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Tim Kaine Launches Senate Facebook, Twitter Accounts


From Sen. Tim Kaine's office:



Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine launched his official Senate office Twitter and Facebook accounts today. The accounts will provide constituents with  updates on Kaine’s daily activities in the Senate, travels across Virginia, information on agency assistance, and constituent service updates. 
“I’m excited to reach out to Virginians through Facebook and Twitter to show them what I’m working on in Washington and across the Commonwealth,” said Kaine. “I hope they don’t hesitate to communicate with my office through social media to share their opinions on issues, seek assistance with federal agencies, and give any advice they have for me in the Senate.” 

The Senate office Twitter account is @SenKaineOffice and the Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/pages/US-Senator-Tim-Kaine/482778861771212?fref=ts 

Photos, Video from Rep. Connolly’s St. Patrick’s Day Fete


(I’ve added a bunch of videos in the comments section…enjoy! – promoted by lowkell)

I just got back from Rep. Gerry Connolly’s annual St. Patrick’s Day fete and Democratic straw poll in Fairfax (photo above by Rep. Connolly’s staff). Congratulations to Aneesh Chopra and Mark Herring (see press releases for both Chopra and Herring in the comments section) on their wins in the straw poll, with over 850 people voting. Also, great job by the organizers of the event, which attracted upwards of 1,400 Democrats. Hopefully, this is a sign of the enthusiasm Virginia Dems feel this year heading into crucial elections for the future of our state.

P.S. There are more photos (by yours truly, Rep. Connolly’s office, Aneesh Chopra’s campaign, etc.) on the “flip.” I’m also processing video, which should be available tomorrow.

How Christian are the Republicans? A Sunday Sermon on Community According to Jesus


( – promoted by lowkell)

I do not claim to be Christian. But the Republicans do. I do take Jesus’s teachings seriously. But the Republicans don’t.

The story of the adulteress about to be stoned to death by a crowd is a case in point. As the scene begins, the focus of attention is the woman who has sinned, but Jesus immediately shifts the focus onto the crowd. “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

What concerns Jesus here, evidently, is much less the misdeeds of the woman than the spirit of the crowd. They are filled with a righteous wrath that’s driving them toward brutally killing the adulteress. By his words –“Let him who is without sin….”– Jesus is saying, “There’s something amiss with you who are so ready to kill someone for going astray when you yourselves, in your own ways, also go astray.”

The spirit of punitive righteousness is NOT what Jesus wants a human community to express.

How does that jibe with the spirit that the Republicans of our times bring into our national community?

How much does a Newt Gingrich reflect this teaching when he denounces Bill Clinton’s dalliance with an intern at the very time, as we later learn, that he himself is engaging in sexual misconduct far more damaging to his own marriage?

How much is this Christian spirit shown by a Rush Limbaugh who denounces drug users, while he has his own problems with using his improperly acquired stash of painkillers?

Where in the whole panoply of Republican stands on the issues –immigration, gay marriage, unemployment compensation, prisons, etc. — do we NOT find the stain of that spirit of punitive self-righteousness that, this story shows, is NOT what Jesus wanted a community to express?

With respect to the sinner, in addition to saving the woman’s life, Jesus parts from her with the words, “Go and sin no more.” It is not that he is indifferent to sin, to people straying from the right path. But he addresses that problem in a spirit of love for the sinner. The words with which he sends her off provide an impetus to help her yet again be rescued to life, to leave behind what has separated her from wholeness and get her life together.

This is how a political force animated by the Christian spirit would deal with those in our nation whose lives have strayed from the path that makes life more whole.

Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia’s 6th District.  He is the author of various books including Out of Weakness: Healing the Wounds that Drive Us to War.  

Video: Boehner Says He Trusts Obama, Debt “Not An Immediate Problem”


Wow, will wonders never cease? Maybe there’s hope for our country after all? OK, let’s not get too excited here, but it’s good to hear Boehner talking sense for a change.

