Home Amanda Chase Youngkin Appointed Someone with “close ties to with an individual who was...

Youngkin Appointed Someone with “close ties to with an individual who was charged and eventually sentenced for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection”

Sadly, with Youngkin, this is NOT an isolated incident.


This story by Virginia Scope, which reports that “A political appointee in Governor Glenn Youngkin’s administration has close ties with an individual who was charged and eventually sentenced for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection,” would be bad enough if it were an isolated case of the Youngkin administration hiring a bad apple. But…it’s definitely not an isolated case. For instance:

It goes on and on, but the bottom line is, this administration is filled with people who have no business serving in government. That obviously includes anyone who had anything to do with the attempt to overthrow our democracy, overturn the 2020 election and illegally/unconstitutionally keep Donald Trump in power. And yes, there really were “journalists” who claimed last year – and even THIS year! – that Youngkin’s some sort of “moderate,” when obviously he’s hard-right all the way, with his role models for governance being people like Ron DeSantis, his BFF Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, etc. Oh, and presumably if journalists were to look carefully at Youngkin’s appointees, they’d find many more like the one reported by Virginia Scope this morning. Hint hint!


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