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At Least 200 Reasons to Vote for President Obama


Update: Doh! While I was busy putting together the list, Kos posted a way longer one here.

Think your vote doesn’t matter? Do you really think it doesn’t matter who is in the White House?  It matters in countless ways, as this diary will argue. Despite the GOP’s false claim to the contrary, President Barack Obama didn’t have a 60 vote-filibuster-proof Senate. Most of his administration he had an obstructionist Congress. But despite nearly insurmountable odds, he found ways to accomplish what the nation needed. Time and again, he brought improvements over the previous administration. It is nothing short of remarkable how much this president has accomplished. Here is a list of just some of the many things the President has done to improve the ordinary lives of the citizens, and the safety and security of us all.

This list was adapted from Washington Monthly and Forbes, and about about four  dozen items from my memory. I started by coming up with my own reasons in a bullet-point list. Then, trying to group issues together as closely as possible, and trying not to duplicate items, I filled in from the other sources. I numbered the list at the end. There are hundreds of reasons to vote for the President. These are just some of them.

1. He brought the economy back from the GOP-slide into the worst depression since the Great Depression.

2. He saved Detroit car manufacturing and the jobs that go with it.

3. He brought the stimulus, which saved jobs, and provided education and infrastructure enhancements.

4. He added millions of American jobs.

5. He prevented the job losses from being even worse.

6. He supports ending the incentive to offshore American jobs while Romney is one of the pioneers of offshoring jobs.

7. He recapitalized banks.

8. He reformed Wall St.

9. Created an international tax haven watch list.

10. Required employers to offer employees automatic enrollment in IRA plans.

11. Required employers to offer employees  automatic enrollment in 401k plans.

12. Required employers to make full disclosure of company pension investments.

13. Coordinated the international response to the recession.

14. Ended the abuse of supplemental budgets for funding war and brought the war budgets into the general budget.  (This honesty in accounting isn’t mentioned when Republicans bash his budget.  But it is a more honest, forthcoming budget than any the previous administration produced.)

15. Removed banks as middle men in the student loan program, saving students millions of dollars in wasted costs.

16. Passed a mini-stimulus to increase paychecks with a temporary payroll tax cut.

17. Supports making the rich pay their fair share.  The fact that they don’t, along with two unpaid wars, is one of the biggest factors in the budget deficit.

18. Established a program to convert manufacturing centers to clean technology.

19. Extended unemployment benefits.

20. Temporarily suspended taxes on unemployment benefits.

21. Expanded AmeriCorps.

22. Appointed the nation’s first Chief Technology Officer.

23. Improved climate change data records.  (Please vote for a Democratic Congress to protect this data.)

24. Extended the child tax credit and marriage penalty fixes.

25. Created an advanced manufacturing fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes.

26. Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act.

27. Established credit card bill of rights.

28. Expanded loan programs for small businesses.

29. Extended the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes.

30. Extended the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax fix.

31. Gave larger tax cuts to low and middle class Americans than GW Bush.

32. Banned lobbyist gifts to executive employees.

33. Created new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud.

34. Closed the donut hole for Medicare Prescription drugs.

35. He ended the War in Iraq.

36. He is drawing down the troops in Afghanistan.

37. He will get troops out of Afghanistan by 2014.

38. Made US military aid to Pakistan conditional upon their anti-terrorism efforts.

39. Created a real national infrastructure protection plan.

40. Increased funding for local emergency planning.

41. He will capitalize on a peace dividend, rather than ramp up another senseless and wasteful arms race.

42. He passed the Affordable Health Care Act.

43. In the Affordable Care Act, added the ability of Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for the price of drugs.

