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Don’t Let Another Six Years Pass. Call Your Senator Today.


(P.S. I hear that Sen. Mark Warner is considering voting yes on the Cornyn amendment (see below for the abysmal details from Mayors Against Illegal Guns). Please tweet @markwarner or call him at 202-224-2023 and tell him to VOTE NO on the Cornyn amendment! Thanks. – promoted by lowkell)

UPDATE 4:30 pm: So, the U.S. Senate just voted 54-46 for a bill supported by 85%-90% of the U.S. public, yet it fails because it requires 60 votes to break a filibuster, and the NRA apparently trumps 85%-90% of the American public. #RIPAmericanDemocracy

Six years ago, my daughter Emily was in French class at Virginia Tech when a gunman opened fire, ultimately killing 32 students and staff members. Emily was shot twice in the back of the head but survived.

In the wake of our collective horror and shock, as we asked how can something like this happen, a review panel was assembled by then-Governor Tim Kaine to figure out what needed to change so that never again would this happen.

That review panel, among other things, recommended universal background checks.

Virginia should require background checks for all firearms sales, including those at gun shows. In an age of widespread information technology, it should not be too difficult for anyone, including private sellers, to contact the Virginia Firearms Transaction Program for a background check that usually only takes minutes before transferring a firearm. The program already processes transactions made by registered dealers at gun shows. The practice should be expanded to all sales. Virginia should also provide an enhanced penalty for guns sold without a background check and later used in a crime.

But six years later, nothing has changed and more than 187,000 people have been killed by guns.

Today, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a compromise to improve background checks in this country. Depending on which news report you read, it’ll either be a close vote or it’s going to lose.

However, no matter what happens today, we must keep working and fighting. We can’t let another six years go by without anything changing.

I’m on the Hill today with survivors. Stand alongside those of us from Virginia Tech, Tucson, Aurora and Newtown, and join us by calling your Senator today to ask them to vote yes on the Toomey-Manchin amendment to expand background checks on gun purchases.  

Video: “Bobby” McDonnell’s BFF Pat Robertson Says Gay Rights Activists Out to Destroy Family, God


Don’t forget, this frothing-at-the-mouth bigot, Pat Robertson, has donated $715,500 over the years to Virginia Republicans, including around $100,000 to the guy he calls his “dear friend” “Bobby” – our fine governor, currently enmeshed in the “hear comes the BRIBE” scandal. What a combo, huh?

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Urge Opposition to Cornyn’s “Concealed Carry” Amendment


Also, I hear that Sen. Mark Warner is considering voting yes on the Cornyn amendment (see below for the abysmal details from Mayors Against Illegal Guns). Please tweet @markwarner or call him at 202-224-2023 and tell him to VOTE NO on the Cornyn amendment! Thanks.

April 17, 2013
Dear Editors and Producers, 
On behalf of more than 950 bipartisan mayors and more than 1.5 million grassroots supporters, Mayors Against Illegal Guns strongly opposes Senator Cornyn's amendment on national concealed carry and the Grassley-Cruz substitute amendment that will be debated later today. 
Our fact sheet on Senator Cornyn's national concealed carry amendment is available here.  Major national and local police organizations and domestic violence prevention organizations oppose this national concealed carry reciprocity legislation (our coalition letter is here) because it would: 
  • Allow states with the weakest laws to set the national standards for concealed carry;
  • Allow indivuduals with a history of stalking or violent misdemeanors to carry loaded guns outside their own state;
  • Allow out of state residents from states with no permitting requirements to carry loaded, concealed guns without any bakcground checks nearly everywhere else in the country; and
  • Override state laws. 
Our fact sheet on the Grassley-Cruz substitute amendment is here . This bill would:

Do nothing to close the gaping loophole in our background check system that allows thousands of guns to be sold every year to felons, to the seriously mentally ill and to other dangerous people;

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Erika Soto Lamb 
Communications Director 
Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Sen. Warner “encouraged” by Immigration Proposal


From Sen. Mark Warner's office:



~ On Introduction of Bipartisan Immigration Reform Proposal ~


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement after a bipartisan group of eight senators introduced a bill to fix our nation’s broken immigration system. The bill was introduced by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), John McCain (R-AZ), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Jeff Flake (R-AZ).