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, March 17. By the way, I want to see the same amount of coverage to the next Netroots Nation convention that the so-called “liberal media” just gave to the CPAC freak show. Yeah, right! Finally, happy St. Patrick’s Day; here’s a photo of our old friend Josh Chernila from the 2006 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria. Fun times. P.S. Don’t forget to check out Gerry Connolly’s fete tonight and vote for Mark Herring in the straw poll!

*Ten reasons why Ronald Reagan would be persona non grata at CPAC 2013 (“Reagan tripled the national debt;” “Reagan raised taxes 11 times;” “Reagan expanded the size of government;” “Reagan negotiated with terrorists in Tehran;” “Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants;” etc.)

*Sarah Palin Drinks Big Gulp During CPAC Speech: ‘Shoot, It’s Just Pop!’ (Keep it classy, wontcha Sarah?)

*Fox News Virtually Ignores Portman’s Evolution On Marriage Equality (But but but…I thought they “report” and we “decide?” Guess not.)

*Marxists Infiltrated The Catholic Church, And Four Other Crazy Things We Learned At CPAC

*Slaughter of the African Elephants (One of the most horrible things going on in the world today, along with mankind’s overall trashing of our planet’s ecosystems. This needs to stop immediately.)

*Sign the bill; build the roads (I’d say amend the bill – ditch the hybrid and scooter fees, for starters – and build transit far more than roads.)

*Jeff Schapiro: Bolling still can win GOP unity (“Bill Bolling was like Madonna. He just liked to shock us.”)

*Come November, will it be Sauron vs. SpongeBob? (Funny, but even IF you accept that T-Mac is “SpongeBob,” under no circumstances would any sane person ever choose the ultimate evil, Sauron, to be their leader. NEVER.)

*Cuccinelli appoints commission to streamline felony voting rights restoration

*Killings involving assault-style rifles rare in Virginia

*Qualified gratitude on mental health

(“State leaders approved extra money for behavioral health programs, but there is still inadequate funding to meet demand for basic services.”)

*Crockett-Stark: the people’s choice (“The Republican delegate from Wytheville earned the love and votes of her constituents.”)

*A Birthday Bash for Va.’s Executive Mansion

*Richmond region embraces farm-to-table trend

*Alexandria City Council reaffirms waterfront rezoning

*Local counties in good shape compared with national trend

The “Rogues’ Gallery” Strategy


( – promoted by lowkell)

Eight and a half years ago, I saw something that roused and frightened me like nothing before. A dark and destructive force had arisen on the political right, degrading everything in America it could touch.

Ever since that time, in 2004, I have worked to convey what I’d seen to my fellow citizens. For six years, I did this through writing on my own blog (www.NoneSoBlind.org) and elsewhere, and I continued the mission as the Democratic nominee for Congress in the most Republican district in Virginia.

Many of the ways of perceiving this destructiveness and dishonesty require knowledge and abstract thinking. Not everyone is equipped to evaluate whether climate change is a hoax, as the Republicans claim, or whether the Ryan budget’s numbers add up, or whether George W. Bush deliberately lied us into a war in Iraq. And the idea that the many particulars add up to a “destructive force” and a “sick and broken spirit” is more abstract still, more divorced from people’s immediate experience.

That’s why I’d like to propose that we, who see this darkness on the right, consider what might be called a “Rogues’ Gallery Strategy.”

There’s nothing that people are more equipped to “get” than other people. Reading the character and spirit of other people has been essential to human life since before we had “economies” or “politics” to worry about. Whom can I trust? Who really has good will? Whom should I love and whom should I despise?  Those questions tap into our most basic humanity, just as we’re born to be experts at recognizing faces.

That’s why the Bible communicates its message through stories about vivid individuals. That’s why there’s a huge market for celebrity news.

My idea is to reach average Americans by focusing on the moral and human qualities of some specific people who have been the most prominent faces, the most powerful agents, of the dark spirit that has taken over the right.  The deeper truth would be the nature of the spirit that, together, they express.

This group is quite extraordinary in the context of American history-in a disturbing and dangerous way. They include Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tom Delay, Antonin Scalia, the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch.

