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Video: Biden Nails It – “As President, I will always defend free speech and I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law.”


President Biden nails it:

“Before I head to North Carolina, I wanted to speak a few moments about what’s going on on our college campuses here. We’ve all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental American principles – the first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard; the second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld. We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. The American people are heard. In fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues. But – but – neither are we a lawless country. We are a civil society. And order must prevail.

Throughout our history, we’ve often faced moments like this, because we are a big, diverse, freethinking and freedom-loving nation. In moments like this, there are always those who rush in to to score political points. But this isn’t a moment for politics, it’s a moment for clarity. So let me be clear – peaceful protest in America, violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is. It’s against the law when violence occurs. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest; it’s against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations – none of this is a peaceful protest. Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest – it’s against the law. Dissent is essential to democracy, but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education.

Look, it’s basically a matter of fairness, it’s a matter of what’s right. There’s the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. But let’s be clear about this as well – there should be no place on any campus, no place in America for anti-Semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it’s anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans – it’s simply wrong. There’s no place for racism in America. It’s all wrong, it’s unAmerican.

I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law….Make no mistake, as president, I will always defend free speech and I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law. That’s my responsibility to you, the American people, my obligation to the Constitution. Thank you very much.”

Question: “Have the protests forced you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region?”
President Biden: “No.”
Question: “Do you think the National Guard should intervene?”
President Biden: “No.”

VA Sen. Ghazala Hashmi Launches Her Campaign for the 2025 Democratic Nomination for Lt. Governor; Exclusive Blue Virginia Interview


See below for a press release from State Senator Ghazala Hashmi on the launch of her campaign for Lt. Governor. And below that, check out my interview with Sen. Hashmi, condensed slightly for clarity/readability. Also, note that three other Democrats – Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, State Senator Aaron Rouse, and Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef –  have also announced their campaigns for Lt. Governor (with possibly more candidacies to come?). So stay tuned!

Progressive Champion, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi Launches Campaign for the Democratic Nomination for Lieutenant Governor

Richmond — Today, Virginia Senator Ghazala Hashmi (D-15) is launching her campaign for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor. She plans on her first public event as a candidate with well over a hundred of her top supporters on Thursday evening. Senator Hashmi is highlighting her commitment to standing up for all Virginians, particularly those who are too often overlooked and underserved.

In 2017, after Donald Trump’s push for a Muslim ban and for a “Muslim registry” for all Muslim Americans, Hashmi felt she needed to step up for every Virginian who felt voiceless in the face of Trump’s extremism and hate. In 2019, although she was a serious underdog in both the primary and the general elections, Hashmi flipped the critical State Senate seat that gave Democrats the majority to then pass an effective, resilient, and compassionate progressive agenda.

“If we want to protect our freedoms, stand against hate and build a future that uplifts all of us, including our most vulnerable, we have to always fight for what is right,” said Hashmi. “When I first ran, I realized that any one of us can make a positive, meaningful difference. We each have a responsibility to raise our voice and stand up against injustice, particularly those injustices that impact our neighbors and our communities.”

“I’m running because we are just one vote away, in the State Senate, from MAGA extremism overrunning our schools, reproductive health care, gun safety measures, voting rights, and much more. I don’t see this office as a stepping stone; I’m running to solidify the Democratic brick wall as our next Lieutenant Governor. We need an accomplished, progressive Senator to do just that.” 

Sen. Hashmi is a widely respected progressive champion who, in 2023, was given the “Defender of Choice” award by REPRO Rising, one of Virginia’s top abortion rights groups, for her work rolling back Republican restrictions on abortion and introducing the Contraceptive Equity Act in Virginia.

Hashmi received the Virginia Education Association’s Legislative Champion of the Year Award (2022, 2023 & 2024) for pushing for stronger public school funding and leading the charge to stop book bans in Virginia schools. As a renowned environmental champion, Hashmi is the recipient of a Virginia’s League of Conservation Voters Legislative Hero Award (2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023) and Sierra Club’s Environmental Hero Award (2022). She has been similarly recognized by numerous other organizations such as Edu-Futuro, FLAVA, VCASE, and others.

As a State Senator, Hashmi has taken on special interests and passed important legislation to ensure quality, affordable health care coveragerelieve the burden of medical debt, and help seniors afford housing. And she’s fought to strengthen workers’ rights to form and join a union, require insurance companies to cover contraceptives, to crack down on hate crimes, and to improve mental health care for our veterans.  

For 18 years, Dr. Hashmi worked at Reynolds Community College where she helped young people and adults obtain lifelong skills to build successful careers. 

When she was four years old, Senator Ghazala Hashmi immigrated with her mother and older brother from India to the United States, joining her father who was beginning his long career as a college professor at Georgia Southern University. Ghazala grew up in a small Georgia town, at a time when public schools were being desegregated. 

She saw firsthand how communities can be built and dialogue promoted through intentional efforts to bridge cultural, racial, and socioeconomic divisions. Ghazala received her BA in English with honors from Georgia Southern University and was accepted directly into a doctoral studies program at Emory University in Atlanta, where she earned her PhD in American literature.

Ghazala and her husband moved as newlyweds to the Richmond area in 1991, and she spent nearly 30 years as professor, teaching first at the University of Richmond and then at Reynolds Community College. While at Reynolds, she also served as the Founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). 

She and Azhar have two adult daughters who were both born and raised in Midlothian, completed their K-12 education in Chesterfield County Public Schools, and graduated from the University of Virginia.

