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Despite Plea from Ombudsman, Washington Post Virginia Politics Coverage Continues Collapse



On October 3, I wrote about how, as crucial 2012 and 2013 Virginia elections approached, the Washington Post’s Virginia Politics blog coverage was collapsing. As I noted at the time, what we’ve seen the past few months has been a sharp decline in the Post’s Virginia politics coverage, certainly in terms of quantity (e.g., a drop of about 70% since February 2012 in the number of Virginia politics articles the Post’s been publishing every month) if not in quality (very hard to measure, also subjective, so you’ll have to judge this one for yourself).

Thus, in July 2012 — not coincidentally, Virginia politics reporter Anita Kumar’s last month at the Post — the number of articles (94) on the Post’s Virginia Politics blog was actually UP 3% year-over-year. In sharp contrast, in August 2012, the number of articles (43) was down 51% compared to August 2011, and also sharply down (-54%) from July 2012. Things perked up slightly in October 2012, with 64 articles, but this was still down 40% year-over-year, despite the fact that there were two marquee races – Obama vs. Romney; Kaine vs. Allen – going on in the key “swing state” of Virginia. Given everything going on leading up to this year’s elections, you’d think that Post Virginia politics coverage would have been UP sharply from a year earlier, but instead it was DOWN sharply. Yikes.

Hey, you know things are bad when the Post Ombudsman (Patrick Pexton) writes a column entitled, “The Post forgets to be local.” In that piece, published on November 9, 2012, Pexton called the Post’s local coverage “inadequate,” especially considering that the competition – Patch and other “suburban weeklies” – were, in Pexton’s view (and mine) “inadequate to the task.” No argument here (although I’d add that, increasingly, the Moonie Times and even the bat****-crazy Washington Examiner are kicking the Post’s butt on Virginia politics coverage).

So, what’s happened over the past few weeks since Pexton’s column? Has the Post picked up its coverage of Virginia politics and other local news? Nope. Instead, as you can see from the graph, the collapse in the Post’s Virginia politics coverage has actually accelerated, if anything. Incredibly, given everything going on in Virginia politics – both related to 2012 and 2013 – there have been just 34 stories posted on the Virginia Politics blog through November 22, 2012, down 69% from November 2011 (note: with 1 week to go, assuming the blog keeps up this pace, the number of posts will be down about 60% year-over-year).

Just for comparison purposes, I’ve personally posted 105 diaries so far in November. That’s more than twice as many articles as the entire Washington Post Virginia Politics blog staff has posted during that same time period! Obviously, other Blue Virginia “front pagers” have posted many more (I haven’t counted them all, but let’s be conservative and say 150-200 total front-page diaries on Blue Virginia so far in November). So, the fact is that the “amateurs” at Blue Virginia have managed to outproduce the Washington Post Virginia Politics blog, with several paid reporters at its service, by a factor of 3:1, 4:1 or more. What are these people doing over there? Hard to say, but it’s certainly not doing much reporting on Virginia politics. #FAIL

UPDATE: I just checked the Virginian Pilot’s “Pilot on Politics” blog, which is written by one (1) reporter, Julian Walker. I counted 58 articles in November, or 14 more than the entire Washington Post Virginia Politics blog produced. Wow.

UPDATE #2: I just checked the Roanoke Times “Blue Ridge Caucus” blog, and I counted 91 blog posts in November so far. Much better material, too – more analysis, more photos, more local coverage in general, not so much cookie-cutter/press release stuff as the Post.

UPDATE #3: Believe it or not, there’s a major Virginia newspaper with even less Virginia politics coverage than the Post — the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which has just 15 stories on its “Virginia Politics” blog through today. #evenworsefailthanthekaplanpost

GOP Policy Platform: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks


To change, or not to change, that is the paramount question facing the Grand Old Party. As the November 6th election recedes further into the past, however, the chances that the GOP will make substantive changes to their party platform appear to be receding as well. Some members of the Republican Party have decided to face the results of the November 6th election with humility and a reconsideration of policy positions.

As Congress faces negotiations about averting the “fiscal cliff,” Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told WMAZ-TV that he’s not willing to be bound by the anti-tax pledge he once signed.

Said Chambliss: “I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge.”

However, a vocal crowd of GOP’ers have actually dug in their heels and turned their fingers away from themselves, towards a host of external factors. One argument apparently gaining traction is the “Romney wasn’t an effective spokesman” argument. According to this line of thought, the conservative policy platform is sound; Mitt Romney just couldn’t sell it to the American people properly.