44. Required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.

45. Gave tax credits to those needing help covering health insurance premiums.

46. Expanded the Senior Corps volunteer program.

47. Required large employers to contribute to a national health plan.

48. Required that all children be allowed to have health care coverage.

49. Expanded eligibility for children’s coverage under SCHIP.

50. Expanded eligibility under Medicaid.

51. Required insurers to disclose how much of their premiums go toward health care v administrative costs.

52. In non-competitive markets required insurers to pay a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care.

53. Improved recruitment of public health workers.

54. Fully funded the Americans with Disabilities Act.

55. Fully funded the Combatting Autism and Federal Autism Research Initiative.

56. Doubled federal funding for cancer research.  

57. Set a national goal for re-screening of children at age 2 for developmental disorders.

58. Increased participation in cancer research trials.

59. Created best practices for employers including workers with disabilities into their workplaces.

60. Launched educational initiative to instruct employers on tax advantages of hiring Americans with disabilities.

61. Required hospitals and doctors to use best practices.

62. Required employers to provide 7 paid sick days a year.

63. Provided $1.5 billion to help states launch family and medical leave programs.

64. Streamlined Social Security disability approval process.

65. Expanded Veterans Centers in rural areas.

66. Established standards of care in traumatic brain injury cases.

67. Made veterans hospitals national leaders in health care reform.

68. Launched supportive services to prevent veteran homelessness.

69. Required evidence of improved infection control at hospitals.

70. Invested in electronic health information systems.

71. Prevented drug companies from blocking cheaper generic drugs.

72. Rewarded hospitals which provide better patient care and fewer re-hospitalizations.

73. Established the standard of care using evidence-based medicine.

74. Established an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information.

75. Eliminated overpayments to Medicare “Advantage” (private insurance) plans, whose advantage was largely experienced by insurance companies pocketing the excess payments.

76. Expanded funding for training for primary care doctors.

77. Expanded community-based prevention programs.

78. Directed that an additional 100,000 persons with disabilities be hired within five years.

79. Increased the Veterans Administration budget to train and recruit more mental health professionals.

80. Limited Guard and reserve deployments to one year every six years.

81. Fully and properly equip the troops.

82. Ended “stop loss” programs of forcing military members to stay in service beyond their expected commitments.

83. Organize civilian Assistance corps which would coordinate private assistance in times of national emergency or need.

84. Reviewed weapons programs.

85. Created a system of rules, rewards and penalties for defense contractors.

86. Modernized ships and invested in more small vessels.

87. Further enhanced programs to stop nuclear proliferation.

88. Organized a Non-Proliferation Conference in 2010.

89. Developed a comprehensive cyber security response strategy.

90 Mandated standards for securing private data.

91. Required cabinet officers to hold internet town halls with citizens.

92. Required companies to disclose private information breaches of customer data.

93. According to Washington Monthly, he eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:

94. Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009, giving women who are paid less than men for the same work the right to sue their employers after they find out about the discrimination, even if that discrimination happened years ago.

95. He got Osama Bin Laden when Bush and Romney didn’t give a fig about finding him.

96. Brought world leaders to agreement on tightened sanctions on Iran.

97. He ended of Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell;

98. Held the line on the GOP attempt to sack Social Security and Medicare.

99. Held the line on GOP efforts to default on the US debt.

100. Appointed Two moderate judges to the US Supreme Court.

101. He will appoint more fair and reasonable judges to the US Supreme Court.

102. He will veto any GOP effort to overturn the Civil Rights Act.

103. Restored funding to the EEOC and the US Dept of Labor’s Office of Federal Compliance policy.

104. Kept abortion safe and legal.

105. Safeguarded women’s right to birth control.

106. Toppled Gadaffi.

107. Told Mubarek to go.

108. Ended US torture policies.

109. Improved America’s image abroad.

110. Won the Nobel Peace Prize.

111. Achieved a new Start Treaty.

112. Appointed a White House coordinator for nuclear safety.

113. Initiated a grant and training program to reduce cyber crime.

114. Improved relations with Turkey.

115. Fully funded debt cancellation for heavily indebted poor countries. (This is why folks like Mitt Romney and Paul Singer don’t like the President.  They want vulture capitalists to be able to prey on struggling poor countries.

116. Launched an international Add Value agricultural program.

117. Began and Asia pivot, As Washington Monthly said, he “reoriented American military and diplomatic priorities and focus from the Middle East and Europe to the Asian-Pacific region. 118. Executed multi-pronged strategy of positively engaging China while reasserting U.S. leadership in the region by increasing American military presence and crafting new commercial, diplomatic, and military alliances with neighboring countries made uncomfortable by recent Chinese behavior.”