Day 1 Endorsers
John Bell – Loudoun, Fmr. State Senator
Betsy Carr – Richmond, Delegate
Rae Cousins – Richmond, Delegate
Michael Jones – Richmond, Delegate
Rodney Willett – Henrico, Delegate
Kathy Tran – Fairfax, Chair, House Democratic Caucus; Delegate
Irene Shin – Fairfax, Delegate
Kelly Convirs-Fowler – Virginia Beach, Delegate
Patrick Hope – Arlington, Delegate
Kannan Srinivasan – Loudoun, Delegate
Andreas Addison – Richmond City Council
Stephanie Lynch – Richmond City Council
Kenya Gibson – Richmond School Board
Mark Miller – Chesterfield County Supervisor
Jessica Schneider – Chesterfield County Supervisor
Dominique Chatters – Chesterfield School Board
Dot Heffron – Chair, Chesterfield County School Board
Ed Jewett – Richmond City Clerk of Court
Amanda Pohl – Chesterfield County Clerk of Court
Dr. Wendy Klein – Women’s Health Advocate
Clarence Dunnaville – Civil Rights Leader
Khizr Khan – Gold Star Father, Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Bill Leighty – Former Chief of Staff, Governor Mark Warner and Governor Tim Kaine
Alexsis Rodgers- former Richmond Mayoral Candidate
Larry Barnett – former candidate for Delegate; former Chair, Chesterfield County Democratic Committee
Charles-Allan Chipman, Richmond City Community Leader & former candidate for Richmond City Council
Angela Chiang – Central VA AAPI Leadership
Eric Lin – Central VA AAPI Leadership
May Nivar – Central VA AAPI Leadership


Blue Virginia: I guess the first thing is maybe just for people who aren’t don’t really know who you are Blue Virginia readers aren’t that familiar with you, can you just tell them a little bit about your background and why you decided to run for lieutenant governor at this time?

Sen. Ghazala Hashmi: Sure,I think a lot of people do know that I spent almost 30 years in college classrooms, and really my background is in a higher education and teaching and learning and that’s always been my passion. But in 2016, when Donald Trump won his election, like many people and especially women across the country, I just felt like this was not the kind of America that I wanted to live in. And it certainly didn’t represent the America that I believed in. I’d spent 30 years teaching American literature, and so much of what I taught were those foundational documents of American democracy. And everything that Trump represented was counter to that. And the increasingly violent rhetoric that he and his administration were espousing, especially across many different communities – immigrants, Muslim Americans, women – I just felt an urgent need to speak out and be much more visible as a Muslim American and as a woman too and someone deeply committed to American democratic principles. And so that was the original impetus for me to run for office. And I’ve spent five sessions now really getting to  understand how the Senate operates, how the General Assembly works, the cadence of moving legislation through committees and through the chambers. And at this point, I’ve also seen how really difficult it is to move progressive legislation through when we have just a one-seat majority in the chambers or we have mixed chambers, mixed control. it’s really really difficult. We need someone as lieutenant governor who’s going to be a fighter, who is going to stand on principles and work hard to move the kind of progressive legislation that so many in Virginia have been asking for year after year. They fight in the elections to get people elected to office who are going to champion issues such as high-quality education, making sure that we have economic  opportunities for everybody. You know, we’re seeing so many working families struggle as we see these increasing economic divides. We have to have someone who is knowledgeable about the procedures in the Senate chamber, but also someone who’s willing to continue to fight and work hard with colleagues in the chamber. And I’ve established wonderful relationships with so many of my colleagues, colleagues across the aisle as well. And I have the ability to communicate, to collaborate and hopefully work in conjunction with many others to ensure that we’re working in the right direction.”

Blue Virginia: That leads to the question of what do you see the role of lieutenant governor as. Should they mostly be following the lead of the governor? Should they be carving out their own lane? Do you view it as a potentially or actually powerful position? It is more running the Senate, breaking ties? Is it more administrative or is it about having the platform of lieutenant governor, where you can go around the state as the lieutenant governor?

Sen. Hashmi: “It’s all of that, and it can be so much more than sometimes it is traditionally used as. I see breaking the ties as important, but that’s not the end of the process – and I am someone who wants to be at the beginning of the process. So when we start the discussions around critical legislation and when we see the need to have a bridge between what the executive branch is working towards in policy measures, that we have someone who knows how to bridge the relationship between the executive branch and the legislative branch, that is a critical role. I’m someone who when I come into an office, I like to create new things, I like to create new structures, new procedures, new ways of doing things that are more efficient and more effective. So that’s my goal – to work as a strong liaison. And you know we have the potential to have a wonderfully great governor in 2025. And in Virginia as you well know, the governor has just four years. So the governor has to hit the ground running and the governor needs a strong cabinet, also needs a strong lieutenant governor who is going to be able to ensure that from day one, there is clarity of purpose and that we are able to really focus intentionally on what Virginia needs. And so I’m fully in that position to be able to do that.”

Blue Virginia: Are there any Virginia Lieutenant Governors, previous ones, that you see as potentially a role model or maybe an anti-role model?

Sen. Hashmi: “I’ll talk about a role model, I see that in my own local hero here, Senator Tim Kaine has always been a Richmond favorite. And certainly we saw a wonderful relationship between then-Lieutenant Governor Kaine and Governor Mark Warner, and I think that was a really effective structure that they had. The relationship that they built has continued to this day; you see how effectively that both of our Senators are able to lead Virginia in Congress. And so that’s the role model that I would seek to emulate.”

Blue Virginia: How about anti-role-model Lt. Governors?

Sen. Hashmi: “I wouldn’t name names, but I think any times there’s not a collegial and strong relationship between the governor and the lieutenant governor, that has repercussions then on what’s happening in the General Assembly, because the priorities of the governor are not being conveyed as effectively as they need to be, nor are there effective communications from the legislative side to the executive offices. And so that kind of breakdown harms not just the governor’s administration, but it harms Virginia. So really needing to ensure that we have an effective professional and respective relationship between governor and lieutenant governor just facilitates the kind of work we need to do.”

Blue Virginia: Regarding the word ‘professional’, do you think that the legislature needs to be professionalized? Would you support a more full-time legislature?

Sen. Hashmi: “We have constantly debated this issue. Just to be frank, it is already a full-time job. I resigned my position, and you know most of us take huge financial hits when we take on this responsibility; our family has to be very much a part of it. We do have a full-time legislature, but it’s pretending to be a part-time citizens legislature.”

Blue Virginia: It’s paying at the wages of a very part-time citizen legislature, so that if you’re not wealthy or you don’t have the flexibility in your career or your family or whatever to be able to do that – which most people don’t – you can’t even think about running for legislature or lieutenant governor. I think lieutenant governor pays very little too, right?