When in American history have the major players behind any major American political party been so disgraceful, so ugly in moral and human terms, so lacking in integrity, so indifferent to the general good, so willing to manipulate the people who trust them, so willing to hurt those who most need help in order to serve those who already have the most, so hypocritical about the principles that they claim to care about, so fundamentally dishonest?

I believe the answer is: Never. American history is full of characters that are less than admirable, but I don’t believe there’s ever been a group like this at center stage of American politics. Am I right?

If people were able to “get” how morally and spiritually repulsive this group is, they could take the next step to understand — or at least intuit — what’s going on in the American political realm in our times.

But can the moral, human, and spiritual repulsiveness of this group be effectively conveyed to a non-trivial swath of the American public?  

The best approach may be to paint portraits of these “rogues” mostly by using factual statements. Show them, don’t tell them. Factual statements have power.  These factual statements should be of a kind that will be persuasive in moral terms to average Americans, irrespective of their attitudes and beliefs about the abstract political issues facing the nation.  

For example: the hypocrisy of Newt Gingrich in his public condemnations of President Clinton over the Lewinsky Affair while he himself was engaged in even more scandalous sexual conduct; the sadistic mocking, by George W. Bush, of the woman (Karla Faye Tucker) whom he had allowed to be executed; Justice Scalia’s pattern of using his supposed principles only when they help the interests he’s serving, while readily putting them aside when they’d get in the way of that agenda.


With a small handful of such brush strokes for each of these Rogues, would it be possible to convey the ugly truth?

That leads, finally, to the question of how a set of Rogues’ Gallery portraits might be effectively broadcast into the American political discourse. Could it be accomplished at op/ed length (800 words)? Would a longer treatment be required?

I would appreciate help in addressing such questions, and in assembling the kinds of factual statements about the major figures of the right wing that would be persuasive to our fellow citizens, irrespective of their attitudes and beliefs about the abstract political issues facing the nation.

Perhaps by a pooling of efforts, we as a political community can accomplish something here.

Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia’s 6th District.  He is the author of various books including Sowings and Reapings: The Cycling of Good and Evil in the Human System.  

Latino Basher and Virginia GOP LG Candidate Corey Stewart: “I detest the word ‘minority outreach'”


Courtesy of Corey Stewart’s Twitter feed, as well as from the Corey Stewart for LG website, we hear from Prince William County’s #1 elected Latino basher about “inclusion in the Republican Party.” In short, Stewart hates the very thought of reaching out to minorities (who, by the way, are already a majority in Prince William County):

Corey Stewart, conservative candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, current Republican Chair of the Prince Williams County Board of Supervisors, spoke about the term “minority outreach” as distasteful and inappropriate. As he said, you don’t “outreach” to a friend or your grandmother, you develop genuine relationships. That’s what we need to do in connecting with all voters, of all backgrounds. His past electoral victories reveal that he practices what he preaches: he won elections in a majority minority district at times when other Republicans lost.

How is what Corey Stewart’s saying here any different than fellow Republican GOP LG candidate Susan Stimpson asserting, “[African Americans] wouldn’t be a set constituency that I would try to inspire?” More to the point, why do Republicans keep “digging” when they’re in a deep, deep hole regarding their electoral appeal to non-white voters? Can they simply not help themselves, or what?

Look, I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr. was right, that the goal should be for all of us to judge each other on the “content of our characters,” not on the color of our skin. Sadly, we’re still not there yet, which is why we need to keep working at inclusiveness, at leveling the playing field, and at eliminating the vestiges of racism and bigotry from our society, once and for all. No, I’m not a fan of “identity politics” (“Political attitudes or positions that focus on the concerns of social groups identified mainly on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation”), but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Instead, what we’re dealing with right now in this country is a Republican Party that’s gone out of its way, over several decades, to alienate just about every group in this country other than whites. With its Lee Atwater/Karl Rove “Southern Strategy” (a not-so-subtle appeal, “dog whistle” or louder, to white racists, many of whom were formerly “Dixiecrats” – segregationist Democrats back in the days of Jim Crow and “Massive Resistance”), its attacks on “welfare queens” (but never on corporate welfare, which is far larger and far more harmful to our country), and with its bashing of “illegals” (that’s what they charmingly call undocumented immigrants, as if human beings themselves, as opposed to people’s specific actions, can possibly be “illegal”), today’s Republican Party has richly earned the miniscule percentage of the vote they receive in elections from African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans.

