supported repealing the Affordable Care Act and protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and voted for the Trump tax cut for the wealthiest Americans that exploded the deficit while raising taxes on middle-class families in Northern Virginia. In fact, Taylor voted with Trump more than any other member of Congress from Virginia. Maybe that has a little something to do with the fact that…
  • Taylor is an ambitious man in a hurry: This is now the fifth elected office Taylor has run for or explored running for in the past decade. His past is littered with failed and aborted runs for mayor, Congress, and Lieutenant Governor. Now that Trump failed to give him the ambassadorship he really wanted, Taylor is running for the Senate. Taylor would rather spend time plotting his next climb up the political ladder than on solving problems for Virginians. That probably also explains why…
  • Taylor is ethically challenged: Between his multiple failed campaigns for office, Taylor was the head of a dark money superPAC. Staffers from his most recent failed campaign are being indicted and investigated for a scheme to submit fraudulent petition signatures to get Taylor re-elected. And his one of his oldest political allies, Duncan Hunter, has been indicted for, among other offenses, misusing campaign funds while traveling to raise money for Scott Taylor – which didn’t stop Scott Taylor from accepting Hunter’s campaign contributions, even after he was charged. That’s why…
  • The voters who know Taylor best have rejected him time and time again: Virginians want a Senator who will get things done for them, not for Donald Trump. It’s time for VA to turn the page on Scott Taylor, his shady political operations, and abysmal voting record.



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