Sen. Hashmi: “It doesn’t pay much more, right.”

Blue Virginia: So who can afford to run, who can afford to serve as lieutenant governor? Anyway, I just think professionalization of the legislature is something we need to push..We’ve debated it a million times and it doesn’t seem to ever get anywhere. This gets into the Virginia Way, which I don’t know what you think about that.

Sen. Hashmi:  “Well one of the benefits of having a part-time citizen legislature is that we do have people who are are engaged directly in their communities and in a variety of professions and they bring that expertise and perspective to the Assembly. But as you said, this model that we have really prevents a lot of good folks, people who want to be public servants, who want to work hard on policy matters, it prevents them from even thinking about running for office. And it is a huge challenge. I was at a point in my life where we had a daughter just starting college, and we knew it was going to be a financial hit, but we also thought we could manage it and and we have. But that means no vacations, no extra frills. And it is a personal sacrifice for my family, which I’m deeply thankful for that they’ve been willing to do that.”

Blue Virginia: I would argue it also, because we’re a part-time citizen legislator, even though it’s pretty much really a full-time job it’s kind of cedes power to the lobbyists who are there 24/7/365m basically – they’re always around and they can develop the expertise in their area, whereas the citizen legislators are dealing with hundreds and hundreds of different issues. There’s no way – some of them are very complex like the Virginia Clean Economy Act – this is really esoteric complex stuff here, you could be the most brilliant person in the world and there’s still no way you could have a full understanding of every one of these issues. But the lobbyist who’s paid by Dominion…they pay their lobbyists well to understand that issue, of course from Dominion’s perspective, and they will be happy to explain it (“explain” in air quotes) to the legislators – from their perspective, of course… I do think this is a really important issue which cuts to the heart of what Virginia politics are really all about – where you have corporate influence, this revolving door with corporate money sloshing around…I’m sure you’ve talked about this before, but just for this interview maybe a short synopsis of your views on all that?

Sen. Hashmi: “One thing I have always tried to do, and I know several of my colleagues do, is always to engage in competing perspectives. And so when we have legislation that’s introduced by one group or another, it is so helpful to sit down with other stakeholders to hear their viewpoints and to really dig into the data, the research that’s being offered. And as limited and hectic time is during session, I still try to do that as much as possible. But we really do rely on experts in the fields as you’re saying. But there are a variety of experts, so you don’t have to rely on just one particular corporation or one entity to provide that perspective; we have the capacity to reach out to many other folks and get a a fuller picture and an understanding. And I try to make decisions based on what I’ve learned, what I’ve researched, and then be able to provide a good decision. And of course it’s always complicated, because there there are goods and wrongs on each side and trying to get a balance on that. But ultimately the goal is to do what’s best in the interest of Virginians.”

Blue Virginia: Ultimately, though, you support campaign finance and ethics reform?

Sen. Hashmi: “Absolutely, we desperately need to do that. Our campaigns are becoming more and more expensive and it is just exhausting – it’s exhausting for our donors, it’s exhausting as candidates to be spending so much time in call time trying to raise money, and I think it’s  detrimental to our political process that we actually judge the capabilities of candidates based almost entirely on the kind of money they can raise. And to do that is to discount the other skills and abilities that so many candidates would be able to bring in. But when we have candidates –  particularly who are minorities, are women or not a part of the political process – they don’t have the kind of networks to raise millions of dollars. And as a result, we lose their other strengths. And so many of them have such wonderful strengths that they could bring to their office. And so we really need to evaluate candidates on the basis of their ethics, their integrity, the skills that they’ve developed in other professions, how they would be able to translate those skills into political office and also what they will do for their constituents – those are the measures that really outline what an effective legislator is, not the amount of money that someone can raise.”

Blue Virginia: So you’re looking at it from a candidate perspective of raising money. What about, do you think that a state-regulated corporation should be able to donate money to the people who in theory are the ones who are regulating it? Dominion again is the biggest example, but it doesn’t have to be Dominion, but they’re set up as a monopoly, they’re given that privilege in exchange for regulation, but then they also get to use ratepayer money to turn right around and lobby – not just lobby but to donate to candidates. They donate a lot of money, Dominion is a huge donor…I really think we need to do something
about this situation…but it always gets killed in committee.

Sen. Hashmi: “It’s a hard proposition…ut again we need more folks in office who are committed to having campaign finance reform, who are um standing for the proposition that state-regulated entities should not be controlling and contributing to the election of individuals. And so ‘ve been very clear on that from the beginning in 2019. But it’s a huge challenge for us to get any meaningful legislation across.”

Blue Virginia: Yeah that’s for sure, it’s incredible. So on the politics of the LG race, in 2021, we had decent Democratic turnout, but the Republicans were more energized – and that often happens after the White House switches parties –  but we’re going to have to make sure we win back the governor’s mansion this time, obviously, and sweep all three statewide offices, because Youngkin’s done a lot of damage already and he’s going to continue to do damage. We’re going to have to reverse that damage and then start moving forward again. How are we going to get that kind of enthusiasm amongst voters Democratic voters to turn out in huge numbers…assume Biden wins and again Republicans are more energized in Virginia in 2025, so how does that work? And what would you bring to the ticket that would help us win in 2025?