“I am reviewing the bipartisan Group of Eight immigration proposal and my initial impressions are very positive.  I am encouraged to see a consensus forming to take action to reform our broken immigration system. Immigrants in Virginia are small business owners, entrepreneurs, agricultural workers, top students, neighbors and community leaders.  These new Americans help make our Commonwealth stronger. For the past few years, I have been working to broaden access to visas for STEM graduates and immigrant entrepreneurs.  I think the Gang of Eight proposal is a reasonable starting point for entrepreneur visas, but I am hopeful that the bill can be strengthened further to fuel innovation and business startups and provide support for the creation of high-skill, high-wage jobs.  I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress to better secure our nation's borders, establish an effective employer verification system, and find a workable solution for the millions of undocumented immigrants currently residing in the United States.”


“Estoy estudiando la propuesta recientemente publicada por el grupo bipartidista de ocho senadores y  mis primeras impresiones son positivas. Virginia cuenta con una comunidad hispana vibrante y creciente que ha contribuido en todas las facetas en la historia de nuestro estado. Los inmigrantes en Virginia son propietarios de pequeñas empresas, fundadores de compañías de tecnología, trabajadores agrícolas, estudiantes sobresalientes, líderes cívicos y más que nada nuestros vecinos. Son estos nuevos estadounidenses los que han contribuido en la creación de una Virginia llena de oportunidades. En los últimos años, he trabajado con mis colegas para mejorar el acceso a visas para graduados en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés) y empresarios que tienen la intención de fundar sus empresas aquí en nuestro país. La propuesta de los ocho senadores es un buen punto de partida, pero tengo la esperanza que se pueda ampliar para impulsar la innovación que crearía empleos de alto salario. Trabajaré con mis colegas para lograr una reforma integral que mejor asegure nuestras fronteras, establezca un sistema eficaz de verificación de estatus para empleadores, y encuentre una solución práctica y razonable para los millones de inmigrantes indocumentados que viven en los Estados Unidos actualmente.” 

Special Interests Dominate Delegate Hugo’s Finance Report


Delegate Hugo’s Campaign Running on Coal and Oil

98% of Delegate’s donations come from special interests.

Centreville, VA – Recently released new data from the State Board of Elections shows just how large a role special interests play Delegate Hugo’s re-election efforts. While not uncommon for candidates to accept funds from organizations and groups, a whopping 98% of donations supporting Delegate Tim Hugo’s campaign this period have come from special interests like dirty coal and big oil.

“This is why we need to change Richmond. We are all tired of hearing about how special interests dominate our legislature, and that is why gridlock is so commonplace today. I want to go to Richmond to bring real reform so that these special interests cannot continue to have a stranglehold on our future,” said Jerry Foltz, candidate for the 40th State House district.

Reforming the old existing ways in Richmond is an important part of Jerry Foltz’s campaign. As a retired minister, Jerry has seen first hand how the bickering and gridlock has affected real northern Virginia families. Jerry will bring reforms to Richmond that will insure that our families are put ahead of special interests.

“Since Delegate Hugo’s re-election in 2011, his top 50 donors is a who’s who of special interest that have been running rough shod over Virginia voters – big oil, dirty coal, predatory title lenders, cigarette companies and uranium mining. Families in Fairfax and Prince William counties deserve to know who’s really footing the bill for Delegate Hugo’s campaign,” said Kate Lanahan, Campaign Manger for Jerry Foltz.


After Weeks of Hiding on Star Scientific, Cuccinelli Releases Sideshow


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

He should answer questions, release correspondence 

Richmond, VA — For weeks since news broke about his shady conflict of interest with drug and tobacco company Star Scientific, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has refused to answer basic questions about his involvement with the company and why his office sat on a million dollar tax lawsuit against them. He has also not fully explained why he failed to comply with state law and disclose the stock he held in the company.