As for Corey Stewart, let’s not forget this disgraceful episode (“Racial tension and threats of violence erupt when Prince William County, Virginia adopts a law requiring the police to question people who appear to be undocumented immigrants.”), exemplified by ugliness as depicted in this video (see Corey’s snarling, hate-filled face at 2:58 in). Given his nasty, divisive past, including outright bashing of Latinos, we shouldn’t be surprised that Corey Stewart declares to a conference full of white racists that “I detest the word ‘minority outreach’.” And no, Mr. Stewart, your way is NOT the way the Republican Party is ever going to expand, but as a diehard Democrat, I kind of hope that you guys keep doing what you’re doing, and keep on losing elections.

Join Howard Dean, Jennifer Boysko, and John Bell in DC


From Howard Dean:


It was the grassroots that fueled my presidential campaign ten years ago. And it's the grassroots that powers the progressive movement today. 

In the past decade, we've come a long way — yet with a radical Republican majority in Virginia, our progress has been derailed. From redistricting schemes to extreme anti-choice legislation, they've essentially turned back the clock. That's why it's so important that we support grassroots candidates like Jennifer Boysko and John Bell in their campaigns for Assembly — because I know that they will stay true to their roots.

Will you join me on March 26th for a special fundraising event to support these two outstanding candidates for Delegate?

Jennifer and John are in close, but winnable, districts and may be our best hope for ousting Republicans from the Assembly this year. I'm proud to stand with DFA in their endorsement of Jennifer and John and know that together we can put them over the top.

Please join me for an event to support Jennifer and John by contributing now at the grassroots level.

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Thanks for all you do.


Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Founder, Democracy for America 

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, March 16. Also, see the video of President Obama’s weekly address, in which he discusses his proposal “to establish an Energy Security Trust, which invests in research that will help shift our cars and trucks off of oil.”

*Senate Democrats Finally Take a Stand (“Their 2014 budget is a strong counterweight to the reckless House proposals from Paul Ryan”)

*GOP’s Portman at odds with his party (Typical Republican: they do the right thing only if it affects themselves or their own families. In this case, if Portman had NOT had a son come out as gay, he’d still be busy bashing them. Can we say “narcissism?” Too bad Portman doesn’t have a poor son too, so he could empathize with poverty a bit as well!)

*Pope faces scrutiny over ‘Dirty War’ (Some of these allegations are highly disturbing if true. Let’s hope they’re not.)

*Hotter than ever (“A massive new study confirms the sheer magnitude of global warming”)

*Cuccinelli addresses thousands of conservatives at CPAC event (Yes, the same event that’s teeming with racists, homophobes, science deniers, and tinfoil-hat wackos of all kinds. Check out the videos to see for yourself!)

*McDonnell takes to the offensive to protect defense assets

*Va. Dems’ robo call hits Cuccinelli on transportation

*Terry McAuliffe hits Ken Cuccinelli for threatening transportation bill

*The frame McAuliffe wants: Jobs vs. ideology

*Cuccinelli blasted on climate change (And rightfully so. This issue alone should be an automatic disqualifier for ANYONE running for office in America. If you don’t “believe” in science, you should not be elected. Period.)

*Eric Cantor CPAC Address Delivered At Annual Conference (Can’tor also comfortable in the racist, homophobic, science-denying freak show of CPAC. Lovely.)

*Warner presents medal, addresses cuts

*Radioactive?: Uranium Mining Ban May Become Hot Issue In Virginia’s Election

*Cuccinelli won’t sign anti-tax pledge

*Gov. Bob McDonnell at Prayer Breakfast: GOP Must Practice Humility (Like not telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies?)