There is also the “minorities argument,” that enormously feared sector of the American population for many conservatives. If only those darn minorities had stayed at home instead of voting, they implicitly argue, the election results would have been completely different. The thought process here boggles the mind! If only we could have disenfranchised a sizable portion of the American electorate, we could put the country back on the right track!

Some commentators in the Democratic camp, however, have rejoiced over the possibility of a recalcitrant tea party. The assumptions here seem to be that if the tea party members of Congress continue their radical and obstructionist ways, the ‘liberal agenda’ will not only strengthen by the sheer contrast of what is being offered from “the other side,” but tea party representatives will lose out in a big way during the next election cycle. However, none of this is necessarily true.

But regardless of whether the GOP decides to move away from Crazy Avenue to Sane Rd. the move won’t happen overnight. It might not even happen over the next two years. But America needs effective change to happen now.

Our political representatives must, at a minimum, invest in critical infrastructure and job creating programs. Budget gimmicks and “priming the pump” are no longer adequate, and have not been for some time. Where the tea partiers are wrong is blindly denying the efficacy of government to save the economy from disaster is cases such as the 2008/2009 economic collapse. But the Democratic Party does the country few favors by seeking short-term solutions/acquiescing to the half-measures promoted by the Republican Party.

Leaders in the Democratic Party, and above all President Obama, must make the case for economic solutions that will lead to long term economic growth. If the so-called “fiscal-cliff” is avoided by focusing on short term solutions like budgetary cuts to federal agencies, a Democratic victory now will be far outweighed by an economic decline in the future that will be used as ammunition by conservatives to turn the U.S. into a free-market haven that only insane ideologues like Ayn Rand would feel comfortable living in. The only solution, again, is to focus on creating jobs, through government help, in the short term and in the long term.

That is where real growth will occur, that is where our country will finally find its ‘mojo’ again.

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, November 23.

*The GOP’s wild attack on Susan Rice (“Republicans show a blatant disregard for the facts.” Shocker, huh?)

*Egyptian Protesters Rally in Cairo After Mursi Expands Powers (This situation does not bode well…)

*Tea party vows to stay for long haul, takes no blame for GOP losses (Excellent, go Tea Party – may you never change! LOL)

*Polls offer little guidance for politicians tackling ‘fiscal cliff’ (Looks like politicians are going to have to show – wait for it – leadership. GASP!)

*Grand Old Planet (“So don’t shrug off Mr. Rubio’s awkward moment. His inability to deal with geological evidence was symptomatic of a much broader problem – one that may, in the end, set America on a path of inexorable decline.”)

*Snyder leaving FOX News as he considers LG run (This should be good for a lot of laughs in 2013!)

*Report: Dominion Virginia Power customer’s bills have gone up since deregulation ended

*Innocence finally leads to freedom

*Neighbor is credited with saving family in Fairfax fire

*Dulles Airport marks 50th anniversary

*Hampton Roads shoppers get early start to Black Friday (This is just sad.)

*U.Va., Va. Tech left wondering what went wrong

*Griffin right at home in Redskins win (RGIII is definitely one of the best athletes I’ve ever seen. Wow.)

*D.C. area forecast: Unlike shopping, weather pretty peaceful today; Arctic chill on tap tomorrow



We may be seeing former Democratic nominee for Virginia State Senate, Shaun Broy on the ballot once again, sooner than later.

The growing Independent Green Party of Virginia, who has been very successful at putting Independent candidates on the ballot from local to statewide offices has big plans for Broy. If the party is successful at convincing him to be a part of their statewide ticket in 2013 as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

“We believe that Shaun Broy brings a lot to the table that the people of Virginia would appreciate,” said Independent Green Party Chairman Joesph Oddo. “We are a party that embraces candidates from across the political spectrum.”

The party was impressed by his performance as the “unannointed” Democratic candidate, who got very little support from the Democratic of Virginia. He also has clashed at times with local and state Democratic leaders over various issues.

Broy filed a formal complaint against area sheriffs a few days after his defeat, who publicly supported his Republican opponent, incumbent Jill Holtzman Vogel during the election. The sheriffs appeared in various direct mailers and other Vogel campaign materials, which such support is prohibited according to the Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan.

“It is one of our main pillars that we have more candidates and less apathy,” said Oddo. “Broy stepped up to run an extremely gutsy state senate campaign that was anything but conventional and established himself as his own man.”