Sen. Hashmi: “First of all, we do have to focus intent intentionally on 2024; we can’t let our eyes off of that. So I am fully committed to working as hard as I can to get Biden-Harris reelected, and that means a lot of effort not just in Virginia but across the country. You know in the last cycle in other key races, I traveled to Georgia to knock doors for Raphael Warnock; I went to Pennsylvania to make sure that we secured that Senate seat in Pennsylvania – that made the difference. I am willing to do the the leg work, the footwork to make sure that we have a strong campaign in 2024…Youngkin’s done great damage, and one thing I will share is I think my record shows that I’ve been at the forefront at stopping a lot of Youngkin’s policies. And I hear from people who say, well he’s not that bad. And I respond he’s not that bad because of the one-seat majority we had in the Virginia Senate. That was my seat; I flipped that seat in 2019, gave us that one-seat majority. And as as chair of the Senate  subcommittee on public education, we stopped in that  subcommittee under my leadership some really horrific bills that would have dismantled public education in the way that we’re seeing it being dismantled in other states; would send public dollars into private hands; bills that were out-and-out bills on censoring and banning not just books, but banning curricula, banning what our children need to learn and the ways in which they need to be engaged in a complex world. We had direct assaults on our teachers. We had assaults on our transgender children. So in all of those issues, I have stood at the front and blocked those. So as much damage as we’ve seen under the Youngkin administration, it could have been far worse. And I’m glad I’ve been in a position to stop a lot of bills, including complete abortion ban,s here in Virginia. So what are we going to do in 2025, I think is I bring all of that knowledge, that skill, to campaigning. We campaigned effectively in 2019; this was a seat that we had been trying to flip as Democrats for many years, and I was able to do that with the the the help of a very broad coalition. And so I think the unique qualities I bring to this particular race is that I have established a broad coalition of allies and supporters, whether we’re talking about educators, labor unions…our environmental communities, our folks focused on social justice issues, housing. I have worked in all of these areas, and that coalition really translates into people who are excited to support this campaign and to make sure that we are successful. And I think we’ll see that momentum build. I also made history as the first South Asian to be elected to the Virginia Senate, as the first Muslim to be elected to the Virginia Senate. And our AAPI representation is growing and we have many AAPI communities all across Virginia. And I think we’ll see a strong coalition being built across many different groups in that way for this race in 2025.”

Blue Virginia: Do you think that to help to juice our turnout in 2025, do we need to have geographic diversity, racial diversity, ethnic diversity, gender diversity? Or is it more important to have someone who has the skillset to do a great job as lieutenant governor? Is that what voters care about?

Sen. Hashmi: “I think diversity is absolutely important. We could potentially create history in Virginia and voters get excited about that. Women at the top of the ticket, that’s exciting. But I think moreso, we have voters that are looking and are very hungry for leadership that truly cares about the their lives and about their issues. So for me, running as lieutenant governor, this is not a stepping stone. I’ve made it clear for well over a year that I’m interested in *this* position and what *this* position can do. And I know that my target focus has been entirely on this particular  campaign…When voters talk to people, they know who is authentically interested in defining a role in this capacity, that’s going to serve the needs of not just the administration but more importantly the needs of all Virginians.”

Blue Virginia: So how are you planning to get better known outside of the Richmond area? Do you have a plan to travel around the state? Because right now, I don’t know how well any of the candidates for LG are super well known…I think Spanberger is pretty well known for governor, but that’s about it.”

Sen. Hashmi: “One of one of the most humbling things is to always realize how little you are known; none of us are really known… we live in our little bubble, but outside that bubble, very few people actually know our name or know anything about us. So I think I’ve proven myself as a hard campaigner. You know, I was a complete unknown, not even in political circles in 2019, I had pushback from folks who were on local committees and I was not seen as a viable candidate. But it takes that hard effort of talking to voters, going to events, going to meet people, knocking doors. I’ve proven that in 2019. And we are certainly going to be going around the state. We’ve already set up a lot of events and opportunities for me to be meeting with local Democratic leaders and committees and sharing the vision that we have. And I already started that this Sunday, already spoke to one of our committees. And we’ve got a full calendar. I’m excited about doing that; I really love traveling Virginia, it is one of the most beautiful states. And just meeting people in diverse communities and understanding what local concerns they have is always very very enlightening. I like to learn directly so that we can translate into work legislatively that needs to be done yeah.”

Blue Virginia: How much of it do you think is really throwing out what some people call “red meat,” going really hard after the Trump Republicans, calling them fascists which I think is actually accurate, but a lot of people shy away from using tough language to describe I would say reality….They’re very harsh, far right anti-choice, I mean you’d have like the Handmaid’s Tale if they come to power….You’re known as a very thoughtful legislator, I think a little somewhat softspoken which is fine, you have a compelling personal narrative…but how much of it is “charisma” quote unquote, or really hard-edged going after the Republicans and using loud, tough, strong language? How much does that matter?

Sen. Hashmi: “I think I’ve proven myself as being one of the more vocal opponents to Youngkin; I have not shied away from calling out the governor where he needs to be called out and when he needs to be called out. So I think I’ve proven myself to be someone who takes a lot of hard hits on the issues that I care about, and I have taken those hits. Now I don’t like the bombast, I don’t like the unnecessarily vulgar rhetoric. What I do like is substance in responding. And so I never hesitate to call out either an individual or parties when I see it causing harm to our communities. But I think many many voters are quite unhappy about the deeply divisive rhetoric that some of our our folks engage in. They really want to hear what we are going to do, what we are offering, who we are basically and what we represent. And so I find it much more appealing to voters to actually listen to their concerns and then also to share my authentic responses. So I never try to hide behind a false or overtly energizing rhetoric that can’t be followed through. So if we are going to take on extremism, which *does* exist, we also have to have a counterbalancing narrative of what can be done, needs to be done. And we need to hold true to those principles. And that’s what I always try to bring is not not just attacking, but presenting…”

Blue Virginia: I agree, it shouldn’t be one or the other; we absolutely need to inspire people and say this is what, if you vote Democratic, you’re going to get all this…this will help society, this will help you, this will help your family.

Sen. Hashmi: “Because we’ve got a lot of good ideas; we need to tell people and we need to help them understand. You know, I was just thinking this morning about the ACA and how hard it was to convince people that it’s in their best interest that we have health care that’s not tied to an individual’s job. And so many of the folks that opposed the ACA did not understand that if they lose their job, if they lose their ability to actually work, they are out in the cold when it comes to vital healthcare for themselves and their family. So being able to really tell the story of why the policy has an impact on their lives is important, and I try very hard to do that. Every week we put out a newsletter that is focused on issues and that goes into details and has substance. And I hope to continue to try to just bring information to people who are outside of this little bubble so that they understand what’s happening inside their government.”