*Texting ban should be law

*Book review: ‘The Last Line of Defense: The New Fight for American Liberty’ by Ken Cuccinelli (” It reads a little like talk radio sounds – loud, one-sided and at wit’s end. It is more a justification for what Cuccinelli has done than an invitation to join the cause.”)

*University of Virginia’s Crisis Reflects Wider Conflict (“Conflict over governing the university has become a proxy war in a much larger struggle over control of the nation’s public universities, with educational groups weighing in on opposing sides of the Virginia confrontation, and taking shots at each other.”)

*Tunnel that sank won’t hurt Silver Line, officials say

*Does Virginia deserve an at-large bid?

Koch Brothers-Connected “News” Outlet Does Smear Job on Terry McAuliffe


Earlier today, a media outlet known as Watchdog.org (“Virginia bureau”) wrote a story trying to link the whole Sen. Menendez-Salomon Melgen “scandal” (“scandal” is in quotes because there’s no evidence that anyone did anything wrong) story to Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. How do they do this? Pretty much it’s all based on one very small thing – completely unsubstantiated rumors that T-Mac was somehow with these guys. Thus, according to Watchdog.org.

With probes heating up in Miami and Washington, questions have arisen over whether McAuliffe may have been on one of the “Air Melgen” flights to the Dominican Republican, where two local prostitutes claimed they were underpaid to have sex with Menendez around Easter-time last year.

The problem is, the Watchdog.org “reporter” has absolutely no proof of any connection to Terry McAuliffe. Apparently, he didn’t look into where Terry was during the time in question. If he had, he would have found these pictures of Terry, on the date in question (“around Easter-time” last year), with his family, right on Facebook.

April 8 2012 (“The family together in their Easter finest. Hope everyone is enjoying their day”)

April 9 2012 (“Enjoyed a great night with the VA Young Democrats Club of the Year tonight. Thank you William & Mary Young Democrats!”)

Instead, Watchdog.org just went ahead and wrote a story that basically says, “We don’t know where Terry was, and didn’t look particularly hard (if at all), but what the heck, that’s good enough for us to put it out to the world that McAuliffe was hanging out with hookers.”

Again, the photos of T-Mac showing where he was at the time this supposed “scandal” took place are pretty easy to find, for anyone who takes a few minutes to look. Instead, the Watchdog.org folks have opted for hackery and innuendo.

So, who are these Watchdog.org folks anyway? Here’s the Sourcewatch article for the Franklin Media Center, which is Watchdog.org’s financial backer. Note the ties to our friends the (far-right-wing, Cuccinelli-supporting, dirty energy mogul) Koch brothers!

The Franklin Center’s president, Jason Stverak, is the former Regional Field Director for SAM, served as North Dakota Executive Director for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee and former Executive Director of the North Dakota Republican Party.[9] The Franklin Center’s president, Jason Stverak, is the former Regional Field Director for SAM, served as North Dakota Executive Director for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee and former Executive Director of the North Dakota Republican Party.[10]

The Center’s Director of Donor Relations Matt Hauck is a former Associate at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation

The Center’s 2009 IRS 990 form lists Rudie Martinson as director and secretary, who formerly worked as the assistant state director for North Dakota’s chapter of Koch’s Americans for Prosperity.[13]

Also note:

The journalistic integrity of these sites has been called into question by media watchdog groups. Laura McGann, assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University, wrote that the Franklin Center is backing news organizations who engage in distorted reporting across the country. “As often as not, their reporting is thin and missing important context, which occasionally leads to gross distortions,” wrote McGann, who pointed to several instances where the Watchdog websites wrote stories that turned out to be misleading or untrue. [24]

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism on a sliding scale of highly ideological, somewhat ideological and non-ideological, ranked the “Watchdog.org” franchise “highly ideological.”

In short, this is a Koch brothers-funded group whose purpose, among other things, is to smear Democrats. Which is exactly what they’ve tried to do in this case. Pathetic.