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“Don’t Gut the Clean Air Act — No to the Murkowski Big Oil Bailout”


Murkowski’s bill gutting the Clean Air Act and giving Big Oil a bailout is one of the worst pieces of legislation that’s come around in a long time. Every Democrat and pro-environment Republican (assuming there are any of those still around these days) needs to vote not just “no” but “hell no!” on this monstrosity.  

Super Cooch


The emblem used by the Cuccinelli PAC is cartoonish in an eerie way. You wonder if it isn’t emblazoned on a spandex undergarment. While the Attorney General is free to do what he wants with his time off the job, he ought to do the people’s business during work hours.

Part of that business is consumer protection. Here is a portion of his office’s online resource available regarding consumer fraud on the state website.

Preventing Consumer Fraud Tips

  • Always take your time when making a financial decision.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no.
  • Never give your credit card number out over the phone unless you initiate the call.
  • Beware of give-aways and free prizes. There may be a catch.
  • Offers that sound too good to be true usually are.
  • Report consumer fraud to Attorney General McDonnell and Local Police.

Apparently Ken hasn’t been in the office enough for everyone to notice he’s the new boss. McDonnell is identified twice as the AG on this page alone. Beyond that, if this is the best that an entire legal staff can muster regarding consumer fraud, you have to wonder if they even know enough to protect themselves, much less the citizens of the commonwealth. But in their defense, it is doubtful that there has been much emphasis on this area of the office’s responsibilities during the past five years.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that more than a thousand have signed up for the Webcast Town Hall Meeting Wednesday a week from tomorrow.  Maybe he’ll explain how if he is not using government resources to pursue this personal agenda why he is using the office of Attorney General to advance his PAC. And take the opportunity to introduce himself to his staff.  

Mr. President Kickin’ A**


Thanks toDailyKos

here is a 30-second video of President Obama telling Mat Lauer that he was down in Louisiana checking on the oil spill before the talking heads were paying any attention to the spill. His objective: to learn whose ass to kick. Hmm.

Bill DeSteph: “Muslems Build Mosques to Represent Islamic Supremacy Over Their Enemy “


So states Virginia Beach Councilman Bill DeSteph. Previously I referenced a story that appeared on WVEC TV 13 in Hampton Roads on Friday about a letter the councilman wrote to the mayor and citizens of New York City. “Virginia Beach Councilman Speaks for All Virginians”

Here is his response to my email.

I am not against the Muslims or Mosques or any other group or religious temple or icon.  I am however, against allowing the building of a 13 story, 100 million dollar mosque 600 feet from ground zero.

1) Ground Zero is sacred ground to all Americans.

2) When New York was attacked on that day, that attack was on every American. We wept as one, we mourned as one, we were united as one regardless of our political affiliation.

3) Muslems build mosques to represent Islamic supremacy over their enemy.

a. The Muslim world operates on symbols.

b. They have built the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on top of the Jewish temple to represent the Islamic supremacy over Judaism.

c. The Ummayyad Mosque in Syria is built on top of St. John the Baptist.

d. Hajja Sophia in Constantinople was converted into a mosque to show Islamic supremacy over Christianity.

e. In India there are over 2,000 mosques built over Hindu temples to show the Islamic supremacy over Hinduism.

4) The name of the project in New York is the Cordoba initiative. Cordoba was the name of the seat of power of the Islamic empire in Spain when Islam ruled most of the earth’s surface. The name was not chosen by accident especially knowing the history of the connection of Imam Faisal who is heading this project with the Muslims Brotherhood organization.

5) They are having their Grand opening on September 11th, 2011. This lack of sensitivity and respect, is a slap in the face of every man, woman and child in America. While Muslims lecture us “Americans” about being sensitive, this gesture of building a mosque at ground zero is the pinnacle of disrespect and sensitivity to the families of the 9/11 victims.

6) The Imam of the mosque is a great advocate for Sharia law, the same Islamic law that the 9/11 terrorists used as their justification for the murder of almost 3,000 innocent Americans.  