Blue Virginia: I mean, when Democrats had a governing trifecta in Virginia, we passed hundreds of pieces of of progressive legislation that were signed into law. I just don’t think most people are aware of the…tidal wave of of legislation that came through. Anyway, I just want to understand whether you are willing to call out right-wing extremism, Trumpism, MAGA, whatever you want to call it…I think that’s crucial right now; we need to say what we’re for, absolutely I agree with that. But we also need to say this is a dire threat – if if they win, this is not an exaggeration, our democracy is probably toast.  I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. So I want to make sure we have leaders who are willing to say that. We don’t have time…

Sen. Hashmi: “We don’t have time; the urgency is now and that’s why focusing on 2024 is vitally important. You know, I talk to historians and I read historians who are experts on the direction that this country is moving in and it is quite frightening. And I don’t think most Americans really grasps right now what a complex and very fragile situation we’re in. And the fascistic tendencies that we saw with Trump in the previous administration are going to absolutely corrupt should he be elected. And we have been told directly by him and his entourage what they will do – and I have no doubt that they will dismantle every structure of democracy, whether it’s in our civil service, our judiciary system, our military. They will go full force.”

Blue Virginia: They have a blueprint, it’s called Project 2025, I’m sure you know about it.

Sen. Hashmi: “They’ve laid it out, it’s not a secret, they’ve told us what they’re going to do – we’d better believe them.”

Blue Virginia: Exactly. So I just want Democratic leaders at this time in our history who will are willing to say very clearly and strongly – you don’t have to yell or whatever – but I want people to very strongly say what’s going on and make it very clear it’s not both sides, it’s not like false equivalency or whatever, like oh yeah Democrats are bad, Republican. No no no. Sure, Democrats have flaws, I’m not saying Democrats are perfect. But no, this is an order of magnitude difference here between the two parties at this point – one is pro democracy, the other isn’t.

Sen. Hashmi: “I think people have seen that I’m never afraid to speak out and I will always be speaking out on the issues that really impact communities that are already vulnerable to begin with. And I will stand up where if others cannot speak for whatever reason, because of their position or their sense of marginalization, I will speak up. I have stood up for our trans children, our LGBTQ communities. The very first action that the governor took when he was sworn in that same day he pulled down all of the language around diversity equity and inclusion language. And I called him out on day one; I stood up on the floor of the Senate, why have you done that? I am not afraid to take on those big big issues and I think I have not just the intellectual capacity but I’ve got the research, the broad understanding of complex issues, to address them and then also hopefully to put them in a language that is available to everybody. You know, after teaching in the college classroom, you have to know how to translate complex thoughts into ideas that people can understand and then can develop from their own.”

Blue Virginia: I guess the last thing, we’re running out of time, I’m pretty concerned at this point that these protests we’re seeing on college campuses – I saw your statement this morning, I thought it was very thoughtful  – I’m worried that Democrats will be divided by Israel/Gaza or whatever the issue is and that we could lose because of that. Are you concerned about this situation dividing Democrats and leading to us potentially losing in November? I’m not sure what we can do about it, though. I mean, Youngkin’s and Miyares’ approach in they’re just like crack down on protests. Personally, I think if you’re nonviolent and you’re not interfering with the education of other students – I think you said that somewhat in your statement – if you’re not harassing people and using anti-Semitic or racist or whatever language, then free speech is *crucially* important…

Sen. Hashmi: “First of all, just to address the campus issues, I reached out to all of our colleges and universities yesterday and have been in constant communication, sometimes with their government folks or with the presidents directly themselves. One thing is that all of our institutions have very clear and explicit policies on public demonstrations, public protests, the use of facilities or outdoor spaces. And as a former college administrator myself, I appreciate clarity of those policies. And I think as long as students are following the policies that are spelled out, that they are entitled to have opportunities to speak and to  demonstrate, of course not engaging in harmful or hateful rhetoric that would cause harm to other students or to impede other students’ academic opportunities. So the policies are clear and we need our students to follow those. Now what the danger is, is policies that might be created on the fly just to suppress speech, and that is something that I hope our colleges take seriously. There’s always a process for implementation of policies and I hope they go through those shared governance maneuvers before any kind of policies are placed that would suppress student voices as some might be inclined to do. I am concerned that the governor and AG are trying to overreach in this regard; they really should not be engaging at the level of institutions because the institutions themselves have a board of visitors and they have administration whose job it is to to basically manage situations like this. As far as Democrats and the 2024 elections are going to be concerned, this is a challenging time – I don’t think any of us can deny that this is a challenging time. There are some deep deep issues that we need to address, but Democrats have always been at the forefront of fighting for human rights, fighting against injustice and ensuring that there are opportunities for dissent within the party. So what we are seeing is dissent within the party. We’re seeing people asking us to think about these issues in complex ways, and that is healthy…that’s the party I want to belong to. I do not want to belong to a party as we see in the current GOP where everyone is required to acquiesce to a clearly tyrannical individual and to subvert their own good thinking to the false narratives that are created by by a cult of personality at this point. So if Democrats are engaging with each other, are forcing each other to have debates and discussions, that’s exactly what we need in a democratic system. And that’s the party I want to belong to, even if it hurts us in some ways.”

Blue Virginia: Yeah, I guess the choice is either being lock step in a sort of a top-down authoritarian movement or have a big tent…We’re very diverse on the Democratic side. You look at your colleagues on the Republican side, it’s pretty much white guys – a few women, but they’re white – and they’re pretty similar.

Sen. Hashmi: “It is so apparent when you take pictures of the chambers and the caucuses, it is so apparent which party is which.”

Blue Virginia: Yeah, I mean Republicans definitely look like Virginia maybe a 50, 60, 70 years ago – the Virginia that was in power. Anyway, is there anything else? I guess we’re just about out of time here but I really appreciate your time; this been a fascinating discussion. Maybe you want to recite a poem? You’re great at poetry, maybe something about your LG campaign? LOL

Sen. Hashmi: “I only do parodies, I take well-known poems and just mock what’s happening in our session.”

Blue Virginia: You’re great at it, I love those, keep those going please if you’re LG or or state senator, please keep those going!

