Home 2023 Elections VA04 Special Election Is Tomorrow; Far-Right-Republican Nominee Just Hung Out with Insurrectionists...

VA04 Special Election Is Tomorrow; Far-Right-Republican Nominee Just Hung Out with Insurrectionists Michael Flynn, Amanda Chase and John McGuire

Make sure you vote for Democrat Jennifer McClellan tomorrow!


Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting…your VA GOP(Q), featuring insurrectionists/extremists Amanda Chase, Michael Flynn, John McGuire…and far-right VA04 GOP(Q) candidate Leon Benjamin (who’s running against the superb Jennifer McClellan. For more info on these fine people, see:

Michael Flynn: “In December 2017, Flynn formalized a deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to plead guilty to a felony count of “willfully and knowingly” making false statements to the FBI…On July 4, 2020, Flynn pledged an oath to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, and as Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in which he was defeated, Flynn suggested the president should suspend the Constitution, silence the press, and hold a new election under military authority. Flynn later met with Trump and their attorney Powell in the Oval Office to discuss the president’s options. Trump denied reports that Flynn’s martial law idea had been discussed. On January 8, 2021, Twitter permanently banned Flynn, Powell and others who promoted QAnon. Flynn has since become a prominent leader in a Christian nationalist movement, organizing and recruiting for what he characterizes as a spiritual and political war.”

Amanda Chase: Video: Leading Up to Censure Vote, Sen. Amanda Chase’s Republican Colleagues Stand Up – One After Another – and Excoriate Her, Urge Her to Seek Help [UPDATED: Senate Votes 24-9 For Censure]; Video: Amanda Chase Wonders What Dems Would Say If She Led a Hypothetical “White Republican Caucus”; Says Legislative Black Caucus Vice Chair Jennifer McClellan “should stop being a racist”; Audio: Amanda Chase Says Allowing People To Be in Legislative Black Caucus Based On Skin Color Is “government-sponsored racism; Audio: VA GOP Governor Candidate Amanda Chase Says “I reject the notion that there is racism…if anything, I would argue that we have reverse racism that’s going on in America right now.”; Criticized By Virginia Republicans For Her “Blatant Racism,” Sen. Amanda Chase (R) Lashes Out: “Republicans eat their own”; “when our country is at war the civility stops”; Amanda Chase Spent the Week Doubling Down on Racism; Sen. Jennifer McClellan Statement on Sen. Amanda Chase’s Racist Attacks; Virginia Sen. Amanda Chase Rants About “Destroying WHITE HISTORY,” Taking Down “White” Monuments and “Not Others”

John McGuireVideo: Far-Right VA Del. John McGuire (R-HD56) “doesn’t think women [should] serve in the military because he’ll get distracted.”;  DLCC: Virginia Delegate (and Top Glenn Youngkin Surrogate) John McGuire Admits to Attending Insurrection; Video: At “Stop the Hate” Rally in Henrico County Last Night, Speakers Urge Respect for American Diversity; Denounce Racism, White Supremacy, Xenophobia (Republican Del. John McGuire jarringly declared: “I heard the term ‘white supremacy over and over. And I would caution you that you cannot fight racism with racism”); Virginia Delegate John McGuire (R) Abandons Constituents Days After Re-Election to Run for Congress ; etc.

Leon Benjamin: DPVA Hits Rs’ VA04 Nominee Leon Benjamin for Campaigning for Far-Right Extremists Like Herschel Walker, Also for “spreading election-denying conspiracy theories” and Xenophobia; DPVA – “Benjamin has a long history of stoking anti-immigrant sentiment, supporting far-right extremist candidates across the country, and spreading election-denying conspiracy theories. After losing for a second time to Congressman McEachin on November 8, 2022, Benjamin refused to concede his race.”

Need any more motivation to vote for the superb Jennifer McClellan tomorrow in the VA04 special election against Leon Benjamin?!?



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