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Bareback Budget Reconciliation


Republicans continue to play to their fringe constituency. Today’s game, the House Budget Reconciliation bill, revealing the Republican vision for America. This bill would do grievous harm to Medicare and destroy jobs while cutting taxes for the wealthy. Republicans are using the deficit to end essential programs for the poor.

An initiative that will do to the states what Governor McDonnell has done to localities in Virginia, Republicans in Congress are moving to pay for more Pentagon spending at the expense of poverty programs. And while education and social services have already suffered in Virginia, this would be the death knell for many programs that allow families to remain intact and achieve economic independence. Among other cuts, the bill repeals Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) funds which provide support for:

  • daycare for children or adults,
  • protective services for children or adults,
  • special services to persons with disabilities,
  • adoption,
  • case management,
  • health-related services,
  • transportation,
  • foster care for children or adults,
  • substance abuse,
  • housing, home-delivered meals,
  • independent/transitional living,
  • employment services, and
  • any other social services found necessary by a State

The Medicaid program would be cut by $28 billion over 10 years through changes in provider taxes, hospital payments, maintenance of effort requirements, and payments to territories. People with disabilities are likely to face decreased Medicaid eligibility and benefits as the states adjust to the reduced federal participation. Additionally, people receiving food stamps (SNAP) will see their monthly assistance reduced and 2 million people will be denied SNAP help altogether.

These programs are central to protecting many children and adults, preserving families, reducing institutional care, securing referral or admission for institutional care when appropriate, and providing services to individuals in institutions. Yet the self-proclaimed champions of family values are removing the glue that binds many families.

The House Budget Reconciliation bill is expected to reach the floor of the House of Representatives tomorrow. You would think that if programs for low-income children, families, seniors, and people with disabilities are not a top priority for Republicans, the fiscal welfare of the states they represent would be. Any bets on how Virginia’s delegation stands?


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