Sen. Hashmi: “I will, I will, I enjoy doing it.”

Blue Virginia: Yeah, I enjoy reading them! So anyway, thanks again for your time and good luck with your kickoff.

Sen. Hashmi: “I’ll just share we have I think close to 200 RSVPs, we’ve got a lot of enthusiasm – people are just really excited here in Richmond…We have several endorsements that we will also be sharing and they are still coming in, so we’ll just be continuing to update. I’m thankful for all the supporters and the enthusiasm and I’m looking eagerly to work hard these next several months.”

Thursday News: “‘On every roof something is possible’: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain”; “US and Saudis Near Defense Pact Meant to Reshape Middle East”; “If he wins” – “Trump gives his strongman’s ambitions free rein on a day off from court”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, May 2.

Trump Sheds Light on How Jen Kiggans and House Republicans Will Fall in Line to Make his Dangerous Agenda A Reality If Elected To Second Term


From the DCCC:

Trump Sheds Light on How Jen Kiggans and House Republicans Will Fall in Line to Make his Dangerous Agenda A Reality If Elected To Second Term

In a revealing new interview with TIME magazine, Donald Trump sounded off on what his second term would look like – including abortion bans, prosecuting women who receive abortion care, extending his Tax Scam, pardoning January 6 insurrectionists, and more.

Trump made the case that to fulfill his dangerous anti-American agenda he would need a MAGA Congress filled with loyal foot soldiers, specifically pleading to House Republicans: “I need allies there when I’m elected.”

The article reveals how instrumental the House is to Trump’s dictatorial ambitions. Jen Kiggans, who endorsed Donald Trump, has yet to denounce this radical agenda that would:

  • Empower states to prosecute women who have an abortion.
  • Allow the Life at Conception Act to become the law of the land, which would ban and essentially outlaw abortion and IVF, respectively, nationwide.
  • Extend the Tax Scam that benefited the well-off, well connected and big corporations, leaving middle-class families behind.
  • Pardon every single January 6 insurrectionist who has pleaded guilty or been found guilty by a jury.
  • Permit political violence around an election.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“No matter what she says, Jen Kiggans will back Trump’s dangerous, anti-American agenda – full stop. She is not the moderate she pretends to be.”

Planned Parenthood Discusses Impact of Florida’s Near-Total Abortion Ban: “Time and again, we’ve seen voters stand up against these draconian laws through ballot initiatives.”


From Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia and the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood:

Virginia League for Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Host Press Call to Discuss Impact of Florida’s Near-Total Abortion Ban 

Virginia providers bracing for unprecedented number of patients fleeing hostile home state as Florida’s 6-week abortion ban takes effect

Richmond, Va – This morning, Paulette McElwain, President and CEO of Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, Dr. Shanthi Ramesh, Chief Medical Officer of Virginia League for Planned Parenthood and Jamie Lockhart, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia hosted a press call to discuss the enactment of Florida’s 6-week abortion ban.

Paulette McElwain, Chief Executive Officer of Virginia League for Planned Parenthood said, “my heart goes out to all those affected by the recent developments in Florida. It’s with a deep sense of purpose that The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, along with our provider partners, reaffirms our commitment to providing essential care to tens of thousands of displaced patients in the South. We know that over 80,000 patients received abortion care in Florida in 2023. Our doors are open, and our hearts are with those in need. “In the midst of this crisis, we are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of our patients and supporting our highly skilled providers and health care teams. Together, we forge ahead with compassion, determination, and unwavering resolve. “It will take all of us, together, to meet this moment, and VLPP is committed to championing accessible and equitable reproductive health care, no matter what.”

Dr. Shanthi Ramesh, Virginia League for Planned Parenthood Chief Medical Officer said, “Since the Dobbs decision I care for patients every day who drive 6 or 9 or 12 hours to obtain an abortion, I take care of patients who have never flown before coming to Virginia for their abortion and patients who are often panicked at a canceled flight or a flat tire means that we won’t be able to still see them. Prior to today Virginia was an important piece of this puzzle. But after today I am increasingly concerned about not just Floridians but the entire region and the critical role Virginia plays…No matter what obstacles are thrown our way, our mission remains clear: to provide compassionate, nonjudgmental care to all who seek it. We will continue to fight tirelessly to ensure that every individual has the autonomy to make their own health care decisions and access the services they need, when they need them.”

Jamie Lockhart, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia said, It’s clear that these restrictions and bans do not reflect the will of the people. Time and again, we’ve seen voters stand up against these draconian laws through ballot initiatives. The public has shown a robust desire to preserve and protect reproductive rights, pushing back against overreaches that threaten our bodily autonomy. When abortion is on the ballot, reproductive freedom wins. We’ve seen this ring true in states across the political spectrum, including Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. And we’re excited to be working with our legislative champions so Virginians get to have a say on their reproductive freedom and ensure long term protections. It’s a long process here, requiring the Virginia General Assembly to pass language twice with an intervening election, but one that is worth it to ensure that politicians cannot take the Commonwealth backwards by restrictions or banning essential reproductive health care in Virginia. Our rights should not be a political football dependent on who is in office and we have our sights set on November 3, 2026.”


Americans overwhelmingly support protecting access to abortion. Two recent polls show that a majority of Virginians support amending the state’s constitution to protect abortion rights. A CNU Wason Center poll showed 62% in support and a recent poll from Virginia Commonwealth University showed that the majority of Virginians (57%) would support a ballot referendum protecting abortion rights.


ICYMI: As other states ban abortion, VA remains a beacon of hope, by Paulette McElwain for Richmond Times-Dispatch.



The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood (VLPP) provides high-quality, affordable reproductive health care, education programs, and outreach to over four million people in the Commonwealth. VLPP is committed to ensuring reproductive freedom and reproductive health services through health centers it operates in Richmond, Hampton, and Virginia Beach.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia (PPAV) is a statewide advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve and broaden access to reproductive health care through legislation, public education, electoral activity and litigation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PPAV works to ensure that individuals and families have the freedom, information, and ability to make their own informed reproductive choices.