Now Cuccinelli is attempting to distract from the issue by pledging to release information that has nothing to do with the unanswered questions around why he didn't recuse himself in the Star case and why he bought even more stock after they filed suit.


If Ken Cuccinelli wants Virginians to believe he has even a shred of commitment to transparency and accountability, he should stop trying to distract from his shady conflict of interest and publicly release:

  • Any correspondence (including personal emails) he and members of his staff had with Jonnie Williams, the close friend of Cuccinelli's who also happens to be the CEO of Star Scientific, the company Cuccinelli was supposed to be defending the Commonwealth against in a lawsuit over unpaid taxes.   
  • Records of any correspondence, meetings or conversations between Cuccinelli and the staff in his office handling the tax lawsuit against Star Scientific, a case in which Cuccinelli had a personal and financial stake.   
  • Records detailing the extent to which Cuccinelli was made aware of his friend's lawsuit after he filed it, before Cuccinelli proceeded to buy more stock in the company. 
  • Records of any meetings or conversations around Cuccinelli's opinion overturning Virginia's ban on e-cigarettes in bars and restaurants, which he released shortly before his friend Jonnie Williams filed for a patent to produce e-cigarettes. 

“Despite his efforts, Ken Cuccinelli will not distract Virginians from the many unanswered questions surrounding his shady personal and financial relationship with a company that sued Virginia to avoid paying taxes,” said DPVA spokesman Brian Coy. “It's time for Cuccinelli to stop hiding from the public and answer real questions about whether or not he used his state office to benefit himself and his friends financially.”

Cuccinelli’s Crazy, Extremist Donors: Foster Friess (Part 1 of a Series)


This will be the first of many posts on Ken Cuccinelli’s crazy, extremist big-money donors. Today, we’ll focus on Foster Friess, who gave Cuccinelli $25,000 this past quarter, who was a big supporter of Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum, who hasa long history funding Islamophobic organizations,” and who claimed that  liberals were somehow to blame for Columbine shooting. In other words, he’s a raving, right-wing extremist nutjob.

Finally, as you can see in the above video, he infamously told Andrea Mitchell: “this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it’s so – it’s such – inexpensive, you know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” Yep, that’s one of Ken Cuccinelli’s top donors, and it’s not an aberration in any way, shape, or form. It’s who Cuckoo is as well.

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, April 17. Also, check out the Stratfor video, “Investigating the Boston Marathon Bombing.”

*Bomb clues point to hard-to-trace, simple design

*Letter Sent To U.S. Senator Tests Positive For Poison

*On The Anniversary Of Virginia Tech, The NRA May Once Again Try To Weaken Gun Laws

*Senate to vote Wednesday on gun control

*How out of touch is today’s GOP? (“Why a new poll shows a Republican Party badly out of step with Americans”)

*America must atone for the torture it inflicted (Also prosecute those responsible!)

*Dirty Energy Fuels Climate Change Denier Ken Cuccinelli’s Campaign (Great article if you want to know who’s funding Cuccinelli’s campaign. It ain’t pretty.)

*Outside groups pumping cash into Virginia governor’s race

*McAuliffe’s $5-Million Quarter Gives Him Va. Cash Advantage

*Richard Saslaw: Ken Cuccinelli’s Record Will Be Focus Of Virginia Governor’s Race

*Inside the Cuccinelli, McAuliffe fundraising figures

*As nation copes with another tragedy, Virginia Tech remembers its own

*Shad Planking will bring together fish, beer and candidates – but few Democrats

*Schapiro: Wedding bells ring sour for another Va. governor

*In Cooch We Trust (“‘It’s just a matter of time before Monument Avenue becomes Greenwich Village and our beloved Stonewall statue is defiled with a rainbow flag and an ‘I Heart NY’ bumper sticker.”)