“If you look at what he was able to accomplish, with the amount of time and resources he had to work with, it was pretty remarkable. He was out spend by hundreds of thousands of dollars, by the political machine known as Jill Holtzman-Vogel.”

Broy apparently is considering the possibility of a statewide run.

“I have spoken with the leaders of the Indpendent Green Party about running as an Independent candidate for Lieutenant Governor,” said Broy. “If I were to jump into the race, it would definitely be a bold endeavor. This would be an anti-establishment movement that I believe could generate an unique option for my fellow Virginians.”

The process of actually landing a spot on a statewide ballot is no easy task. It would require an Independent candidate to submit 10,000 signatures of registered voters, which must include at least 400 signatures from each of the eleven congressional districts.

“We have proven our ability to put candidates on the ballot from the school board level, to presidential candidates, said Oddo. “It wouldn’t be a question of “if” we get him on the ballot. It would simply be more of a question of “when” we get it done. If he decides to run, you will see his name on the ballot.”

Broy has remained politically visible and vocal since his loss last November. He has served as Vice Chairman of the Frederick County Democratic Committee and an active member of the Democratic Party of Virginia, until he tendered his resignations in late summer.

He has weighed in on numerous issues, with editorials published in area newspapers. Including one that seemed to call for a rebellion within the local Democratic committees.

He recently wrapped up serving as Communications Director for Kristin Cabral for Congress. Cabral was the Democratic nominee for the 10th Congressional District race, which Congressman Frank Wolf won to earn his 17th term.

When asked about his allegiance to the Democratic Party, Broy remained vague.

“I have worked hard to remain a champion for many of the fundamental principles and values associated with the Democratic Party. I haven’t left the Democratic Party, neither have a lot of others that the party establishment have either ignored, forgotten or seemingly left behind.”

“The issue that I have to come to terms with isn’t about deciding to run for office once again or not. It is moving forward, without the typical two parties, with ties as thick as a single thread, that continues to weaken the binds of the majority of political beliefs together in a way that so many of us are completely sick of being the case.”

“I am sure many questions will come, regarding my loyalty to the Democratic Party. The belief that I carry forward in this process, is that the Democratic Party will realize that it’s most loyal soldiers have been forgotten along the way,” said Broy. “I join many others that have become Democratic candidates, who fought for a lot of the basic and core Democratic principles that stem from the roots of the party, which define what being a ‘true-blue’ Democrat is truly all about.”

“Let me be clear, I am from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. That doesn’t seem to exist so much anymore,” added Broy. “The Democratic Party has left many of us behind, those who have fought hard for it in the trenches over the past few years. The Democratic Party left me a long time ago, so be sure of the fact that I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me.”

“The Independent Green Party allows me the opportunity to be the candidate that I know that I truly want to be, without all the baggage that comes along with a nomination process and all that such implies,” said Broy.

“This is a step forward. This is a step towards progress. This is a step towards getting the message across that no political party or organization can hold us as prisoners, within our own beloved nation. This is the United States of America and this happens to be a Democracy.”

” I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be a citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I am proud of who I am and what I represent,” pointed Broy. “I am now proud to be an Independent.”

“I am an independent voice and ready to lead this state towards a better tomorrow for us all, said Broy. That’s what is truly important and exactly what Virginians need right now. This is a time where we must as move forward together, better and for the good.”

“I may be an Independent at the moment, but that does not mean that I am a candidate for any political office right now,” stated Broy. “There is a lot of work to be done in our communities and across this state. I hope that more independently minded individuals are allowed a seat at the table.”

“You can rest assured that if I become an official candidate for office once again that our community will be the very first to know,” added Broy.

“I have no further comment at this time.”

Remember Who to Thank for Your Food on Thanksgiving


From the United Farm Workers Facebook page:

Please remember where your food comes from and how it it got there as we look to [the] Thanksgiving Holiday. Thank you to all the individuals who harvest our food.

So, so true. For more facts on the farmworkers, many of whom are migrants from Latin America, who bring us our food every day of the years, see here, here, and here. More broadly, we should always be aware of where our food comes from, how it’s raised and harvested, how the workers who do all that are treated, etc. Once we have that information, we can make informed choices about what to purchase, where, etc.

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thanksgiving Day, November 22. Have a great holiday! (also, check out President Obama’s weekly address, in which he “gives thanks in his weekly address for all of the blessings we share as Americans, and expressed his gratitude to the brave men and women who are defending our freedom around the world.”)

*Gaza crisis: will Egypt come to regret its role as peacemaker? (Fascinating analysis.)

*Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. resigns amid mental health issues, federal probe

*Why rich guys want to raise the retirement age (This is a no brainer, as Klein points out: lift the cap on payroll taxes past the first $110,000 in income, so people like the clueless Lloyd Blankfein pay their fair share.)

*Joe Scarborough Is Part Of The Problem (“Instead of copping to his slander and his foolishness, he now writes a Politico column that is so brimming with, well Politico-style Village media horse-shit you need a medical mask to keep breathing to the end.”)

*BP pays out (“But the big settlement for the Deepwater Horizon spill is yet to come.”)

*After their best election in decades, will momentum last for liberals?

*Mammograms said to barely cut death rate, lead to many wrong diagnoses

*McDonnell one of many Republicans in 2016 mix

*‘Turkeys of the Year’ for 2012 in D.C. region (Helen Dragas deservedly makes the list, with a “[d]ishonorable mention to Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) for reappointing Dragas after the fiasco.” Also, congratulations to Virginia Republicans for making the list “for pushing a bill that would require invasive ultrasounds of any woman seeking an abortion.”)

*GOP Senators Attack Obama, Praise Egyptian President In Statement On Gaza Ceasefire (Wow, these people  – McInsane and his sidekick Lindsey Graham – truly suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. Totally nuts, especially given Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lavish praise for President Obama and Secretary Clinton.)

*Governor accepts game from Va. Indian tribes in rite that dates to 1677 treaty

*Black Friday creeping into Thanksgiving night

*Fairfax supervisors worry change in funding could derail VRE

*With much at stake, Redskins hope for Thanksgiving win over Cowboys (“The Redskins have a losing record, but in the forgiving NFC East, a victory could threaten first-place N.Y.”)

*D.C. area forecast: Mild sunshine to be thankful for next two days, cold blast on Saturday

Ken Cuccinelli, Jeffersonian?


Why is right wing crackpot Ken Cuccinelli running for Virginia governor?  Well of course because he is the spiritual descendant of Thomas Jefferson:

I am running for Governor of our Commonwealth to advance the same First Principles […] best articulated by Thomas Jefferson in that most famous sentence of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

No, that wasn’t another Virginia earthquake you just heard — that was old Tom doing flips in his grave. Because it is hard to think of a politician in this country who so thoroughly repudiates the democratic, egalitarian, academic, rational spirit with which Jefferson endowed the American republic — on all the issues that matter, including:

“All men are created equal”:  Our Ayatollah General actually has the cojones to quote Martin Luther King in calling Jefferson’s famous line above “our national creed.”  Well of course it is, but to what was King referring?  To the inalienable right of coal company owners to avoid environmental and safety regulations if they give you big enough campaign contributions?  Hardly.

Few Americans know that the foundation for the US Bill of Rights came from George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights, which still serves as the core of our state’s constitution.  Yet Cuccinelli was among those who actually perverted that document to DENY people’s rights by enshrining discrimination against gays within it, through the Marshall-Newman amendment.  He has also bullied the state’s colleges and universities to end policies that prohibit LGBT discrimination.

Cuccinelli has been a leader in pushing policies to eliminate the right of women to equal healthcare, treating their uteruses as property of the state, as through his ugly bullying of the state Board of Health to essentially force Virginia abortion clinics out of existence.

Yes, we are all created equal, but in Cuccinelli’s Virginia, the most vulnerable groups would be denied equal protection by the very government established by Jefferson and the other founders.  

“This institution of my native state, the hobby of my old age, will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind, to explore and to expose every subject susceptible of it’s contemplation.”this quote from Jefferson is of course about the University of Virginia, the creation of which Jefferson was so proud, he had it chiseled on his gravestone (while not bothering to mention that he had been president).

U-VA was not just a school to Jefferson — it was an embodiment of the ideal of a well-educated populace governing itself.  And there is simply no question that, if alive today, Jefferson would agree that “every subject susceptible of its contemplation” should include the earth sciences.  

Yet the signature act of Cuccinelli’s tenure as AG was his assault on U-VA in a dictatorial attempt to silence climatologist Michael Mann, based on pathological climate change conspiracy theories.  This act — which cost the university over half a million dollars in legal fees before the State Supreme Court found that the AG’s case had absolutely no merit — was an attack on all that Jefferson cherished: not just intellectual freedom and U-VA, but science itself.  As any visitor to Monticello knows, Jefferson not only revered science, but contributed to it with his inventions, including to the fields of agriculture and archaeology.  Jefferson once said “Nature intended me for the tranquil pursuits of science, by rendering them my supreme delight.”  