119. Repeatedly stood up to China on trade policy.

120. Stood up to China regarding its monetary policy.

121. Boosted fuel efficiency standards.

122. Increased support for veterans by increasing the VA budget.

123. Signed a new GI Bill.

124. Expanded the number of VA “centers of excellence” in specialty care.

125. Created a military families advisory board.

126. He handled the Hurricane Sandy storm response superbly (even Gov Chris Christie says so).

127. Pointed a special advisor to the president regarding violence against women.

128. Fully funded the Violence Against Women Act.

129. Passed the Fair Sentencing Act.

130. Reformed federal mandatory sentencing.

131. Under Obama, the EPA introduced new safety levels for reducing pollution by the dirtiest power plants.

132. Increased funding for national parks and forests.

133. Encouraged water conservation in the West.

134. Increased funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

135. Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient.

136. Pursued a wildfire management plan.

137. Removed more brush , small trees and vegetation which fuel wildfires.

138. He protected clean air.

139. He supported and enforced the Clean Water Act.

140. Worked to deploy global climate change research and monitoring.

141. Required 10% renewable energy by 1012.

142. Released oil from strategic petroleum reserve.

143. Released federal gasoline supplies to Hurricane Sandy storm victims.

144. Invested in all types of renewable energy.

145. Fostered energy conservation among citizens and businesses.

146. Launched a Green Vet program to promote environmental jobs for veterans.

147. Created job training programs for clean technologies.

148. Supported high-speed rail.

149. Supported airline serice in small towns.

150. Invested in public transportation.

151. Increased affordable housing in metro areas.

152. Made mortgage comparison shopping easier and more efficient.

153. Fully funded the COPS program.

154. Improved emergency response programs.

155. Hired a REAL emergency expert to head FEMA.

156. Supported improved weather prediction.

157. Encourage student interest in science.

158. “Shook loose” federal monies to rebuild the Gulf coast.

159. Directed revenues from offshore oil/gas drilling toward enhanced hurricane protection.

160. Strengthened the levees in NOLA.

161. Considered smart growth in transportation funding.

162. Increased funding for the EPA.

163. Supported wetlands protection.

164. Raised the small business expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009.

165. Cut small business taxes a number of times.

166. Created a $60 billion bank for the funding of roads and bridges.

167. Improved the Food Safety Program which had been neglected by the Bush administration.

168. Expanded wilderness and watershed protection.

169. Gave the FDA the power to regulate tobacco.

170. Re-oriented America’s missile defense program.

171. Re-oriented the Space Program away from the billion dollar a launch shuttle program.

172. Invested heavily in renewable energy.

173. Eliminated some of the punitive effects of the Leave No Child Behind program.

174. Increased recruitment of math and science teachers.

175. Increased funding to America’s land grant universities.

176. Reduced subsidies to private student aid lenders.

177. Cracked down on abusive for-profit colleges.

179. Expanded the Pell grant program.

180. Improved school nutrition programs.

181. Promoted more pre-school education.

182. Made school environments healthier for children.

183. Required more accountability for charter schools.

184. Simplified the application process for financial aid.

185. Expanded hate crimes legislation.

186. Supported the rights of people to marry regardless of sexual orientation.

187. Supported repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

188. Signed the Deceptive Practices and Voter 189. Intimidation Prevention Act.

190. Pushed for enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime legislation to include sexual orientation and identity.

191. Brokered timely reimbursement for Gulf oil spill victims.

192. Recovery.gov which helped citizens easily see where their tax money is going.

193. Fully funded the Community Development Block Grant program.

194. Supported efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.

195. Reversed restrictions on and expanded stem cell research.

196. Pushed broadband infrastructure for all.

197. Required that regulatory business be conducted in public.

198. Supported Net Neutrality.

199. Killed the F-22 (which the military didn’t want anyway, but Congress kept funding).

200. Expanded availability of hunting and fishing.

201. Required new hires to sign a form attesting that there was no political party requirement to their hiring.

202. Provided $30 billion over 10 years to Israel to Israel’s defense.(* This entry is toward the  bottom not because of any implication about its importance, but because I skipped the number for it way up in the list and to leave it where it was, I would have to renumber almost everything!)

203. He believes in science.

204. He believes in and uses uses arithmetic.

205. Gave a tax credit for those buying plug-in hybrids.

206. The stock market has doubled.

George Allen is a Lesser Napoleon’s Corporal


121102GeorgeAllenGeorge’s handlers have found their perfect messenger. It doesn’t matter if he understands the message; just that he can stay on message. Allen is an empty vessel who’ll do and say whatever it takes to play. But even with a tighter muzzle, they can’t shield the lack of intellect.