7) Cordoba house mosque will be a victory shrine at ground zero build on the ashes of 997 Americans whom we haven’t recovered and whose remains never been found.

8) It is the duty of every American to stand up with respect with the families of 9/11 and do whatever we can to honor the memory of those loved ones they lost. It is also my duty as a man who once wore the military uniform to do everything I can to honor and serve my country and insure that America’s head stands high for as long as I shall live and that I will fight and defend her and her honor from those who wish to do her harm.

I am not against building a Mosque because it is a mosque. What makes our country great is the freedom to come here and build a synagogue, a temple, a church or a mosque. People come to America for religious freedom and our constitution gives them the right to do so. However, I am against building a mosque at ground zero out of respect to my country, and the men and women and their loved ones who died on that day.

Warmest regards,


Again, his contact info is:


Please let me know if you get a response as well.

Do As BP Says, Not As It Does?


h/t: Donald McEachin

UPDATE: In related news, 98% of Americans say the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is either a “disaster” or a “serious environmental problem;” 65% of Americans say we should pursue “criminal charges against BP and other companies involved in the oil spill;” and 73% of Americans say the spill was caused either a “great deal” or “good amount” by “unnecessary risks taken by BP and its drilling partners.”

Could Kai Degner “Sneak Away” With An Upset Win Next Tuesday?


Could Harrisonburg Mayor Kai Degner “sneak away” with an upset victory next Tuesday, June 15, in a special election to replace Republican Matt Lohr, who resigned in March 2010 to serve as Commissioner for the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in the McDonnell Administration?  According to the Republicans themselves, yes Degner can! Here’s what Degner’s Republican opponent, Tony Wilt, has to say.

Subject: I Need Your Help!!! They think they have a chance to sneak away with a House of Delegates seat here in the solidly Republican Shenandoah Valley. They want one more Delegate to support the… agenda of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. … we have no margin for error… Democrats are determined to take away this seat from our party.

For more on Wilt and his “family ties” to a controversial natural gas project, click here.  To “get on the bus” for Kai Degner this coming Saturday (June 12), click here. And help Degner “sneak away” with a victory in 8 days!

Thank You…Corey Stewart and Martin Nohe?!?


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…thanks to Republican Prince William County supervisors Corey Stewart and Martin Nohe. Why, you ask?  Check this out.

The Prince William Board of County Supervisors agreed to join a regional compact Tuesday that calls for jurisdictions in the Washington area to work collectively to solve problems and better the region by 2050.


The document the board endorsed, the Region Forward report of the Greater Washington 2050 Coalition, outlines nine goals for the region to achieve within 40 years. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments approved the report in January, and Prince William is the 17th of the 21 jurisdictions in the council to endorse it.

Among other things, the Greater Washington 2050 Compact calls for “preservation and enhancement of our Region’s open space, green space, and wildlife preserves;” “a transportation system that maximizes community connectivity and walkability, and minimizes ecological harm;” “a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions;” and “healthy communities with greater access to quality health care and a focus on wellness and prevention.”  

Good stuff, my only problems with this are: 1) it’s not legally binding; and 2) as the compact itself acknowledges, “Many of the goals…are only realizable because of state legislative actions that are already accomplished or may be enacted in the future.” Good luck getting “state legislative actions” in support of this otherwise excellent document from the Flat Earth House of Delegates (Bill Howell et al.) or from Pat Robertson’s Manchurian Candidate (Bob McDonnell). Other than that, I’m very happy to see this compact, and even happier to see Republican-led Prince William County signing on (along with Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax City, Fairfax County. Falls Church, Loudoun, and Manassas Park)!

Coochland Uber Alles


Most American politicians can be placed somewhere on a continuum, between the desire to use their office to solve and manage actual problems of society, to the drive to impose their ideological vision upon reality, whatever it takes.  Increasingly – and tragically – while Democrats have become the party of problem-solving, most Republicans seem to have lost interest in any actual, pragmatic policies.  When epithets like “socialism” and conspiracy theories like the birthers’ dominate a political party’s discourse, clearly that party’s relationship to reality has become pretty shaky.