Video: President Biden Takes on Trump for Saying States Should Be Allowed To Punish Women for Seeking Reproductive Healthcare


From President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign:

President Biden Takes on Trump for Saying States Should Be Allowed To Punish Women for Seeking Reproductive Healthcare

In a new digital video, President Joe Biden blasts Donald Trump for his recent comment that states should be allowed to monitor women’s pregnancies and to punish women who seek abortion care. Trump made the comments in a TIME Magazine interview published on Tuesday. Trump also repeatedly refused to rule out signing a national abortion ban and legislation that could rip away access to IVF, and stood by his allies’ plans to unilaterally ban medication abortion nationwide if Trump is elected.

Watch Here

President Biden: Folks, did you hear what Donald Trump just said to TIME Magazine?

It’s shocking.

After bragging about overturning Roe and saying women should be punished for accessing reproductive healthcare, he said states should be able to prosecute women, and appears perfectly fine with signing a national ban that would take away IVF access.

There seems to be no limit to how invasive Trump would let the state be.

This should be a decision between a woman and her doctor, and the government should get out of people’s lives.


Paid for by Biden for President

Wednesday News: “Russia is trying to exploit America’s divisions over the war in Gaza”; “Trump threatens to prosecute Bidens if he’s re-elected unless he gets immunity”; “Trump’s Contempt Knows No Bounds”; “Florida’s six-week abortion ban takes effect, ending access in south-east US”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, May 1.

Video: Sen. Mark Warner Says Hostage Deal Leading to Ceasefire Could “diffuse some of the protests that have taken place on campuses across the country and across Virginia”


See below for video and a few highlights from Sen. Mark Warner’s press availability earlier today. On the Middle East situation and protests occurring on college campuses, Sen. Warner had the following to say:

  • “First of all, I agree with the Biden Administration that there should not be an offensive in Rafah until and unless the Israeli government can show how the close to million and a half Palestinians that are in that section of Gaza can be kept some level of safe. Israel has a right to defend itself the horrific tragedy of October 7 is I know still fresh on the minds of Israelis, but we’ve also seen 34,000 Palestinians killed, and a massive offensive in Rafah where more innocent civilians are wounded or killed is just not acceptable. And what I implore our friends in Israel to to remember is that, if as we saw a couple weeks ago when Iran launched a massive missile strike against Israel, that missile strike was unsuccessful; it was unsuccessful because of Israeli activity, of American assistance, but also assistance from the British, the French, the Jordanians and the Saudis. Israel is stronger when they have strong alliances. That support, particularly from Jordan and Saudi Arabia and potentially even from Britain and France, will disappear if the Israeli government takes this kind of action without protecting innocent Palestinians. And my hope, and I think finally the Israeli government has moved more aggressively on the hostage negotiations, I think we need a ceasefire…and we will find literally in the next day or so whether Hamas accepts the terms of a deal that I think are  fair. And I do commend to the Israelis for moving on that; we need this hostage deal to get those families returned. We saw the the video of Hersch Polin…his family were Virginia residents before they moved to Israel, this is the young man who lost his son and I’ve been very close with the family since October 7th – their son needs to come home. That’s only going to happen if there’s a hostage deal. If that takes place, I think we would see a dramatic lowering of tensions, we would have a ceasefire, and I think that would also diffuse some of the protests that have taken place on campuses across the country and across Virginia.”
  • “And let me address that. Let me be clear at the outset…I absolutely support the First Amendment right to protest peacefully; we have to acknowledge there is enormous pain and angst on a lot of these campuses… there is no place on American campuses for anti-Semitism or anti-Islamic rhetoric or beliefs. And we see on campuses across America where Jewish students don’t feel safe, where Muslim students don’t feel safe, where there is appropriate angst about the death and the destuction on both sides that’s taking place in the conflict in Gaza. But I also believe it is the responsibility… of the universities to make sure that that peaceful right to protest continues, it’s one of the hallmarks of our nation. But I also feel like there are laws, and when laws are broken, the law needs to be enforced…”
  • “And listen, there have been protests on college campuses literally since I’ve been born…in the 60s, I was in middle school, but I still remember when colleges were shut down around the Vietnam War with protest in 1968 and we’ve seen protests around literally dozens of other issues over the last 60 plus years. What is different about some of these protests, and I’m trying to do my own due diligence on this, is when when the protests are literally set up  encampments on university grounds. And I think most universities have rules against trying to bring permanent or semi-permanent encampments onto college campuses, that seems to be once these encampments take place, I’ve yet to see any of them that don’t end then in some level of of conflict. And I think we need to try to, we can try to do all we can to avoid that conflict. And frankly… the most important thing we could do to lower this temperature is to see if we could get this hostage deal, see if we could get a ceasefire and try to bring about reconciliation. I can tell you, as somebody was in Saudi Arabia in January, Saudi Arabia will never recognize Israel and try to help bring greater peace to the Middle East, and until this conflict will end. So it is in Israel’s best interest as well to go the extra mile both on the hostage deal and trying to bring this conflict in Gaza to an end.”
  • I think you have to look at these on an individual basis. I mean, I met with some of the VCU leadership this morning; I‘ve got more questions that I need to get answered in terms of the ratio of VCU law enforcement, city law enforcement, State Police law enforcement. So…I’m not going to make some kind of blanket statement. I come back to where I started, you know, there are communities across our country and particularly on college campuses where there is real pain and angst and…while there is a right of of free speech and protest, I don’t believe there are spots on our campuses where virulent anti-Semitism or virulent anti-Muslim feelings should be allowed. I think that at some point that speech goes beyond the boundaries of protected free speech. I hope as well that within those those set of rules, though, if you break the law, there needs to be consequences. I mean, I saw the breakage of some of the windows and buildings at Columbia University; candidly, that reminded me of other times when protesters tried to take the law in their own hands. I would condemn that, I condemn this kind of breaking of the law. And I do worry about the notion of of these encampments in terms of, I know on some universities they’ve said well, maybe folks will just peacefully disband them. I don’t think that has proven to be the case yet. So I’m going to, again, try to take these on an individual basis. I do hope everyone, though, you know, if you do have overreaction from law enforcement, that sometimes can spiral the level of violence and actually rather than cutting down on protests, actually leads to spread of the protest…My hope is that the college presidents and administrations will be communicating with each other and try to show appropriate restraint. But again, when the law is broken, there needs to be consequences.
  • “I am more accepting of when a student body itself is protesting. But as we see even from the VCU example, when over half of the folks that were arrested were non students, that concerns me. I mean, 14 law enforcement officers were also hurt in the protest last night. I think there are additional protections for students rather than, and whether those full set of protections fully extend to you know, there’s a set of rules you agree to as a student, sometimes if you’re coming in from the outside…I think that raises a different set of issues. I’m going to again though look at these on an individual basis. There is a right to protest. There are rightful and understandable concerns about the war in Gaza and the 34,000 Palestinians that have been killed and the 2,500 plus Israelis that were brutally murdered on October 7th. I want… there to be allowed to be protest, but I also feel like when those protests interfere with the right of students to get an education, particularly as we go into exam week, that pushes the edge. And again, I’m going to come back to what I’ve been saying – you’ve got a right to protest, but if you break the law there are consequences, and particularly if you see as in the case of VCU the majority of the folks who were arrested were not even students, that raises an issue of concern to me.”