Napoleon used his Corporal as a sounding board for his orders. If the man could understand what was conveyed, Napoleon assumed it interpretable by his subordinate commanders. George Allen, in his charade as a Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar, is rolled out to deliver Madison Avenue tested bromides. In front of his paying audiences (asking price: $20,000 per appearance), there is little threat he might be called out and even less chance he’ll address any objection that his arguments are flawed.

But on the campaign trail he leaves a record of his disregard for fact. No matter the amount of rote drill he is given, he cannot escape evidence that discounts his arguments without a practiced duck and weave. “See me afterwards and let’s talk,” is his routine way of setting aside any question that doesn’t conform to dogma.

At a spring appearance during the Republican primary campaign for his old Senate seat, one of the economic prescriptions featured today in the Richmond Times Dispatch rundown of the Allen plan was challenged. Allen wants to cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent.

Allen’s primary argument then was that the rest of the world has a rate in the area of 20 percent and we had to be competitive. A CPA in the audience, who was clearly a frustrated Allen supporter, pointed out that the last time this was tried, when Reagan reduced the rate from 50 to 35 percent, the rest of the world taxed at around 35 percent and responded to our reduction by dropping rates to the now prevalent 20 percent. Allen could have learned a lesson about markets if he’d listened or had the requisite intellect. Instead he put off the man with his standard and his handlers re-crafted the message. Now he uses hiring and investment as the rationalization despite the fact taxes don’t really factor into those decisions. There really isn’t a high bar for a Reagan Presidential Scholar.  

121102GeorgeAllenStaunton Among the things that George Allen’s handlers want to do is to avoid paying their fair share. It isn’t the small businesses about which they are concerned (Allen’s explanation of how “Obamacare” will affect small businesses is twisted, painful, and confused). They refuse to acknowledge that protecting the interests and security of the actual corporations they are fighting for, the multinationals, costs a load of money. They’d prefer you and I foot the bill with our treasure and children’s blood. Maybe we should send each company a bill for the portion of overseas representation provided by our government on their behalf; or the value of open sea lanes; or the infrastructure that moves their goods and services to and from “free” markets; or the lives spent protecting them.

And if this initiative were to succeed, the rest of the world suffers with us. George Allen wants to discount the benefits of being an American company, drive the tax base of the remainder of the world into the ditch, and pass the bill to you and I or our children and grandchildren. Damn genius.

But he learned existentialism at the knee of his “the future is now” father. It took years for the Redskins to recover from the spendthrift coach who mortgaged the future for instant gratification and never won a Super Bowl.

“George was given an unlimited budget and he exceeded it.” – Edward Bennett Williams, Redskins owner reminiscing about Coach George Allen Sr.

There was a hint that Allen is running out of gas (and money) as he made his last campaign swing through the Shenandoah Valley. He had his protective posse with him. And there were hangers-on like Rob Bell (Republican Delegate from Charlottesville) who really wasn’t there for Allen but who has his eyes on succeeding Ken Cuccinelli as spokesperson for the politically paranoid. Bell is hanging his star on establishing that his opposition pedophilia is a distinctive achievement and on his support of quasi-issues like Question 1. But it was in Allen’s delivery that desperation was sensed. In front of audiences clearly supportive, he came across at times almost whining that his points should be self-evident; he can, after all, find no flaw in them.

If we didn’t know what we know about Allen, he’d be an almost sympathetic character. But we do know and he is contemptible. Let’s hope the future was six years ago and he is turned away this one last time. Virginia and America cannot afford him.

Profiteering from Catastrophe: Romney Exploited the Auto Industry Rescue He Opposed


( – promoted by lowkell)

Only the word “hypocrisy” can characterize Mitt Romney’s editorial in the New York Times (18 Nov. 2008) and his attacks in campaign ads and on the stump against President Obama’s work helping to rescue America’s auto industry. The reason for this word is that-in connection with such hedge fund moguls as Paul Singer (of Elliott Management), John Paulson (of John Paulson & Co.), and Daniel Loeb (of Third Point)-Romney profiteered off the American taxpayer from the rescue (while also condemning it). But just recently the United Auto Workers, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, People for the American Way, Public Citizen, and other groups filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, stating that Romney improperly hid a profit of at least $15.3 million in Ann Romney’s “blind” trust-the kind of trust that the former governor called “an age-old ruse . . . . you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do.”