Which brings me – once again! – to Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.  It is hard to think of an office holder less interested in performing the actual responsibilities of his job.  Those responsibilities are laid out at the AG’s official website.  They are serious matters, involving the provision of all manner of legal support to the operations of Virginia state government.  They require vigilance in tracking down and bringing to justice all manner of criminals, from the pettiest sex offender to the loftiest corporation.  The Attorney General has grave responsibilities to keep Virginia citizens safe and secure, to keep Virginia agencies functioning on a sound legal basis, and to keep the public informed and engaged on all of the above.

How much of his time and our money is Cooch spending on performance of his Constitutional duties?  

Go to his office’s “News Room” and you’ll see a whole page of news releases about his legal challenge to the President’s health care law.  Yet this lawsuit does not fit anywhere within the stated duties of the Attorney General, and cannot be considered an appropriate part of any state government’s role since the concept of state nullification of federal law was discredited by a little civil war you may have heard about some years ago.

The extraordinary contradiction between Cooch’s attack on University of Virginia for conducting climate change research, on the one hand, and defense of Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church for disrupting American servicemen’s funerals to protest against gays, on the other, shows his loyalty, not to any core American principle like free speech, but only to whatever advances his ultraconservative agenda.

Clearly, he is not interested in being the chief legal problem-solver and advocate for Virginia’s residents.  Instead, he sees his office as a platform for advancing an extreme right-wing religious/ideological agenda.  And that’s a problem for those who care about effective democratic (with a small “d”) governance.  Because the record of ideologues who capture government institutions is not a pretty one.

The great political philosopher Hannah Arendt capped off her three-volume study, The Origins of Totalitarianism, with the conclusion that at the heart of the power of the Nazi and Soviet regimes over their people was how they used ideology to warp reality.  Ideologies, like religions, are designed to provide total explanations for everything that happens in the world.  They are in that sense, comforting, particularly to loners using their TVs or computers as their primary connections to the rest of us. Ideologies, as Arendt describes them, start with a single premise and expand upon it by using “logic as a movement of thought – and not as a necessary control of thinking.”  In other words, you start with premise “A” and use it to derive “B”, which leads to “C” and “D” and so on – until you have “explained” everything without having to deal with any actual empirical evidence.

The problem with hijacking the logical process in this way is that it takes ideologues and their devout followers farther and farther away from verifiable reality.  If you start with the premise that all truth and wisdom come from the Bible and the “free market”, and then consider that climate change is not accounted for in either, it must seem “logical” to therefore conclude that climate change is simply a vast hoax perpetrated by commie environmentalists who oppose both God and capitalism.  And taking this “logic” a step further, scientists who find evidence of global warming must be faking their results and perpetrating fraud upon the rest of us.  So to someone whose mind is that far gone along this ideological track, overturning a 200+ year tradition of academic freedom in order to pursue a scientist who dares to engage in such blasphemous research is the height of common sense and reason.

Indeed, to such an ideologue, just doing his job as it is legally defined must sound like the height of irresponsible absurdity.  How can he do his job when the Federal government is perpetrating such horrendous crimes as attempting to provide health care to poor people?  No, just meeting his responsibilities must seem as ridiculous to Cuccinelli as it would be for Clark Kent to simply perform his job as a journalist and skip all that Superman stuff.

Cooch is, as Dan Akroyd used to put it in his best Chicago deadpan, “on a mission from Gahd.”  Unfortunately, that leaves Virginians without anyone minding the business for which the Office of Attorney General was created.  You can bet that if the massive oil spill happening in the Gulf of Mexico were erupting off the coast of Virginia instead, BP would have nothing to fear from this AG.  No, laws will not be enforced as they must in the Commonwealth for the next four years because our chief legal advocate is off on a crusade that will not do any of us a bit of good.  

It’s a sad situation, and a rare one in American politics, where mushy moderates are much more common than radicals.  But it’s a lesson for why we need to continue to elect problem-solvers, not ideologues, to public office, and why we need to strongly oppose Cooch not just for his individual policies or actions but for the whole dangerous tendency of blind extremism that he represents.