Trump Tells TIME His 2nd Term Agenda: Political Violence, Danger to the Constitution, and Dictatorship


Just horrifying:

Trump Tells TIME His 2nd Term Agenda: Political Violence, Danger to the Constitution, and Dictatorship

Donald Trump gave an unvarnished, in his own words account of his plans for his second term.

They are dangerous, violent, unconstitutional, and chaotic.

Here is what Trump said:

  • Trump Claims “A Lot Of People Like” the Idea Of Him Ruling as a Dictator And as a Danger to the Constitution:
    • Said “a lot of people like it” in response to a question about him being a dictator and danger to the Constitution.
  • Violence If He Loses – Retribution Will Occur Against Political Enemies If He Wins:  
    • Asked if he thought violence would occur if he lost, Trump responded, “If we don’t win, you know, it depends.”
    • Said he hasn’t “had a chance to do it [prosecute]” his perceived enemies, and did not reject the idea he could assassinate a political rival.
    • Suggested the prosecution of his political opponents who he accused of “crimes.”
    • Said he would fire a U.S. attorney who declined to prosecute someone at his direction.
    • Openly said he would “get rid of bad people” and would use the military against Americans to attack protestors and rip families apart.
  • The 2020 Election Was Stolen (It Wasn’t) and January 6 Wasn’t a Deadly Insurrection (It Was)
    • Continued to lie that the election he lost was stolen from him.
    • Would consider pardoning “every one” of the violent rioters who attacked law enforcement on January 6.
    • Suggested those who don’t endorse his election lies could not serve in his administration and attacked his former staff who opposed him with childish insults.
    • Said on January 6, “nobody died other than Ashli [Babbitt].”
  • And So Much More:
    • Accused the FBI of “fake,” “false,” and “fudged” numbers on crime – because they reported it was going down under Biden.
    • Doubled down on his economic policies that will increase prices by about $1500 a year for working Americans and cause economic chaos.

Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson James Singer released the following statement:

“Not since the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today – because of Donald Trump.

“Trump is willing to throw away the very idea of America to put himself in power.

“In his own words, he is promising to rule as a dictator on ‘day one,’ use the military against the American people, punish those who stand against him, condone violence done on his behalf, and put his own revenge and retribution ahead of what is best for America. Bottom line: Trump is a danger to the Constitution and a threat to our democracy.

“Joe Biden believes democracy is still a sacred cause and his campaign is about the future America is going to build together, not one small, weak man’s delusion of a dictatorship.”


Paid for by Biden for President

BREAKING: Trump Endorses Prosecuting and Punishing Women Who Have Abortions


From President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign:

BREAKING: Trump Endorses Prosecuting and Punishing Women Who Have Abortions

In a TIME Interview Published Hours Ago, Trump Repeatedly Refuses to Rule Out Signing National Abortion Ban, Endorses Invading Women’s Privacy and Monitoring Women’s Pregnancies

In 2016, Donald Trump said women should be punished for getting an abortion. As President, he proudly overturned Roe, unleashing extreme abortion bans that are punishing women and threatening doctors across the country.

Now, in an interview published this morning, Donald Trump is doubling down, endorsing prosecuting and punishing women who have an abortion and invading their privacy and monitoring their pregnancies. At the same time, he repeatedly refused to rule out signing a national abortion ban and legislation that could rip away access to IVF, and stood by his allies’ plans to unilaterally ban medication abortion nationwide if Trump is elected.

Here’s what Trump said:

  • On if he’s comfortable prosecuting women who have an abortion: “I don’t have to be comfortable or uncomfortable.”
  • On vetoing a national abortion ban that could rip away access to IVF: “I don’t have to do anything about vetoes”
  • On his allies’ plan to ban abortion medication: “Well, I have an opinion on that, but I’m not going to explain.”
  • On red states monitoring women’s pregnancies: “I think they might do that.”
  • On whether his DOJ would enforce the Comstock Act: “I will be making a statement on that over the next 14 days.” [He did not make a statement]
  • On how he’ll vote on Florida’s ballot measure protecting abortion access: “I don’t tell you what I’m gonna vote for.”

Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s latest comments leave little doubt: if elected he’ll sign a national abortion ban, allow women who have an abortion to be prosecuted and punished, allow the government to invade women’s privacy to monitor their pregnancies, and put IVF and contraception in jeopardy nationwide.

“The horrific and devastating stories in states like Florida, Texas and Arizona with extreme abortion bans unleashed by Trump overturning Roe are just the beginning if he wins.

“Simply put: November’s election will determine whether women in the United States have reproductive freedom, or whether Trump’s new government will continue its assault to control women’s health care decisions. With the voters on their side this November, President Biden and Vice President Harris will put an end to this chaos and ensure Americans’ fundamental freedoms are protected.”


Paid for by Biden for President