*A powerful plea  for TAP

*Va. Beach might receive more proposals to extend light rail

*Campaign finance reports in for Roanoke area legislators

*Herring v. Fairfax Reports In

*Arlington’s property tax may rise higher than previously expected

*New policies may curb expensive tastes and travel of some MWAA executives

*Wild throw by Zimmerman helps Marlins pound the Nationals (“Third baseman’s fourth throwing error leads Miami to three runs as the Marlins take Washington 8-2.”)

*Capitals vs. Maple Leafs: Alex Ovechkin’s goal sparks Washington to eighth straight victory

Walking Away From Wakefield


 photo 120418CuccinelliShadPlanking_zpsa5149cac.jpgLast month, passing through Memphis, I read Sunday morning’s The Commercial Appeal. Striking was how well in a single issue it gave a sense of the city and its people, something uncommon in a Virginia newspaper. And one column caught my particular attention; it reminded me about Shad Planking.

I really don’t care if anyone takes this personally. In fact, if they do, then maybe there is reason. In that Memphis paper, Wendi Thomas wrote of a coming storm: the Ku Klux Klan’s Easter weekend appearance in Shelby County. Like a lot of single issue voting blocs, this group had seized upon an insult to a founding father, Nathan Bedford Forrest, whose name had been removed by the city council from a Memphis park (where he rests today).

“Because nothing says Valentine’s like venom toward people of color, gays, Jews, immigrants and Catholics, on February 14, the Loyal White Knights of the KKK applied for a permit to rally outside the county courthouse.” – Wendi Thomas in The Commercial Appeal

The position that I found relevant to the Shad Planking was Thomas’s common sense appeal to ignore the fools; enjoy the weekend with friends and family instead. And it is pleasing to see that the same spirit has caused Democrats to blow off this year’s version of the once relevant event that has completely lost its gravitas, becoming a carnival side show appealing only the gullible. Its effects are contained by its isolation and I don’t mean geographical. Turns out that like the rally in Memphis this event is a tempest in a teapot.  

 photo 3b38c2e2-0520-47f3-9458-5b9609cc01b8_zpse139516c.jpg

“I can’t think that they don’t like bony fish. . . . We’re scratching our heads – are we not displaying good manners or what?” (the chairman of the Wakefield Ruritan Club) asked. “We’re just setting the table and inviting them to it.” – Washington Post

If the Shad Planking organizers want to broaden the event’s appeal, they should make the effort to reengineer the perception that the attendee demographic is aimed at political splinter groups with narrow appeal to or influence with the broader electorate. The “vendors” that do participate play to the audience. The audience defines the market and the marketplace defines the justification (or lack thereof) for participation. After Terry McAuliffe’s first Shad Planking, he swore privately that he would not return. Against his better judgment, he did. Looks like it didn’t take too much convincing to bail this year. There is just no reason for even moderate Republicans to attend. Be on watch for Lt Governor Bill Bolling tomorrow.

“Shad Planking is a Virginia tradition that has totally and completely and utterly outlived its usefulness.” – Mo Elleithee

 photo 120418BollingShadPlank_zps88de040f.jpgThe reporting in the Washington Post makes one wonder if they have really attended these past few years or are just making it up. The sign wars at the event became legend from 2005 through 2009 beginning with the Kaine demonstration. Democratic candidates were able to pull out all stops and plaster the countryside on the backs of volunteers years running. Republicans were never able to match the effort, forcing them to frame a tale for pulling out of the competition. An the Post has bought it hook, line and sinker.  “Costly” sign wars? True if you have no real grassroots support it is expensive. For the Webb effort in 2006 there might have been one staffer. Costly? The Webb campaign had a hard time paying for admission to the event much less being able to pay for labor. And every last one of the 1000’s of signs was reclaimed to be used another day. The costs the Republicans are avoiding are to their reputations. The Post leaves readers with the impression the gesture is magnanimous. It is just good defense, as last year’s headlining loser, George Allen, might say.