So how did Romney profit off the taxpayers recovery of the auto industry, in particular General Motors? And what were the effects of his fellow hedge fund friends, all of whom are major donors to his campaign, on workers in the industry? Although the details are complicated, as one can expect of the machinations of hedge fund operators working behind the scenes and trying to hide their investors, the relevant history is clear enough. As the investigative financial reporter Greg Palast sums it up: “The Romneys’ gigantic windfall was hidden inside an offshore corporation inside a Limited Partnership inside a trust which both concealed the gain and reduces the taxes on it” (“UAW Files Charges Against Romney on His Auto Bail-out Profiteering,” Nation of Change, 01 Nov. 2012). (For a thorough history of the Romneys’ gains from the auto industry rescue, see Palast’s article “Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza,” The Nation, 17 Oct. 2012).

According to Dan Curry, who is the legal-ethics expert that drafted the complaint, Ann Romney has no federally approved blind trust. Moreover, an approved blind trust is not to be used to hide major investments that could be influenced by anyone if they become President. Nonetheless, in 2009 Ann Romney entered a partnership with one of her husband’s key political supporters, Paul Singer, who together with other hedge fund chieftains quietly purchased a controlling interest in Delphi Auto, GM’s former parts supplier. The hedge funds threatened to stop GM’s supply of parts unless the company and the government’s TARP rescue fund for the industry provided Delphi with huge payments. According to a sworn deposition in July 2009 by Delphi’s CFO John Sheehan, the hedge funds’ bond-holders reinforced their threat with “an analysis of the cost to GM if Delphi were unwilling or unable to provide supply to GM,” thereby forcing a “shutdown.” Steven Rattner, who headed the task-force to negotiate with the troubled auto industry and its creditors in order to avoid its collapse, compared the demands from the funds’ bond-holders to “extortion.” But having already lobbied successfully for laws and regulations in their favor, the hedge funds took a whopping $12.9 billion in taxpayer bail-out money.

As a consequence, the shares of Delphi stock that Singer and Romney purchased for only 67 cents each are today worth over $30 each-a 4000% windfall.

The ethics complaint against Romney for trying to hide all this sordid and hypocritical dealing within an offshore corporation on the Isle of Jersey (Europe), inside a Limited Partnership inside a so-called blind trust, calls on him to tell precisely how much he has gained off the Delphi deal. He needs to acknowledge also about the human costs in the U.S., resulting from the machinations of his hedge fund buddies: (1) the elimination of 25,000 UAW jobs with Delphi, (2) the off-shoring of nearly all its auto parts manufacturing to Mexico and China, (3) the termination of health-care insurance for the former UAW workers, and (4) the slashing of their pensions. To add insult to injury against America’s taxpayers, who jump-started the industry recovery that the Romneys profiteered from, the federal government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation had to take over paying Delphi’s retiree pensions because the hedge funds refused to. The cost to taxpayers: $5.6 billion.

Although conservative 501(c)(4) groups such as “Let Freedom Ring” have tried to blame the Obama administration for the Delphi pension fiasco, it was Elliott Management and the other hedge funds that were to blame. The pensions were a responsibility of Delphi’s owners, not the government.

Because the Romneys were invested in Singer’s hedge fund by the end of 2010 when Delphi’s stock was mere pennies and before Singer, et al., took the company public, the Romneys reaped a bonanza. According to her Federal Financial Disclosure filing for 2011 and 2012, Ann Romney’s trust lists “more than $1 million invested” in Elliott Management. Required by law, this minimal disclosure is how all of her large investments are described in the document. With an investment of at least $1 million, her smallest possible gain when Delphi was taken public would have been $10.2 million, plus an additional $10.2 million for each million invested with Singer’s hedge fund. And after Delphi’s November 2011 IPO, its stock price has soared, raising the Romneys’ windfall to $15.3 million for each million they invested with Elliott Management-all gains as a consequence of the auto industry rescue that Mitt Romney has repeatedly opposed and ridiculed.

In his NYT’s editorial Romney chastised America’s auto industry, saying: “No more focus on . . . short-term stock appreciation that means quick riches. . .” and “don’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass-they bet on management and they lost.” But his investments with Elliott Management focused precisely on quick stock appreciation and riches. Romney bet on no-holds-barred management by Paul Singer, et al., and won big-for himself and his family.

[This diary is cross-posted by me on bluenc.com.]

Video: Sunday Morning Talk Show Highlights (and Lowlights!)


