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Audio: Amanda Chase Doubles Down, Claims “There is an all-out attack on folks that are white”; Asks “Why is it we can talk about Black history and people don’t flinch?”


There’s so much nonsense in the following interview with far-right State Senator Amanda Chase, the only currently announced Republican candidate for Virginia governor in 2021, that it’s really hard to know how to even approach it. Rebut it point by point? Or perhaps just lay it out there and let her own words define her? For instance, Chase says the following:

  • Asked by the host – who was Trump’s 2016 Virginia chair, by the way, so certainly he’s no liberal – about her “erasing white history” comments (see here) being “racially offensive,” Chase said the following: “I will speak the truth regardless of whether it’s politically correct or not to make people think – it’s not just about votes for me, it’s about making points and and bringing some understanding to issues that we talk about….Why is it we can talk about Black history and people don’t flinch? Why is it we have Black history month and people don’t flinch? Why is it we have a Black legislative caucus, people don’t flinch? But if I mention white history, people come unglued. See, that is the problem; this is American history it’s American history, it’s Virginia history, it should be taught chronologically not by the color of your skin – I mean come on, that’s ridiculous. And so my point there was that they were starting with the Confederate statues, but I knew it was going to come down to the Founding Fathers simply because the color of their skin...Then they’re taken down Columbus, but notice how they leave Arthur Ashe up…I was just truthful and and two weeks later I came out and said I told you so, I told you so, they’re going after white history, they want to erase Virginia history and anything they want to. What they’re being taught in our schools, our kids are taught to apologize for the color of their skin; they are taught that they are the reason that our country is where it is today, that we should apologize for our racist past…We keep the monuments up there…that’s what these liberal, socialist Democrats are trying to do…to take down history is just wrong on so many levels…”
  • In response, the host responded: “When you throw around the word, you know, we don’t want to erase white history, I mean it doesn’t have a good ring to it Amanda. I don’t think that’s a campaign slogan you’re going to put out there…When you say white history, it’s affrontive to the African-American community, it’s like what is that? And so look, you know, people are trying to bring attention to some of the sins of the past, and when you make comments like that, they’re racially insensitive. And I mean, look, again…you’re not going to put a TV ad up that says ‘Amanda Chase for Governor, let’s celebrate white history; you would never do that. Why would you say it? And I can’t blame the [Northern Virginia] Chamber of Commerce [for rescinding its invitation for her to speak to its members, saying her comnents were racially offensive], they just don’t want the hassle…You wouldn’t put that on a campaign flyer, would you?”
  • Chase: “Well, no, I would not put that on a campaign flyer, but…it’s important that we realize what is really going on here…that we are using race to divide our country. And…the media and all these outlets are trying to pit Blacks against whites and otherwise to tear down our country, and we have to resist that. But there is an all-out attack on folks that are white – there just is…”
  • Then, as if all that isn’t bad enough, they get into the issue of why Chase refused to wear a mask and attacked Harrisonburg small business owners for asking her to do so in their restaurant. According to Chase, “I can’t wear a mask, ok, I can’t, and I have a doctor’s note to back that up…there is an exemption [in Gov. Northam’s executive order] for people that have medical conditions…I was very calm…it was actually the owner that actually kinda got in my face…” Chase then went off about how the next thing might be the government mandating vaccinations and asked, “what’s next, where does it stop?” Hmmm…
  • Then, asked why she wore a mask at her hairstylist – and good for John Fredericks for following up with Chase on this stuff, something that many reporters seem reluctant to do – Chase responded, confusingly: “I’ll tell you why, because I am very much in favor of respecting small businesses…I really am. But I realized very soon that I could not wear a mask for medical reasons.” See below the audio for a photo of Chase wearing a mask at her hairstylist, and note that this was on May 20 – a few days before she declared that she wouldn’t be “masked, tested, tracked or chipped to support this liberal agenda.” Of course, if you look at her Facebook page’s photos, you’ll see several prior to May 20 of her not socially distancing or wearing a mask. So it’s not like she was wearing a mask consistently and then suddenly decided, in consultation with a doctor, that she couldn’t wear one for medical reasons.
  • Oh, by the way, let’s listen to an actual medical expert on this stuff: “‘From a medical standpoint it would be extremely rare to have a condition where you truly could not wear a mask,’ said Dr. Clay Callison, a pulmonary disease doctor and UT Medical Center’s Chief Medical Information Officer. He said actual inability to wear a mask is rare. ‘We have patients who are awaiting lung transplants who are on oxygen and they’re instructed and they wear a mask,’ said Callison.”

P.S. Note that Chase is the same person who has said stuff like “It’s those who are naive and unprepared that end up raped” and that “The ERA Amendment is nothing more than a ploy by the left to eliminate gender altogether.”


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