The Post may have attended a different Shad Planking than the rest of us: “…But last year Allen decided to leave the signs at home and make a donation to the Ruritan Club instead. Cuccinelli will do something similar this year, though he’ll still be offering beer.”  Beer? Cuccinelli didn’t offer any beer last year. In fact, he barely had a presence. That was Bolling who had the crowd lining up for the porta-potties. Fact is Cuccinelli’s followers are too narcissistic to offer up the kind of grassroots effort required to impress in the sign war. The check will help make up for the diminished attendance, though.

Then there is the iffy weather forecast. A thunderstorm or two might interrupt the afternoon. The parallels to the Memphis event continue to emerge.

One Klan member who only identified himself as “Edward” wasn’t pleased with the event. “I wish it hadn’t rained on us, and that we hadn’t picked Easter weekend. We’d have had a lot bigger turnout,” he said. – The Commercial Appeal

Yep, Edward, hang on to believing that’s the reason why more people didn’t show up to shed a tear for poor Nathan. Thing is, I am pretty certain Ruritan’s Robert Bain will add Democrats to his rationalization if the attendance doesn’t meet expectations. He just doesn’t get it that McAuliffe’s visit to Blue Ridge Community College in Weyers Cave tomorrow is simply more relevant and a much better use of his time.

Mr. Bain, if you want to run a carnival, bring in a midway with rides that appeal to children. It’ll be a much better draw than the kool-aid these charlatans are selling Virginia’s embarrassingly naive tea partiers.  

The Most Important Delegate’s Race This Year?


Cross-posted to The Real Crystal Ball, the newest blog dedicated to tracking Virginia’s 2013 elections.

Demography is not destiny for Virginia Democrats. Short term increases in Virginia’s minority population will have only a minor impact on the state’s politics. Long term projections have focused on Virginia’s growing Hispanic and Asian-American populations, with little emphasis on Virginia’s large existing African-American community. Nationally, strong African-American support for President Obama and Democrats has been a linchpin for progressive victories. But it’s hard to look at Virginia and feel the same way. For now.

The current crop of black legislators in Richmond are disappointing, especially on the House of Delegates side. Jet-setting friend of the uranium industry Onzlee Ware, Republican gerrymander-defending Lionell Spruill, and Kenny Alexander, newly minted State Senator who’s vote can be bought with plum committee posts. And let’s not forget perhaps the worst offender, Rosalyn Dance, who openly considered backing the Republican gerrymandering of the State Senate following their takeover of the chamber on President Obama’s inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Now there’s a chance to get even and hold Dance responsible.

Dance is facing a strong primary threat from Evandra Thompson, who has secured the support of several prominent figures in the district. It’s already gotten ugly with complaints and accusations that only a political insider would care about.

Evandra Thompson faces an uphill battle, but her entire life story has been about succeeding against all odds. She’s a true American hero and a proud Democrat.

Rosalyn Dance has a history of working with Republicans. When she first ran for the House of Delegates in 2001, she ran as an Independent in the 63rd District against Democrat Fenton Bland with the open support of Republican Speaker Vance Wilkins. Her candidacy was a bid by the Republicans to strengthen their hold on the House. Bland went on to resign over criminal charges, allowing Dance to win the special election in 2005 as a Democrat. But you should never forget that Dance was first recruited by Republicans and encouraged to run by Republicans. In 2001, Dance only narrowly missed out in joining her Republican friends. She campaigned with the backing of Republicans like George Allen, Bob McDonnell, and a pro-school voucher front group called the Committee for Quality Education.

Progressive Democrats had to defeat corrupt, established but corrupt minority Democrats like Al Wynn in order to be taken seriously at the national level. In Virginia, progressive Democrats have tried and failed to defeat out of touch minority representatives like Algie Howell, who held onto his seat in 2011 despite the opposition of leading progressive groups like the Sierra Club and the VEA. That’s what could make this delegate’s race the most important one this year. Can progressive groups in Virginia show they have what it takes to win a Democratic primary and threaten other Democrats who openly side with Republicans on fundamental issues like education and voting?