Home 2023 Elections SD07 Dem Nominee Aaron Rouse: “Radical Republicans are ready to ban abortion...

SD07 Dem Nominee Aaron Rouse: “Radical Republicans are ready to ban abortion in Virginia. But if we win this seat, we won’t let them.”


Just in case there’s any doubt about what’s at stake in control of the Virginia State Senate, and the crucial need for Democrat Aaron Rouse  to win the SD07 special election on January 10, check out far-right-extremist VA Sen. Amanda Chase (R)’s post about how Republicans are going to “spend the 2023 session addressing the overturning of Roe versus Wade,” with Youngkin “preparing a 15 week bill” and Chase “preparing a life begins at conception bill.” As Aaron Rouse says:

“Radical Republicans are ready to ban abortion in Virginia. But if we win this seat, we won’t let them. Send me to Richmond and I’ll be the last line of defense for women’s reproductive rights in Virginia.”

For more on Aaron Rouse and why this race matters so much, see:

Oh, and check out Rouse’s far-right opponent:

Any further questions about why this race matters so much?!?


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