1. Axelrod: Romney’s In “Deep Trouble,” “Desperately Looking” For New Paths To 270

2. Plouffe: Romney Would Try To Rubberstamp The Tea Party’s Agenda

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, November 4. Believe it or not, polls open in under 48 hours! Oh, and the photo is by Del. Mark Keam, from last night’s rally in Bristow. For video of speeches by Presidents Clinton and Obama, see the diary below this one.

*Obama, Romney make final push for votes

*Please, give us more pollsters and fewer pundits (…and fewer examples of the insipid, herd-mentality “analysis” like we see on the front page of the Kaplan Post today. Instead of reading that drivel, stimulate your brain with analysis like this from Nate Silver.)

*Outlook’s 16th Crystal Ball contest (Definitely check back on Wednesday to see how these folks did; should be interesting.)

*Allen still fighting head winds in Virginia Senate race (“Head winds” like having absolutely no “positive and constructive ideas” for Virginia or the country?)

*Allen, Kaine offer voters stark choice in Senate race

*Virginia Senate race is nation’s most expensive

*Schapiro: Imagine Virginia’s role in an electoral tie

*Editorial: Endorsement roundup (Kaine…Douglass…Flaccavento…and NO on Ballot Question #1)

*Voters to decide whether to restrict use of eminent domain (Again, make sure you vote “no” on this corporate welfare favorite of the Tea Party.)

*Clinton, McCain stump for party allies in Roanoke (I hear that McCain’s closing argument is an old one but delivered with a unique, fiery intensity: GET OFF MY LAWN!!! Ha.)

*Clinton rallies support for Obama in Chesapeake

*Stevie Wonder to perform Monday in region for Obama

*Ryan makes final push in Virginia (I hear Lyin’ Ryan’s comparing the home sprint of this campaign to that time when he ran a sub-3-hour marathon. Oh wait…lol.)

*Romney to campaign in Newport News Sunday (So, who would you prefer to see: Willard “Mitt” Romney or Stevie Wonder? Tough one, I know. Heh.)

*Douglass Campaigns in Charlottesville

*Change for Washington with experience or new blood?

*The final push (“Democrats make pitch for undecided voters”)

*Fearless forecasts for D.C. area elections

*What leadership might look like (“Last year, Virginia Beach officials suggested increasing Virginia’s gas tax by 10 cents to replenish the state’s depleted account for road and bridge construction. Legislators laughed.”)

*Officials worry that eminent domain vote would curb powers (“If voters approve a constitutional amendment limiting eminent domain, some officials say that it will be harder to revitalize cities and increase tax revenue.”)

*Arlington parents still struggling with bus policy

*Sandy didn’t harm NoVa water

Powell for Congress HQ Defaced with “Baby Killer” Graffiti; Signs Defaced with “Niger Lover”


Ahhhh….Republicans, gotta love ’em. The first photo is of Wayne Powell for Congress headquarters (421 Branchway Road in Chesterfield, VA) defaced with the lovely “baby killer” graffiti you can see below. The second photo is of a Powell for Congress sign defaced at Grove Ave. near Sheppard St. in Richmond (note: I hear this happened to several others, including ones near Powell HQ). I’m sure that Eric Can’tor is outraged and will be commenting shortly. On second thought, Can’tor et al. don’t condemn insanity like this from Romney supporters, so let’s not hold our breaths…



Source for the “Niger lover” photo

Video: Mitt Romney’s Vietnam


U.S. Economic Confidence Hits Highest Point Since Bush; Job Creation Index Near 4-Year High



So, in spite of relentless Republican efforts to make President Obama – and thus the U.S. economy – “fail” (including almost causing a disastrous default on our debt) and in spite of their efforts to talk down the economy, guess what? The American people aren’t buying it. To the contrary, according to Gallup, U.S. economic confidence (see graph) is the highest it’s ever been in their survey, going back to early 2008 (e.g., the Bush presidency), and their job creation index (see the “flip” for that graph) is very close to a 4-year high. Not to mention that the stock market’s doubled in value since its low point, the economy’s created millions of jobs the past 3 years or so, etc. Must be all that “socialism” the Republicans accuse President Obama and the Democrats of, huh? Or not, come to think of it. Anyway, I don’t know about you, but I’m very much looking forward to 4 more years of the economic roll we’re now on under President Obama’s leadership! 🙂