Luckily, Jefferson, unlike Professor Mann, was never harassed by a powerful government official demanding

the original and any copies of any written, printed, typed, electronic, or graphic matter of any kind or nature, however,  produced or reproduced, any book, pamphlet, brochure, periodical, newspaper, letter, correspondence, memoranda, notice, facsimile, e-mail, manual, press release, telegram, report, study, handwritten note, working paper, chart, paper, graph, index, tape, data sheet, data processing card, or any other written, recorded, transcribed, punched, taped, filmed or graphic matter now in your possession, custody or control.

Indeed, Cuccinelli’s real “First Principle” is to support powerful, entrenched interests against all whom they may deem as real or perceived threats.  Yes, he is a fighter for the “liberty” of those powers, but with blatant disregard for the liberties of anyone who may get in their way.  

While he may be entitled to devote his life to working as the tool of Big Coal, evangelical Christianity and corporate America, he is not entitled to mislead the public into believing that in so doing, he is following the philosophy of our third president.  To leave you with one more Jefferson quote,

Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both.


In 2013, it is imperative that we choose the gubernatorial candidate of intellectual freedom and individual liberty, and not the proponent of bigotry and backwardness.

Video: If You Needed Any More Evidence that Fox “News” is Nuts


These people are pitiful – whining, constantly posing as victims, ranting and raving LOSERS. My god, why does anyone watch this garbage?!?

Cuccinelli’s World: the Objectivist Nightmare


PhotobucketYour mother phones crying. Your ne’er do well sibling has threatened her; physically shaken her; demanded money. You phone social services and they visit discretely; see bruises. Mothers often blame themselves; she won’t file a complaint. Ken Cuccinelli insists the abuser must be notified. Due process confers, he claims.

Objectivism actually explains such a misbegotten perception. In a narrow life experience such as Ken’s, he simply hasn’t had the exposure to reality required to develop a sophisticated perception of this situation. He is still in the “victim as perpetrator” phase of his maturity. You know, the one that explains why it is always the victim of rape at fault for the crime. Literally, his position is just as poisonous to the general welfare.

It is difficult enough to process and adjudicate elder abuse cases in Virginia without another obstacle. But here is one certified by our Attorney General:

Proposed changes to the regulation also provide the opportunity for an alleged perpetrator to request a review of the LDSS’s investigation findings when the disposition is needs protective services and accepts, needs protective services and refuses or need for protective services no longer exists. These changes ensure that alleged perpetrators are guaranteed due process (emphasis added).  – Agency Statement dated 5/16/2011

The comment period for this regulation ends this Friday. Everyone is encouraged to provide input through the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall comment process.

Please protest this inane application of due process and invitation to retaliation. Assist Ken with his continuing perceptual development and personal growth so that he might one day achieve that objectivist ideal.

Bob McDonnell’s Weighing in on Israel-Gaza? Can We Say T-Bob for President 2016?


You must be kidding.

Gov. Bob McDonnell just released this statement on the Hamas attacks on Israel:

“In recent days, the citizens of Israel have come under attack by Hamas. Rockets fired from Gaza into Israel have struck civilian centers, and terrorized the nation. And today a terrorist attack struck a city bus in Tel Aviv, the first such event in the city since 2006.  Israel has rightly responded to these attacks with appropriate force. Now, a cease fire has been called to these hostilities. America stands with Israel as it continues to move through this dangerous period. Hamas must cease all attacks on Israel, and it is my hope that the unwarranted and random violence the group has unleashed on our friends in Israel will now come to a permanent end.”

Uhhhhh…why on earth would the governor of Virginia be weighing in on the Israeli-Gaza situation? Can we say T-Bob for President 2016? Oh please, make it so! 🙂

P.S. Unless, of course, “Bobby”‘s best friend forever Pat Robertson got a communication from god on this subject that he shared with T-Bob? Heh.

P.P.S. On a related note, there’s now a Draft Bob McDonnell for President 2016 Facebook page. It’s wildly popular, with 41 (woo-hoo!) “likes” so far. For comparison purposes, Christie 2016 has 751 “likes,” Hillary Clinton for President 2016 has 8,588 “likes,” Elizabeth Warren for President 2016 has 3,131 “likes,” and Big Bird for President 2016 has 416 “likes.” Will Big Bird be weighing in on the Gaza situation shortly? Stay tuned!